Последние рекорды серверов
Pro Nub

  • ty_ccr
  • era
  • 08:40.58
  • 47
  • 13 часов назад

Random maps keep crashing the Average server.

  1. There are several maps in the Average server that keep crashing the server and make it go back to the default server map, and it happens pretty much every day on every other map voted, I recommend isolating the Average server maps to a test server and test the maps in alphabetical order to isolate and save which maps crash the server because there are many of them, and fix them somehow.

    If a recommendation is needed, script has a plugin he made to keep changing maps automatically in alphabetical order and save to a log which maps are crashing the server along with other things, so it doesn't need to be done manually spending days, or even weeks testing each map to see which ones are causing the server to crash and restart.
    Отредактировано Gorbachev_x 17.01.23 03:54