Архив чата
@DragKedja there might be such bugs when add maps without restarting the server. I've made full restart just now, try to check these maps again. About nominations - give me a few examples here.
@Kpoluk And there is alot of maps showing up ass they should b on server, but one can not nominate them. i can make a list if you want
@Kpoluk Tooncayon got a invicibel wall right after Start, Brickjump stuck in the ground, and cant get unstuck
what kind of bugs are you talking about?
hamma_tooncanyon also bugged
ltb_brickjump Bugged map
Вы разбудили древнее божество - грузина подземелий из рода античитер
@-METRICKZ aaa tashi gilocav tqven moiget uto molodec ti viigral utug iiiiiii ddshvc
Damn metrickz
Мне кажется или он начал что то подозревать?
@MaVo^, зато весело, забористо и временами тонко. +1 причина посещать кз-руш.
@-METRICKZ zabante uje ego nechego ne delaet na forume ne igraet v kz ne pilit demki prosta trolit vsex i vso !!!
Типичный грузин с вак баном)
admini mojno spisok igrakov iz gruzii esli vozmojno takoe
choza chel ?
внешняя ссылка pheew ? nicole? tisha?
сервер кзмода будет недоступен пару дней по техническим причинам.
Kreedz Climbing server will be unavailable for two days due to technical reason.
@lxr thx
@Lifestealer+ it's his only account here and he's not oblidged to use the same nick as on cosy
@lxr Why he did a fake account?