Chatbox archive
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I don't understand the kzrush system, it steals my points every time and I have proof, kpoluck deleted me from discord, what kind of community is this?
@nokia По идее теперь старые ссылки тоже должны работать и перекидывать на новые. Можешь проверить?
@nokia релиз 21 мая прочитай. Я как понимаю все там
Добрый вечер! А куда пропалистатьи «Физика стрейфов/Физика lj»
aquatic scj compil
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вхахахахах что
@Kpoluk , fair point
@dReaMLike I've asked to add them, that's better than if there weren't any. It's still very risky for nocp runs, but at least it should be possible for a bunch of players. I gave a few comments regarding such cases in the latest newspost.
@dReaMLike ty. as for the save locations. As for the save locations. unfortunately, this was not my initiative
about xr_fantasy - it was quite pointless to put safe parts when 80% of the coinflip jumps are not.
cool map tho
@bayacca amx_map пробуй
@bayacca не вижу, чтобы ты запускал вип сервер, да и випа у тебя нет.
@bayacca проверь название карты ,мб лишний пробел поставил после /map
ребят, подскажите плз на вип серве карта не меняется, когда прописываешь /map .... что делать?
kkz_texture faster than WR
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Was fu_devhops difficulty reconsidered and changed from hard to avg-hard? i dont remember what was written there before
@5_Nico , me too.
@b2u i like the texture in dyd bhop
@dReaMLike He just need to make little diffirent bhop parts and better textures because people dont love it, i gues mostly wall texture :) @dydka your maps are really nice and popular. :)
@dydka , dyd_bhop2 (death difficulty) :D
Love your maps
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