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@OverjoyedBrass what you are referring to is called a segmented (or TAS in a sense) speedrun. This clock and checkpoint feature you mentioned is extensively used on bhop/surf modes in cs source. It is also available on surf-gateway on 1.6, and it makes practicing maps 1000x better. You really see an improvement with it.
How much effort would be to implement NO-checkpoint time? there would be 2 internal clocks running, 1 as usual.
2: after each checkpoint you save actual time, ON go check you overwrite actual time on 2 clock, after finishing map you can see your real time, and potential time if you did no mistakes and never used gocheck i think it would be nice feature
@OverjoyedBrass resolved issue
lj server down
hello, i joined my own VIp server i jsut launched, and i sent IP to my friend, he joined and can play normally, me: i cannot move, i dont see weapon, /spec /ct doesnt work, reconnect too, what can i do?
aloprando 2 more world records, kz_ew_forsakenmines and kzlu_lunaticblock_e:
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разбан мне светит?
topoviygus on arte_drift, top 1 time:
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@Edd describe the situation on the forum, what you were doing before the ban at least.
Why you not unban me then?
Playing since 2017 never get banned
False ban :D
@Edd why should I?
Can you unban me?
@paxmas you can if it has default name
question can i use skin model and play in kzrush?
aloprando on kz_conveyor - world record:
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kz community got talent. thx juice bruh
asdasd new talent in kz community, new topoviygus and smenyzaznaczky
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