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@MaVo^ На пвпру можно кфг найти наманый или даже под себя настроить с:
PeIII@1-0T PYKU, @ He Kqpr
Use givi.cfg
@MaVo^ ты ж Грузин, у тебя и должен быть разброс пуль тудым-сюдым, биджо. Так что все окей. Дело не в cfg,
дайте кто нибудь CFG для классика, умения жесткий разброс даже при стребле одной пулей,
если есть у кавота настроены CFG скиньте ))) умения пинг 3-5 так
@iso1 its a suprice he isnt autobanned there on the server
learn russian
@merc foken sliders makes me wanna puke ????
@iSo1 bunch of sliders , nothing special
@JocA sorry for DP.
Anyway, you can still find some UA guys on cosy I believe. But yeah, I haven't seen a good UA player myself for a damn long time.
@iSo1 ye i know for adan and playmate..but when did they recorded their last demo..so ooolong ago
@JocA Adantoud aka Berkut, h!ke, Playmate and bunch of others. Haven't you seen any of em' at all? FeelsWeirdMan
@JocA dont think even toff could beat that maps on pub so ez. Kzls_smile in 2:24 yea yea xD
@Creep i remember i told him are you toff? if not then u are a hacker so he got a little upset :D
@JocA just another cheatguy
he was good..but chance that he is him is 1/1000 :D didnt he stop playing some years ago
@JocA what about M@UGLI ?
i havent seen that good ukrainian kz player..execpt vitya but he is for slide haha