Архив чата
@dislike У меня раньше тоже с этим проблемы были я часло жал gs после допрыга но со временем я избавился от этой проблемы просто много играя
It's not a big issue at all, only if it is really simple to implement would I like to have it on. There are many things that aren't necessary or aren't fixing issues that are still nice to have in the server. This would really help new players in introducing them to extreme maps. I've played and finished lrs2 and dislike_d for the first time and I can't count the number of times that I gc'ed after landing a jump that I was stuck on.
@dislike Я бы реально назвал подобные случаи проблемой самого игрока.Это же ты жмёшь кнопочки,не кто-то другой.
Сколько играю, всего пару случаев было с нажатием /gc после допрыга. По-моему это не та поблема, ради которой стоит заморачиваться
but if you really mind about it like feature, then make plugin to remember position from where you used /tp and make player to tp on it like /revert or something, that should work
exactly, you have to force your muscle memory with some delay in your head to check if you really landed, helps for me
@patris1mo это у большинства украинцев сейчас такая проблема, поэтому используйте ЕУ сервер, специально для Вас был открыт, пока такая проблема в мире происходит. IP - eu1.kz-rush.com:27015
Понял, спасибо
@patris1mo в Украине сервера не работают. Для такого случая запущен EU JUMP (eu1.kz-rush.com:27015)
Администрация, можете пожалуйста проверить есть ли у меня бан на average,hard?
Сервера перестали работать...
just dont brainlessly click gc after every attempt?
I think just an option in settings to turn it on would suffice, as it would be very annoying indeed if I have to play with it the whole time.
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
need to think about it, sounds like a potential place for abuse
may be remembering last pos on land like in mpbhop, then player type something like /stuck and can see if he really reached block or not and do cp there
@pepi I understand why this might be helpful, but I'm asking you about conditions under which this "are you sure?" question should pop up. If it pops on every gocheck, it'll be irritatating. Ideally it should ask you only when you did a successful jump, but there are no solid conditions that can define it.
What I mean is to have an option where the player can choose if he wants to have an extra option before gochecking. So lets say if I click or type /gocheck, if I have the option on a message will appear saying "Are you sure you want to gocheck?" or something similar. I spoke to many players and they would like to have this feature added if it is possible.
It's basically to combat the muscle memory of gochecking, so for example lets say I have been attempting a jump for 10 minutes and I keep gochecking, it's a common thing for many players to accidentally gocheck once they've landed because it is in their muscle memory. (this is also a common thing in many speed running games where they accidentally reset after performing a hard bug/glitch because they are expecting to fail)
Pepi's shine moment agan, do you really want to check?lol
@pepi but how should I figure out that this time jump was successful? Landing even cannot be used as indicator, since you can land after failing.
Well done Kpoluk and thank you for your work. Suggestion: Implement a "safe gocheck" feature. When attempting a hard jump after several failed attempts, players have a habit of clicking gc and then accidentally clicking it when landing the jump. An option like "Are you sure you wish to gocheck?" would be helpful.