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@Kpoluk any thoughts/chance of having a AXN only maps server? im not expert but i think it will be more active server than a Classic server
so blocking not connected with stucking into solid objects is still possible, that's sad
@malware not sure I can do anything about this
6500 xt sapphire в идеале с гарантией чеками коробокой за 7 к отдам
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@malware @SlasHeR uploaded new version of plugin with untiblock on all servers (previous had a few abuses, had to downgrade at the beginning of the week), test it when you have time. m4l is banned for 3 months.
user m4l blocking many times, i record two... here one of them :
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Это чмо блокировало лифт на fo_h0pbl0ck
@Kpoluk есть такой баг, нажимаешь гц даёт неправильный угол , нажимаешь повторно становится на место , думаю это из за лагов
@Kpoluk I don't think it could be caused by teleports. I will send you a demo on steam, so you can check it out.
@Qicg nothing changed in angles logic, maybe you're touching teleports the same time as doing gocheck, in this case trigger_teleport will set its own angles.
@Qicg Stop using 4itos.
What is wrong with the save angle feature on servers? Lately I'm getting incorrect angle (rotated by 90/180 degrees than it should be) like 1/3 of gcs.
мб kz_lain
ищу одну карту, фиолетовые текстуры на подобие камуфляжа, и еще там дождь был вроде, бхоп карта играл на кз номер 2
good day