Последние рекорды серверов
Pro Nub

  • ty_ccr
  • era
  • 08:40.58
  • 47
  • 13 часов назад


  1. Баны у нас довольно мягкие, но если вы считаете, что вас забанило случайно, то пишите сюда лог своего бана (чтобы получить лог, попытайтесь зайти на сервер, а потом скопируйте сюда то, что выдало в консоли).

    Мне не так важно, играли вы с читами или нет, мне нужно чтобы античит не давал ложных банов, поэтому подробно опишите свои действия перед баном - что делали в игре, что писали в консоли, может что-то меняли в настройках игры или конфиге, что-то нажали и т. д.
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 22.03.24 19:11
  2. The ban is given both by steam id and IP. If you cannot enter, it means you either trying it with nonsteam or have the same IP as you had at the moment of ban.

    Enough messages with tone like that, you've earned the comment ban.
  3. The ban is given both by steam id and IP. If you cannot enter, it means you either trying it with nonsteam or have the same IP as you had at the moment of ban.

    Enough messages with tone like that, you've earned the comment ban.

    in essence, you didn't even understand what I was writing

    Comrade, it's not a problem in the "ban", the problem is that at one moment I can enter, at another I can't?

    I understand what you are writing that I also received a ban at the "ip address".
    Well, the problem was that he was definitely LAG(PING)(MS) to me at the moment when I came in, my picture froze and suddenly it was created on the other side. After one sec.. screen log (ban for movement..)
    Отредактировано Devl1312 27.12.20 10:34
  4. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37832705
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    I was just trying 245 bj block and this happend
  5. @TuF unbanned. I'll try to investigate, but actually anticheat should ignore jumps at the same place. Maybe you tried it on different blocks or changed the bhop position somehow?

    UPD nvm, I see you often jumped after the block as well, I'll try to find some solution for such behaviour.
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 05.01.21 11:23
  6. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243477555
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2021-01-19 09:46:52

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:
    kz-rush.ru/forum/topic/5/ me no hack brat me real player me no cheats
  7. @TuF unbanned. I'll try to investigate, but actually anticheat should ignore jumps at the same place. Maybe you tried it on different blocks or changed the bhop position somehow?

    UPD nvm, I see you often jumped after the block as well, I'll try to find some solution for such behaviour.

    Yea there is 245 bj block sc on one map but you need perform one extra bhop after that
  8. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:539998553
    IP: I rather not share :D sorry
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    I was playing in a bhop map and went into an easier server cause extreme server was way too hard for me. I think im banned by mistake, im not sure what really caused it. maybe a specific bind? or my broken mouse? for those 2 cases I use this bind to do the jumps: bind mwheelup "+jump;wait"
    and about my mouse which is broken it sometimes does unwanted actions like jumping on its own or shooting and the console error is mouse3 unbound or something like that. here is a discription of the thing that happend just to help :D sorry for bothering admins with my ban appeal.
  9. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59844762
    Reason: Bhop Hack
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    играл вчера все норм, сегодня все норм, зашел попрыгать Lj вернулся на hard server, через 2-3 мин прохождения карты вылетает бан bhop hack :O
  10. @Radioactive yes this is because of +jump;wait script. You wouldn't use it if it's not useful, right? I'll unban you this time, if you continue to play with scripts the next ban will be a way longer.
  11. @Sly та же история с +jump;wait скриптом, проверь конфиг.
    Отредактировано Kpoluk 30.01.21 09:50

  12. https://ibb.co/VQSWJ6p

    userconfig вообще без биндов, от силы алиасы

    alias go_slot1 "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_m4a1; weapon_m249; weapon_p90; go_slot1b"

    я сидел все утро играл, сгонял на другой kz сервер и вернулся, через 2 минуты бан) хотя конфиг чистый, а даже только чтение с него снял)
  13. @Sly другие серверы здесь ни при чём. Начиная с 7 утра 28 января распределение твоих команд прыжка резко поменялось. За попытку обмана я могу продлить бан.
  14. @Sly другие серверы здесь ни при чём. Начиная с 7 утра 28 января распределение твоих команд прыжка резко поменялось. За попытку обмана я могу продлить бан.

    Ну да, я ставил старый свой cfg и играл mix, может там и был алиас т.к. кфг очень старый тогда я еще не прыгал, только после бана я полез посмотреть конфиг он был чистый не увидел ничего лишнего по типу waitl; https://ibb.co/Db0kMxM вот скрин что я в этот день как раз играл утром на миксе)
    сейчас же полностью снес кфг на дефолтный... с 2017 года не получал баны и играл нормально.. а тут такое.. ну буду ждать 2 недели раз уж такое дело
  15. Ban Information:
    Reason: Not specified
    Ban Length: Unknown

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Hello man. I think my case is complicated . Today i was playing the map
    notkz_kx_hangar and right before it changed to another map i was freejumping on a plane which propeller was spinning . Idk what happened but i was stucked in the propeller and the map change and that was it. I cant join the server the bar doesnt fill, it says after a while: Failed to contact game server.
    In the console the message is just You have been banned from this server. Nothing else The server is Average. I can connect in the others servers though but not this one ......
    Отредактировано rapier 03.02.21 16:06
  16. @rapier

    Reason: Not specified
    Ban Length: Unknown

    We have no such reasons and length of ban, you should copy the log from console and not write it yourself. You are not mentioned in our ban logs, so this should be a kick by flood protection, one minute later after this kick you can join.
  17. NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005
    Server IP address
    Connecting to
    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    Still cant join server.
    I can upload a photo of the console but dont know how.
    Отредактировано rapier 04.02.21 07:39
  18. I can connect now. Thank you very much !
  19. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:514764656
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    i was playing normally, after leaving /spec, and using /weapons
    i got banned
    before that, i was playing normally
  20. @lluvia how much time there were before you used /weapons and got banned?
  21. i don't know, probably a few seconds
    and i think i've pressed ALT