Последние рекорды серверов
Pro Nub

  • ty_ccr
  • era
  • 08:40.58
  • 47
  • 13 часов назад


  1. Баны у нас довольно мягкие, но если вы считаете, что вас забанило случайно, то пишите сюда лог своего бана (чтобы получить лог, попытайтесь зайти на сервер, а потом скопируйте сюда то, что выдало в консоли).

    Мне не так важно, играли вы с читами или нет, мне нужно чтобы античит не давал ложных банов, поэтому подробно опишите свои действия перед баном - что делали в игре, что писали в консоли, может что-то меняли в настройках игры или конфиге, что-то нажали и т. д.
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 22.03.24 19:11
  2. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:440923853
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2020-12-23 19:38:36

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    tugushka is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    I have no idea why I got banned. I've never used any hack before.

    Maybe it was use bind that I was using.
    bind e "+use; -use; wait; +use; -use; wait; +use; -use; wait"
    Is this bind against any rules?
    Отредактировано tugushka 09.12.20 19:51
  3. @tugushka no, server doesn't detect +use script. Check your config for +jump;wait script, this was the ban reason. This is a new check I've added a few days ago, so I need to know for sure if you have any script like this (I'll unban you anyway after your answer).
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 10.12.20 04:34
  4. @Kpoluk I don't have any bind or alias that has "wait" except the use bind I've mentioned before.. My bind on space and mwheelup are just "+jump".
  5. @tugushka unbanned you and corrected the check, thank you.
  6. Thanks @Kpoluk.
  7. @tugushka one more thing, your scroll commands look very bad, most than half of you bad bhops are failed because there are 2-3 frames gaps between your commands. It's either you scroll too slow or you have some bad mouse like one of bloody x7.
  8. Lol server baned me for 14 days .. reason: wrong movement..
    when i restarted the game .. managed to get into the server
    bag or ??
    use only bind for "troll duck"
  9. @Devl1312 copy the log from console after you try to join the server and describe you actions right before the ban.
  10. @Devl1312 copy the log from console after you try to join the server and describe you actions right before the ban.

    I'm not banned anymore,
    only one time say ban wrong movement :)
  11. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:772846477
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2021-01-03 02:05:00

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    LOL again XDDD
  12. hi plz ja server average ban what
  13. @Devl1312 as for previous ban, there is no any logs about it, so I'm not sure you got it on our server. New ban is logged on December, 20, I'm wondering what were you waiting for three days.

    Wrong movespeed means you've used something that affected your movement in illegal way. Describe your actions before the ban happened. Specifically the last 10 seconds when you had inverted values for WASD buttons.

    @AvAl0N I don't see your ban in logs. If your ban reason was something like "command burst", than it's just a kick after the huge lag. Anyway I see you playing on our servers right now.
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 23.12.20 17:36
  14. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:772846477
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2021-01-03 02:05:00

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    wtf again..

    definitely the "ban system" is not working properly

    sometimes I can enter, sometimes I can't.....
  15. @Devl1312 when you can enter, it's either wrong server or you have different steam id. Second can be checked easily - write "status" in console and find there what steam id you have at the moment. In logs
  16. @Devl1312 when you can enter, it's either wrong server or you have different steam id. Second can be checked easily - write "status" in console and find there what steam id you have at the moment. In logs

    The problem is that he doesn't kick me out of the server but when enters, he writes that I'm banned ... so after a while I can enter. so again after a while it says that I was banned. who the fuck is who?
  17. @Devl1312 when you can enter, it's either wrong server or you have different steam id. Second can be checked easily - write "status" in console and find there what steam id you have at the moment. In logs

    Connecting to
    Connection accepted by
    * Privileges set
    BUILD 2186 SERVER (0 CRC)
    Server # 41
    Couldn't open file overviews/dg_osbhop.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
    Couldn't open file overviews/dg_osbhop.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Average server..

    Connecting to
    Connection accepted by
    * Privileges set
    BUILD 2186 SERVER (0 CRC)
    Server # 4
    Error: server failed to transmit file 'boek.wad'
    Error: server failed to transmit file 'boek2adventure.wad'
    Error: server failed to transmit file 'journey.wad'
    Error: server failed to transmit file 'psy_new.wad'
    Error: server failed to transmit file 'psyxop.wad'
    Error: server failed to transmit file 'shrub.wad'
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Connecting to
    Connection accepted by
    * Privileges set
    BUILD 2186 SERVER (0 CRC)
    Server # 13
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Hard server.

    my steam id "Devl1312 <wears prada>" 277 STEAM_0:1:170171889 "
    and I don't understand how my ID changes on my own?
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 26.12.20 16:53
  18. @Devl1312 your banned id STEAM_1:0:772846477 is not steam, it's generated like if you played with nonsteam client. And it's definitely yours, cause it's connected with your IP.

    P.S. use only English or Russian on our site.
  19. @Devl1312 your banned id STEAM_1:0:772846477 is not steam, it's generated like if you played with nonsteam client. And it's definitely yours, cause it's connected with your IP.

    P.S. use only English or Russian on our site.

    Yes I connected to see the difference in Mouse movement..

    I can only say that: the ban system "on the server is not working properly..

    if I already have: ban: give me permamently
    and then I'll know I can't come in anymore..
    and not like this at one moment I can enter at another I can't,...

    I don't know perfect English ... that's why I wrote in Serbian language..

    once again if he tells me I'm banned, I'm done with "kz-rush"

    from me so much....
  20. @Devl1312 Bans are working exactly as they are supposed to. You are banned on nonsteam -> you cannot enter on nonsteam. Ban doesn't affect your steam account. As for the ban reason, you gave me zero info about your actions before the ban, although I've asked you to do it.

    Don't threaten me, this is your first and last warning.
  21. Bans are working exactly as they are supposed to. You are banned on nonsteam -> you cannot enter on nonsteam. Ban doesn't affect your steam account. As for the ban reason, you gave me zero info about your actions before the ban, although I've asked you to do it.

    The problem is that it affects the "steam account" on it, sometimes I can't enter, sometimes I can't. do you even understand what i'm saying, writing?
    or do you just ignore the fact that the ban system is poorly made?

    I'm not threatening you, I'm just saying there's no point