Kreedz Jumping

Game mode when you racing with other players to finish a maps as fast as possible. Its comes from Counter-Strike 1.6 and was named in honor of creator
Our community will help you with passing the maps with your friends, set new records, participate and win in tournaments.

Last server records
Pro Nub

[CS16] Release #326 - 33 new records + Bans news

Posted by Kpoluk 1 Feb in 21:40
Today we will talk about bans, so first of all I will ask you to read the community rules once again, especially the very first one: READ. If you haven't read it, don't be surprised about your gag.

New bans on servers

As you may have noticed, our forum topic about bans has become very active over the past week. The reason is a new check, which concerns the so-called null script, which can release keys during strafes, saving players from overlaps, that is, simultaneous pressing of two strafe keys. Also, new keyboards with the snap tap function have a similar effect. According to our rules, the use of such scripts/functionality is prohibited, since it affects the physics of the game. Thus, all issued bans are correct, the records of all banned players will be removed in a few days, the next ban for them will be reclassified as permanent.

News on about skArp and outside

Following the news on Cosy-Climbing, in which skarp ​​and outside were banned for using cheats, there was a newspost on, in which skarp ​​was removed from his position as the main demochecker, while the investigation against him is ongoing. Since skarp ​​is our demo checker as well, I also looked into the situation and requested information from the demo checkers of In the end, no specific evidence was provided, only the general direction, according to which I checked the demos of skarp ​​myself and did not find anything even remotely close to the stated reason for the ban. I will not give details here and below, since I keep the discussion of demochecking details exclusively within the specialized chats. I've already conveyed my position and arguments to the new head of poker.

According to outside in the same newspost a check proposed by skarp ​​was mentioned, which, however, according to the post, will not be taken into account by their admins, since another check of outside will soon take place with the personal participation of the former head of ShoCk. However, it would be appropriate to show a video of the check that was conducted the other day along with a comment from skarp ​​(again, at my request, without details on demochecking). This is also necessary because I have repeatedly received private messages with videos of suspicious mouse movements noticed in the demos of outside, and this video also pays special attention to this issue. In the description on YouTube, you can download the demos recorded during the whole process. Regarding the ban of outside in our community – in the democheckers' chat dedicated to this issue, I did not see any specific evidence of cheating. At the moment, the ban is based on private chats and the personal opinion of the majority of democheckers, which in my opinion should not be considered a sufficient reason for a ban on KZ-Rush. So, the video itself and the comment to it:

Hello everyone, I’d like to clarify some things regarding the "outside" case.

To keep everything as transparent as possible and leave no questions, "outside" recorded the entire process from start to finish. He completely shut down his computer, started recording on his phone, and only then turned the PC back on. Everything that happened next was captured on video.

✅ After system boot:
  • Launched OBS and started screen recording.
  • Opened "services.msc" and showed all system services, scrolling through them to the end before closing it, to avoid any questions about "extra" processes or services running on his computer.
✅ Next:
  • Completely reinstalled CS, saving his config separately to avoid any questions about unauthorized files in the game directory. Launched GameGuard (client-side anticheat: after installing a clean version of the game.
  • Downloaded and added the go_fastrun and fastrun maps to CS in real-time.
✅ Gameplay process:
  • Launched CS and joined the downloaded maps.
  • Started recording a demo on each map and completed all jumps as usual (while maintaining the same movement patterns seen in his WR demos on Cosy-Climbing— in other words, his patterns matched those in his demos before his ban on Cosy-Climbing).
✅ Final stage:
  • Closed CS and then GameGuard (everything recorded).
  • Stopped OBS recording and finished the video.
⚡ Important:
  • "outside" did not stop the phone recording until the very end, ensuring that everything was captured without any cuts or edits.
  • Everything was done as openly as possible to eliminate any doubts.
  • Also, a very important thing: GameGuard initially blocks scrolling with the mouse wheel, as it is prohibited in regular CS without any mods (KZ, HNS, etc.). Therefore, I asked the lead developer of this client-side anticheat to unlock this function "outside" so that it could be used for ducking on the mouse wheel, but only in New Game (LAN).
My opinion on this case remains the same — you all know it. I do not believe that "outside" cheated or used third-party programs in his demos.


kzzNk_base done in 01:18.83 WR! (01:20.80 snowice) 1 place 60 Exp


cd_hb_J1ngbaby done in 13:59.94 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
Eldr_brotherhood_ez done in 09:23.01 WR! (10:09.17 Juby) 1 place 60 Exp
ftw_deathzone done in 03:36.27 (03:40.97 Belayed) 1 place 20 Exp
hb_187 done in 13:42.95 WR! (14:58.21 inactive) 1 place 50 Exp
hb_dilo done in 28:08.98 WR! (31:31.34 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 1 place 20 Exp
imkz_amaria done in 09:49.40 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
int_fortune done in 12:25.63 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
kz_return done in 08:16.13 1 place 30 Exp
mojito_vvn1ght done in 14:46.31 WR! (30:35.68 Rec) 1 place 50 Exp
py_Neten done in 06:40.27 WR! (08:18.46 boryz) 1 place 60 Exp
v4r_sneg done in 07:27.40 WR! (07:32.88 CamelCloud) 1 place 60 Exp
ytt_light_stars done in 13:15.05 2 place 19 Exp


kz_kzfr_shAktIblock done in 11:04.64 WR! (17:05.90 Pepo) 1 place 60 Exp


kz_mly_city done in 07:21.02 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


holy_somethingalamode done in 02:16.75 (09:20.98 Creep) 1 place 30 Exp
ins_ancientbhop done in 00:48.62 WR! (00:48.98 Creep) 1 place 60 Exp


notkz_kx_cliffjumping done in 05:04.33 WR! (05:13.88 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp
notkz_reddeath done in 05:30.64 WR! (05:39.83 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp


bhop_unithop done in 00:58.21 WR! (00:59.81 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 1 place 21 Exp


cobkz_minecraft done in 01:21.80 (01:04.30 Xednay) 11 place 20 Exp
kz-endo_toonvalley done in 02:08.41 1 place 30 Exp


mls_xmas done in 01:39.87 WR! (01:41.49 Aurora) 1 place 50 Exp
nks_planetary done in 14:18.91 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
notkz_kx_beach done in 03:01.99 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


kew_egypt done in 01:58.81 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


cd_vvn1ght_v17 done in 02:30.20 WR! (02:41.49 Juby) 1 place 30 Exp


dp_intoNature done in 05:35.73 (05:55.03 avivVv) 1 place 30 Exp
kzls_tropics_b10 done in 04:25.11 (06:33.93 avivVv) 1 place 30 Exp


rn_stepblock done in 02:07.13 WR! (02:17.56 Wooky) 1 place 30 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v21 done in 02:59.42 WR! (03:10.93 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 1 place 50 Exp
bhop_unithop done in 00:59.17 (00:59.81 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 2 place 19 Exp
ul_spring done in 02:15.36 (02:18.26 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 1 place 20 Exp
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Rejected demos - /speed - +use script
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[CS16] Release #325 - 25 new records + 4 New Community Maps + Mapping Contest

Posted by Kpoluk 19 Jan in 21:19
First of all, let us announce: the Mapping Contest is starting!

  • mappers can choose any (not violating community rules) film, series or anime as a topic
  • we give time until May 1st to create a map
  • the first version must be uploaded to our map upload at least a month before the end of the competition
  • the map must meet our requirements. You can read the mapping recommendations here.
  • cash prizes have been set:
    1st place – 20,000 rubles
    2nd place – 15,000 rubles
    3rd place – 10,000 rubles
    4th place – 5,000 rubles
    5th place – 3,000 rubles.
Let's wish success to our mappers, and in the meantime let's look at the new works released today: easy climb kew_egypt by kewen, medium-difficulty bhop sly_bas by Sly, a lightened but still hard-extreme version of the already accepted map mojito_xiaoheifenbhop_ez by Mojito, and also a small near-death ath_alenalan by athanaticks. Map checkers and testers CrayFish, V4R10L4V3R4, TyIIIkA and noclipz took an active part in checking the maps, for which we are very grateful to them. Enjoy the game!

And finally, I will mention a small update on servers – hosters have unexpected technical work from time to time, and the servers suddenly turn off, also there are disconnections on the player's side, and in such cases the automatic savepos does not work, so I added the functionality of shadow saves. This means that at some random moments, a savepos will occur in the background unnoticed by the player, so that in case of loss of connection, he will be able to use it, partially restoring his run. However, it was not debugged enough, and automatic saves made from January 13 to 19 may be incorrect (shadow saves did not allow automatic saves to be stored, so you might be thrown back). Now I tried to fix it, but still be careful, it is better to make saves manually with the chat command /save.


5oXen_vvn1ght_v21 done in 03:10.93 WR! (03:18.91 Rec) 1 place 60 Exp
5oXen_vvn1ght_v27 done in 02:36.92 WR! (02:39.78 Juby) 1 place 50 Exp
5oXen_vvn1ght_v4 done in 03:49.06 WR! (03:51.90 smrtsvima) 1 place 50 Exp
alei_vvnlght_v1 done in 22:48.65 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
bhop_unithop done in 00:59.81 WR! (01:00.07 Dolphin) 1 place 50 Exp
cd_bhop done in 02:10.69 (02:27.79 Lws) 1 place 20 Exp
ffy_divine done in 11:51.25 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
hb_Eldr done in 01:31.64 (01:41.72 Rec) 1 place 30 Exp
hfr_bliss done in 12:59.18 WR! (13:17.51 smieszneznaczki) 1 place 50 Exp
mls_inception done in 26:05.45 3 place 18 Exp
mojito_vvn1ght_ez done in 04:01.51 WR! (04:29.75 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 1 place 20 Exp
ul_spring done in 02:18.26 (02:21.82 Rec) 1 place 20 Exp


mls_xmas done in 01:41.49 WR! (01:41.59 colcolx) 1 place 60 Exp


ksz_skeleton done in 01:40.81 WR! (01:47.16 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp


kz_anubis done in 02:34.71 (02:34.71 all1aNcE) 2 place 29 Exp


bhop_m_cratera done in 00:23.91 (00:24.70 PeZ0) 1 place 0 Exp


all1_hb_flores done in 01:25.71 (01:09.00 Mecanicas) 4 place 0 Exp
bhop_aeonflux done in 00:48.22 (00:39.79 Penguin) 16 place 16 Exp
bhop_halloween16 done in 00:54.29 (00:45.08 millyrock) 4 place 27 Exp
mojito_vvn1ght done in 30:35.68 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
mojito_vvn1ght_ez done in 05:19.16 (04:29.75 asdasdasdasdasdasd) 2 place -10 Exp
svn_cosy_cupslide2 done in 02:14.89 (01:16.34 Silk_Road) 7 place 24 Exp


kzro_dsideblock done in 04:14.13 (04:17.04 tasi) 1 place 30 Exp


kz_kzfr_rabbithighwayez done in 03:44.56 (03:52.09 Rec) 1 place 30 Exp
kz-endo_templerush done in 01:43.80 (01:47.50 Sexpeare) 1 place 30 Exp
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[CS16] Release #324 - 31 new record

Posted by Kpoluk 12 Jan in 14:45
  • The ath_alenalan_beta1 map has been added to the servers for difficulty testing. You can leave your impressions in the corresponding forum thread.
  • The vLy_nantu2_d map has been updated. Also, on some servers it could not be nominated – fixed.
  • The /showvote chat command has been added to the servers, duplicating the Show Map Voting option in the Settings Menu.
  • The /anew chat command has been added to the servers, duplicating the /vip command.
  • A fix has been added to the servers, correcting the wave height on some maps. The bug occurred in the following situation: first, a map is played, in which the mapper, in an attempt to set the wave height for brush water, added the WaveHeight property to worldspawn with a huge value (while not using brush water itself), and then another map is played, where the mapper did not set anything for brush water, and the WaveHeight property is taken from the previous map. This is also reproduced on LAN, so if you encounter a similar bug, just restart the game. Hence I would ask mappers not to add properties for worldspawn it does not initially have.
  • The /cancel command used during a map voting cancels your vote (it will help those who accidentally click the wrong option). I can't think of any abuses yet, but if necessary, I will limit the number of cancellations per vote or per map.


bhop_g9_thefirst done in 88:47.45 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
cd_vvn1ght_v28 done in 05:30.04 WR! (06:14.52 Kalashnikov) 1 place 60 Exp
hb_10 done in 02:41.81 (02:57.79 LeOOO) 1 place 20 Exp
hb_dilo done in 31:31.34 WR! (31:53.67 rawe) 1 place 50 Exp
hfr_blur_rmk done in 14:07.93 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
mojito_vvn1ght_ez done in 04:29.75 WR! (06:13.21 Rec) 1 place 50 Exp
phz_anomaly done in 19:46.17 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


ksz_moonlight done in 01:26.36 WR! (01:30.74 Juby) 1 place 31 Exp


notkz_reddeath done in 05:39.83 WR! (06:01.94 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp


d3_axn_hehebhop done in 00:24.66 1 place 30 Exp


hb_Linkc done in 01:16.15 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


kz_giantbean_b15[1337trees] done in 00:58.82 (00:56.51 PMSA) 2 place 0 Exp


bhop_m_cratera done in 00:24.70 (00:25.03 JocA) 1 place 30 Exp


godc_2333 done in 45:49.24 WR! 1 place 50 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v21 done in 03:18.91 WR! (03:28.49 Rec) 1 place 30 Exp
hb_shNz done in 01:30.21 (01:16.43 Juby) 4 place 27 Exp
hm_devsbhop_h done in 02:03.53 (01:19.78 colcolx) 2 place 29 Exp
kzlt_rainhop done in 01:16.48 (01:08.81 Dolphin) 7 place 24 Exp
kzro_bhopbl0ck done in 02:04.80 (02:00.81 ChooKy) 2 place 29 Exp
kzru_minehop done in 02:20.41 (01:55.88 colcolx) 3 place 28 Exp
notkz_kx_hangar_v2 done in 03:58.91 (04:57.15 avivVv) 1 place 30 Exp
rn_minivalley done in 01:26.17 (01:20.61 Hawaii) 2 place 29 Exp
shr_sandhop done in 03:09.81 (02:34.45 Dolphin) 13 place 18 Exp
ul_spring done in 02:21.82 (02:23.99 Riverside) 1 place 30 Exp


kzzNk_base done in 01:20.80 WR! (01:27.19 Excommunicado) 1 place 60 Exp


5oXen_vvn1ght_v22 done in 03:03.88 WR! (03:08.10 goshopileto) 1 place 60 Exp
bhop_kamui done in 00:55.48 (00:47.84 Kalashnikov) 4 place 27 Exp
bhop_m_cratera done in 00:30.60 (00:25.03 JocA) 8 place 23 Exp
kzro_greybrickbhop done in 02:18.38 (02:05.04 goshopileto) 2 place 29 Exp
wps_naturerun done in 03:45.74 (04:03.01 goshopileto) 1 place 30 Exp


rn_stepblock done in 02:17.56 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
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Rejected demos - /speed
Deleted demos

[CS16] Release #323 - 27 new records + New maps + New Year!

Posted by Kpoluk 31 Dec 2024 in 11:12
Hello everyone! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! First of all I would like to wish you and your family health, good luck, success, good mood and that everything is going well for you!

In just a few hours our community will be 9 years old, so you can drink for that :) Let me remind you that some time ago I made a small page with statistics of our community for the whole time of its existence. It's always up to date, so you can check it out once in a while :) And in general it's very cool, especially when you see that our servers for the current moment have about 2 million records and 9 thousand demo records uploaded to the site, it makes our eyes happy. Thank you so much! And in a year from now we will be 10 years old and I really hope that the 25th year will bring us a lot of good things :)

I join in the congratulations and put a portion of content for you under the tree :) Two community maps hkz_bhop by Rachel and vLy_nantu2_d by vLy have passed beta testing on the servers and have been added under their original names. Thanks to our mapcheckers for participating in the check, including noclipz who joined in for assessing the difficulty balance. More maps for testing will appear on the servers soon, you can write your opinion on each of them on the forum, don't miss it.

And of course, the traditional release that ends this year. This whole year we have managed to release a new batch of demos every 1-2 weeks, this is a very good pace, and I should say that you are great. Let's keep this activity up, and we, for our part, will try to diversify the next year, despite all the difficulties that have piled up. May the force be with you :)


kzre_mess done in 04:53.83 WR! (05:03.64 CamelCloud) 1 place 30 Exp


bkz_volcanobhop done in 01:56.92 (01:34.99 paslalala) 29 place 16 Exp


bkz_dqvolski_most done in 01:40.57 WR! (01:42.41 ShoCk) 1 place 60 Exp
chk_insomnia done in 02:04.75 WR! (02:37.83 zuurdo) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_deserted done in 01:11.33 WR! (01:42.92 rawe) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_mls_embi done in 01:44.09 WR! (01:46.60 PMSA) 1 place 60 Exp
qn_winterhole done in 02:12.03 WR! (02:19.91 akkuratist) 1 place 60 Exp


notkz_kx_cliffjumping done in 05:13.88 WR! (05:31.41 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp


er92_speedtest done in 01:32.77 WR! (01:35.31 Lovell) 1 place 50 Exp


bhop_aeonflux done in 00:40.25 (00:39.79 Penguin) 2 place -9 Exp
kz_j2s_icevalley[-boost] done in 03:10.48 (03:03.22 Toff1fee) 2 place 29 Exp


kzzNk_f1ut done in 01:19.28 WR! (01:22.50 inactive) 1 place 60 Exp


kzro_greybrickbhop done in 02:05.04 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
wps_naturerun done in 04:03.01 (04:56.38 avivVv) 1 place 20 Exp


bhop_m_cratera done in 00:25.34 (00:25.03 JocA) 5 place 26 Exp


kz_a2_bhop_corruo_ez done in 06:01.11 (06:06.67 MEfro) 1 place 1 Exp
kz_a2_bhop_corruo_h done in 10:40.89 1 place 30 Exp
kz_kzsca_bastion done in 11:14.94 (10:24.91 sekai) 2 place 0 Exp


3T_xiaocaibi_mini done in 01:33.01 WR! (01:35.01 Juby) 1 place 30 Exp


bruderkz_woodenclimb done in 04:33.73 (04:49.69 Kris) 1 place 30 Exp
rs_valleycave done in 01:29.69 (01:30.02 Riverside) 1 place 30 Exp


kzcn_lightspace done in 03:13.14 (03:36.67 skinny-) 1 place 30 Exp


coma_X done in 00:58.32 WR! (01:38.28 McCormick) 1 place 50 Exp


hb_dilo done in 31:53.67 WR! 1 place 50 Exp


ksz_fastmountain done in 01:29.24 WR! (01:30.30 colcolx) 1 place 60 Exp


malle_hb_pekz done in 01:22.49 WR! (01:24.21 smrtsvima) 1 place 30 Exp


nobkz_minimal done in 02:13.27 (02:37.10 Wick3D) 1 place 0 Exp
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[CS16] Checkpoints release

Posted by Kpoluk 15 Dec 2024 in 17:10


hb_GoDfreee done in 48:14.64 (134 CP, 1891 GC) (03:39.82 JuanmiR) 3 place


bhop_ray done in 03:21.49 (55 CP, 39 GC) (02:39.64 DeathEater) 4 place
chip_bhopnoob_x[mpbhop] done in 10:26.94 (161 CP, 119 GC) (06:08.04 inspare) 3 place
hb_patchouli[mpbhop] done in 09:41.04 (106 CP, 167 GC) (04:13.66 PuKiS) 3 place
kz_synergy_x done in 06:09.40 (61 CP, 31 GC) (05:56.35 Creep) 2 place
kzblt_dx_blueshadow2 done in 17:15.06 (228 CP, 188 GC) (10:54.93 rawe) 4 place
kzlu_lunatiBhop[mpbhop] done in 09:05.76 (96 CP, 71 GC) (05:58.59 outside) 3 place
kzro_mountainbhop[mpbhop] done in 06:54.16 (97 CP, 33 GC) (05:49.19 colcolx) 2 place
kzua_zp_godroom_h done in 11:09.76 (186 CP, 144 GC) (06:55.31 inspare) 2 place
kzua_zp_hamunaptra_x done in 24:03.93 (349 CP, 310 GC) 1 place
mls_moriah done in 31:18.80 (107 CP, 451 GC) 1 place
muj_bindweed done in 29:07.98 (436 CP, 395 GC) 2 place
prochallenge2_mix done in 12:50.45 (226 CP, 137 GC) (09:32.39 sekai) 5 place


muj_bindweed done in 16:28.70 (293 CP, 248 GC) 1 place
prochallenge2_mix done in 10:38.33 (214 CP, 105 GC) (09:32.39 sekai) 4 place
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