Chatbox archive
Because when I play 3 or 5 minutes, the map takes me out of the game? Abu_to_d3stra
Is invis water off allowed in demos?
@Kpoluk Thank you for the message, I successfully bind my steamid to account 82842 but I have 1349 points on the other account 82843. what do I need to do in order to buy the VIP 1?
@Kpoluk не работает, у людей поспрашивал - тоже самое.
@AvAl0N внешняя ссылка - this is your server account, you cannot login into it.
внешняя ссылка - this is your site account, bind your steam profile to it (
внешняя ссылка ) and all exp from server acc will be transfered to the site one. I cannot do it manually, this is a part of automatic system.
@Kpoluk Please transfer the points from the account id 82843 to my new account id 82842 because I can't remove the steam id from the previous account(idk the user and pass) and I want to buy VIP 1. thank in advance and waiting for replay
Oh no, you can't watch due to copyright issues, delete me link, sorry
@mujik есть несколько карт, где все звуки принудительно глушатся. Если ты про kzru_dim, на ней кроме stopsound ограничителей быть не должно.
почему сервера глушат звуки на картах? даже если в настройках оф стопсоунд.
@dislike Поздравляю :-)
@dislike супер! Поздравляю!
@dislike Красавчик)
@dislike Поздравления dislike. 🙂
@dislike GJ !
@dislike Мои поздравления братишка)))
Ребят, у меня дочь родилась
Hi guys, somebody can helpme to build akz web page (like this) for my country?
@B2U @cstrike more 8000 xp im 3 times kreedz hahaha
but i think i stop now on 30000
@sekai think have 560 maps in easy category