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@lxr please check message on discord
@ivansky Yeah, no problems. Can you send me a message in discord for details?
hi Kzrush people, is there any way i can become a movie maker for this community?
happy birthday @BackToYou (still the best KZ player) [one day delay]
Hi ,When will my map be released?
I dont have any steam my onlyone steam u blocked without reason after accepting my more than 10 records, BHOPPER.
@Yourstepdad you have the biggest number of bans here and still wondering about such things. Your last ban was literally yesterday. Man.
And i was never banned on cosy because of any cheating reason but u won't let or submit demos :( thats so sad.
Bibika vs shNz @ kz_cargo [+Ghost]
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@SleepLess banlist of another server won't be used as valid source.
@all Any futher accusations here in chat will lead to a mute.
[ This message was blocked ]
#DeathrunBattle Gorbachev Vs PoGdAb
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@abubas <3
Thanks tHEYAMBO and 5_Nico (:
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For people like topoviygus and master okazys and qcg extreme maps are just hard for others extreme are death so difficulty rating is just there to describe overall difficulty of maps.
map difficulties in kz-rush site have already been accurate and helpful for me, but maybe we can all help to modify them, if necessary
i was fooled by the difficulty listed in map info to play kzua_mk_amaria, this map is way harder than just Extreme, can someone fix it pls :)