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swatter 05.12
@dislike за существенную поддержку комьюнити 👌👍
hfour 05.12
То, что осталось от xj пока живёт в дискорде, скоро сделают новый сайт.
dislike 05.12
Я не в курсе просто xj др сих пор убито? Альтернативы нет? Где все эти рекорды? Или всё похерели?
B2U 05.12
@pepi I dont know either, i sent message to him on steam and he didnt responded to them.Whoknows
dislike 05.12
Не забрасывайте, ребятки,главное. Может и я когда вернусь, будет время так сказать
pepi 04.12
what happened to DORA? havent seen him in a while and all records removed
Kpoluk 03.12
@edge if you have some evidence besides feeling, use private messages. Until then read community rules внешняя ссылка and refrain from public accusations.
Silk_Road 03.12
@edge sry. I didn’t play at that time (uq-kz), I just didn’t see a ban after the release It's even interesting to watch :)
edge 03.12
First player in history to use cheats on slide you say?

Have you forgot about Ersykzer and Juice ban from uq-kz?

Take a closer look to the demo and feel with your eyes that his player model basically has no weight compared to Bloly's demo. It's as if he is a feather.
Silk_Road 03.12
@edge the first player in KZ history to use a cheat on the slide? there hasn't been one before it, and it looks quite legal
edge 03.12

[ Это сообщение было заблокировано ]

asd123 02.12
Damn , must've missed that one. Thanks!
Kpoluk 02.12
@asdzdwdwzd2eawzdw2e ljs_chat_show_strafes 1 (check the full list of cvars in kz_jump_stats_info[EN].txt from lan archive)
asd123 02.12
sorry , [* str]
asd123 02.12
How to enable strafe count in chat stats? it appears as [* strafes] where * is the amount of strafes done in a jump
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