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@FLP do people have to?
Why the fuck aren't more people uploading demos on this website, you did 5 releases in the same time period XJ did one...
@asdasdasdasdasdasd делаю релиз
почему нельзя загрузить рекорды без чекпоинтов?
@CrayFish я пользуюсь и я даже не уверен что лучше него что-то есть в открытом доступе
кто-нибудь пользуется компилятором sdhlt? он норм вообще?
Nooo, the IP @Penguin
@Penguin well done
Ban Information:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143919482
Reason: Illegal FPS
Ban Length: 2 hours
I used nvidia control panel to limit 20fps and was banned. D:
sekai on dyd_brick top 1 time with m249:
внешняя ссылка
[ This message was blocked ]
Though I wouldn't aim for the specs from past 10 years, even though mine and most are like this. That would make sence if the game itself was released 10 years ago, but the engine is more than 25 years old. It wasn't supposed for open areas, but even 1 Gb of GPU should be enough to handle almost any open area kz map that was optimized properly. So wpoly check should be made anyway if you do anything more complicated than two blocks in a box.
@arte_de_la_puerta seems like I ran too much soft yesterday, checked it now once again and it's ok, nvm
People with fps drop have extremely slow pc specs. If you have a CPU with iGPU made in the past 10 years, it wouldn't be a problem. This doesn't mean I don't optimize the map. I optimized it for a certain specs and it is all good. On top of my head, there is exactly 1 spot with fps drop for low specs. If you have fps drop everywhere, maybe the map is too hard on the pc.
@arte_de_la_puerta one more thing, I have very noticable fps issues on arte_drift. Even on maps with known fps problems I had 1-frame drops, but here I can literally see how fps goes down.
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@arte_de_la_puerta when arte_to2u?
arte_tokazys could be played in LAN just fine. The only thing different is the teleport. Not a problem but it is not as immersive as it should be. arte_twist can be played with high sens :))))
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