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Gorbachev_x 28.04
@lxr He was trying to upload a demo with the wrong name in the demo file. Already told him to name the demo according to the name he uses here on Rush instead of the name he uses on CC.
The error seemingly happens because the system tries to add a record under the name of a player yet not registered to the website.
Kpoluk 28.04
@Mojito one the guys you've mentioned made a few offensive statements, he's gagged for 3 months. Also you confused kzra with kzre tags.
lxr 28.04
@xinyna05 What context?
xinyna05 28.04
hello everyone. Does anyone know what a Specified player doesn't exist means?
swatter 28.04
@aquatic 🤝🤝
@Creep 😶
JocA 28.04
yep, but map is cool honestly
The real question is why the map is rated Short when it is 4min nonstop bhop if no fail.
JocA 27.04
@Mojito how is mojito_vvni1ght_ez a ez version? :/ imagine the hard version..
Creep 27.04
@abubas Не здесь речь не о производительности, а о работе дров со старым двиглом кс. Точно помню, что на 560 фпс порой до 50 просаживался. На моей демке на k_ice даже видно, как фпс во время рана дропается до 70-80.
@Hardbitter Which makes me sad
abubas 27.04
@Creep @hfour да сейчас и на интегрированной проблем никаких нет в кс. на 12400 собрал пк, пока без видюхи и все збс. никаких просадок.
ShoCk 27.04
@Creep Not yet :(
Creep 27.04
Any news about xj or cosy?
Creep 27.04
@hfour Несколько лет назад сидел на 580, 570 радиках, вроде норм все было. Сейчас 6600, тоже никаких проблемесов. Были траблы, когда лет 5 назад брал 560 радик, но там что-то с дровишками было
tHEYAMBO 27.04
What are you talking about, bro? They insult him, how would you react in his place? If you respect yourself at least a little, you won't let yourself be offended. And the fact that he wrote it here in the chat shouldn't worry you, since it's not your problem, so he thought it necessary to do just that
Kari 27.04
Playing it cool. Seriously, this will be a part of your karma.
Kari 26.04
Just let the job done buddy, you won't let people down right?
Kari 26.04
The plot thickens, seems like their names will explode if exposed.
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