Last server records
Pro Nub


  1. Our bans are quite short, but if you think that you were banned by accident, then write the log of your ban here (to get the log, try to log into the server, and then copy here what is displayed in the console).

    It’s not so important to me whether you played with cheats or not, I need the anti-cheat not to give false bans, so describe in detail your actions before the ban - what you did in the game, what you wrote in the console, maybe you changed something in the game settings or config, pressed something, etc.
    Edited by Kpoluk 22.03.24 19:11
  2. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33953558
    Reason: Wrong Movespeed
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-03-18 21:19:04

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    False ban
    клавиатура была облита и липкая, кнопки липли и ходил какбудто на геймпаде то быстро, то медленно и прилетел бан
    могу продемонстрировать
    Edited by Edd 07.03.25 09:01
  3. ************************************************

    Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96007947
    Reason: null script/snap tap
    Ban Length: Permanent

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    На сервере играю давно, на сколько помню до этого бана никогда не получал.
    Месяца 2 назад получил бан по похожей причине всего на 14 дней, знакомые сказали что "на сервере что-то случилось с античитом" и я особо не вдавался в детали. После разбана спустя 2 недели зашёл на сервер и минут через 5 снова был забанен на 2 недели. Спустя так же 2 недели захожу и в этот раз пермач. Я не особо понимал в чём причина так как вообще не разбираюсь в причине бана да в файлах игры тоже, и всё так же думал что это проблема "античита" Обратился к человеку который разбирается в этом деле. В файлах игры, в какой-то из строчек был "alias" за который как я понял и был забанен, всё поставил на заводские настройки.
    До этого играл на проэкте спокойно, всё на том же компъютере, всё с той же кской, всё с теми же файлами.
    Edited by Asel 07.03.25 16:28
  4. @Edd за липкую клавиатуру этот бан не даётся. Раз не хочешь ждать две недели, я даю разбан, но тогда следующий такой бан станет перманентным, так что клавиатуру лучше почистить.

    @Asel хорошо что нашёл скрипт, бан снимаю, конфиг советую использовать дефолтный с разрешёнными биндами на скролл. В следующий раз разбана не будет.
  5. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81945634
    Reason: Snap Tap
    Ban Length: 14 days

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Completed demo

    Amazing anti cheat, I even asked you about timings on keys when going up and down u said it shouldn't affect. Obviously it do cuz I just got banned for "snaptap" when my keyboard doesn't have that function at all.
    Why would I even use snaptap when I know its so easy ban on it. Makes no sense
    I use steelseries apex TKL pro
    Edited by grumie 10.03.25 14:52
  6. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:523258098
    Reason: Snap Tap
    Ban Length: 14 days
    Unban Time: 2025-03-25 10:40:17

    If you think you were banned unfairly, report this information on our forum:

    Kicked by Console: "You are banned from this server. Check your console"
    Kicked :"You are banned from this server. Check your console"

    Accidentally put the wrong profile on on my wooting keyboard
  7. Ban Information:
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34231424
    Reason: null script/snap tap
    Ban Length: Permanent

    Здравствуйте, забыл выключить снаптап пару раз после игры в апекс легендс. Прилетел пермач, можете один раз пожалуйста помиловать?
  8. @Hello пермач прилетает за два таких бана. Но можешь попробовать ещё раз, просто имей в виду, что после третьего раза разбана не будет.

    @KaMi your keyboard has so called LKP (Last Keystroke Priorization) which is a full analog of snap tap. Anyway anticheat doesn't check your type of keyboard or its functions, it just analizes your strafes. During the last 5 minutes on the server you were repeating the same scheme: two strafes and 2-3 bhops. All strafe switches were absolutely identical, and you did it a few hundred times in a row.
  9. @Kpoluk
    My keyboard dont have LKP...
    Yea, like i said first time i wrote here because of the bann 1month ago ... and i explained there what happened(shortly)...
    Ofcourse i repeat same patrons because i was attemping one zone on "mls_ljrace" with AK where you need for sure 5 bhops in arrow with fog1 and 263-264 pre because ak...(probably i were there for 20min as i got banned) , so ofcourse my patrons will be similar... , try do 2strafes and try not get overpre... and then pray for 5-fog1 (because if u match enough speed + fog1 u no need to strafe... and u will get always same speed...)
    Seems for that im cheating (or cheater...) and i get ban "everything" less "community records" for this "kinda problem" for real .

    I hope you understand this shouldnt be banned .

    Thank you for you attencion!
  10. @KaMi, why not tell here what you have used in your runs on kzrush, just in these few demos, i didn't have time for your other runs:


    ofc i ask about the strafe topic, no need to talk about anything else like bhop or anything similar :)
  11. @JocA
    What do you mean? keyboard mouse mousepad? Dont really know where u want to go guys ... I think is not that hard and you are making this harder. Maybe we can talk private via-steam,discord... because im feeling there is some missinformation that i dont have...

    Are the same since 2023 keykron k3 , ec2-b , and mouse-pad logitech dont remember which model but common one .
    I have played with g703 before ,so probably those community-records was made with g703 ,but really dont remember, could be done with zowie ec2-b., but i dont think mouse is the problem.

    My topic is simple , cuz got banned of "Snap-tap" like i said is an optical keyboard and sometimes detect snap-tap. After get banned ,i got everything public-records deleted for this . (When the community records i had made with the same keyboard-mouse-mousepad)
    For sure berore 2023 played with k70 keyboard and other keyboard,mouses,mousepad...)
    Those runs are deleted aswell for no reason but ok .
    So thats why im talking, because if i got banned and then i saw " every publicruns are deleted" makes no sense that the "community records are not deleted aswel... " So thats why i told "my community records" its like a proof that my keyboard sometimes detects that snap-tap because it doesnt have nothing like LKP , nothing to tweak is just because low profile and optical and sometimes that fast signals make detect like some snap-tap .

    And really dont know what to say about "strafe-topic" explain better what you want from me , so i could explain better or try to remember anything that i could provided to you because from bann i didnt touch any kz .

    Thank you again for attencion ! Have a nice day
  12. Ok i checked some of your older (2018) and newer (2024) demos, and they are indeed different about strafes, meaning what you said could be the truth, i don't want to go deeper about it.

    you wrote about "keykron k3" but you could also explain that it has two versions: Mechanical and Optical keys, i don't see a reason why would i needed to waste my time about, if you were directly asked about - you could explain that in one sentence, but whatever

    i must say i agree that the optical keyboards can cause this problem, but also cheats can do this. so i guess you are enougly smart to understand my (i cant say for Kpoluk's side, but seems me and him are on the same boat) concerns about your case

    now, the thing is, what to do with these information, should KZ communities reject all demos with optical keys ? SnapTap is everywhere disallowed, no need to discuss it.
    so, what is your opinion, as clean player (lets say i trust you) and uses that optical keyboard, what should we do in future?

    i had idea that every player should be having stated: "Optical keyboard" on his profile (kzrush site, cosy, xj, or whichever)...but that will open door for cheaters, who from demochecking team is willing to battle with that .. :)

    other way is to totally reject players with optical, snaptap

    PS: i don't think private messages are needed, lets write problems publicly, i don't see why we should hide any conversations

    EDIT: if I'm not mistaken there is difference between snaptap and optical:
    snaptap is doing you a favor, to not have overlapped strafes, optical is not doing that
    correct me if I'm wrong :)
    Edited by JocA 19.03.25 22:39
  13. @JocA
    I dont know , sometimes is hard to explain or do other people to understand you ... and more when u dont talk the same language , Im trying my best with my low level at english ...

    I know is easier to thing anyone is cheater , and nowadays ... even more , but really after 6khours in 1.6 and others 6k csgo/cs2 is like a passion for me.( now u will say12k is nothing... jajaja)
    Thats why im spending time to explain to you my issue ,and really sorry for lossing yours with this topic... , but seems more important than expected

    No, Keykron k3 only is optical because i tryed to buy gatheron switches but not compatible ...(or just im stupid) ,so this one is optical only .
    Im working to buy new keyboard that is not optical... to avoid this ugly issue ...

    Ofc i understand your posture about my case and is quite reasonable to avoid cheaters...

    I dont really know, thats not my decision because im just a player with my pasion , and never concerned about cheaters... , but in your posture would be a really hard decision .
    For sure the main thing is teaching how this features play role on kz movement and add it to "community rules" to people avoid this issue .
    Im agree u have to ban people but for sure are diferent cases for different kind of issues ... , and here u should know what expect from this tecnologi to aprove or disagree my petition to unbannme , and not me trying to explain to you xd, but this is the cost
    Dont really know if this happen with all kind of optical-keyboards but with low-profile it happens to me often (maybe because the travel of press is to low and i try to press fast multiple keys) so maybe having more travel is easier to avoid this issue...
    Dont play optical keyboard to avoid this issue with anti-cheat...
    Maybe optical-analog avoid this issue didnt tested keyboards with that feature so thats a thing that u need to investigate , test ... dunno

    **For my understanding :Snap-tap is for example when u strafing ADAD , when u are pressing A and u want press D , it helps u release A while pressing D avoiding pressing 2 keys at same time so thats my understanding for this kinda of cheat... , so u need software to activate this feature provide from respective brand but not all kind of keyboards has
    i think is called too as a fast-trigger so being same as snap-tap
    Optical: there is a light that when u press the button it losses the signal making it press

    I asked Deepseek few weeks ago because wanted to know more about my concerns.. :
    """When using optical keyboard when Strafing AD sometimes can lead to snap-tap isue because you strafing and sometimes can lead a perfect transfer""""

    The snap-tap issue you’re describing when strafing (using A and D keys) on an optical keyboard is a common concern, especially in competitive gaming. This issue arises due to the actuation point and response time of optical switches, which can sometimes lead to unintended inputs or imperfect movement transitions. Let’s break down the problem and how to address it:
    What is the Snap-Tap Issue?
    When strafing left and right (using A and D keys), the rapid switching between keys can sometimes cause:
    -Snap: An unintended pause or delay in movement.
    -Tap: An unintended keypress or release due to the sensitivity of optical switches.
    Why It Happens:
    Optical switches are extremely fast and sensitive, which can lead to:
    -Overlapping Inputs: Pressing A and D simultaneously or releasing one key too quickly.
    -Actuation Point Sensitivity: If the actuation point is too high or low, it can cause inconsistent inputs during rapid key transitions.

    Now i asked ""What is optical keyboard""
    An optical keyboard is a type of keyboard that uses optical technology for key actuation, as opposed to traditional mechanical or membrane keyboards. Instead of relying on physical electrical contacts (like in mechanical keyboards) or rubber domes (like in membrane keyboards), optical keyboards use light-based mechanisms to detect key presses. This technology offers several advantages, particularly in terms of speed, durability, and responsiveness.

    How Does an Optical Keyboard Work?
    Optical Switches:
    -Each key on an optical keyboard has an optical switch underneath it.
    -When a key is pressed, it interrupts a beam of light (usually infrared) inside the switch.
    -A sensor detects this interruption and registers the key press.
    Light-Based Actuation:
    -The absence of physical electrical contacts means there’s no need for metal-to-metal contact, reducing wear and tear.
    -The light beam is instantaneously interrupted, resulting in faster response times compared to traditional keyboards.

    Thank you again for everything , Have a good day!

    PS:hope it gets to good and understable
  14. Yeah, i checked how optical keys are working, laser, and seems low pressure and what not..

    important is, what to do now? of course its more a question for admins, but players should have their opinion/views too
    we can talk about only your case, but i think its better to solve it "globally" so no one will need to write separately their cases

    some popular players could be having these type of keyboard too (keys i mean), like topo? or patchouli or who knows who else...

    of course i have no clue what Kpoluk have coded in his anticheat for this type of detection, but if he is 100% sure and he tested all possible cases, if he can say that your ban was 100% reasonable, then all this talk should be ignored from me and you...i would like that Kpoluk have the power to know whether its cause of a keyboard or a specific cheat was used

    and KaMi don't get confused if i get comment ban for writing on kzrush forum too, keep in mind i get what you are saying :)
  15. I dont know , i could try record demo-pov and upload to youtube... then we could see what is happening to me and debate further...

    But really like i said ; for my self ,i cant test every types of keyboard because they are expensive.
    I can tell mine case like a point of view , then u can judge and help or not ...

    Drunkdeer and other keyboards has software that u can change config so u can avoid my issue and its okay...
    So the thing is avoid optical keyboards that not having software...

    Bro , if i really cheat any kind way
    im really not going to spent time here writing everything im writing , people know me and they know how friendly im, sometimes when i joined to server i tryed to help people if they having issues , and other stuff .

    My opinion , if you going to ban someway... do it properly
    Because im playing with this keyboard since 2023... i dont know march? and didnt had isse till month ago... ; so the other maps done with k70 shouldnt be deleted ... , if is it like this , do well your bans .
    Ofc i know it should spend a lot of time for check this ... , so from my point of view u can do whatever you want because time is gold ; so if you bother, be free and skip my issue like i feel it is going to happen.
    Honestly is just sad because all this stuff and how it is going .

    From me i think is everything , i apreciate a lot your time(all people involved) spent to make this web-server possible i enjoyed a lot playing kz on your community and understanding his mecanics , hope this case go to good boat ... .


    Like always , have a great day ^^

    PS : I wrote u could add on community rules , how keyboard involve and which kind of keyboard avoid/use and this should be enough . And how you going to proceed in any case . And then this case no need to be open because it is on rules , so u even no need to explain people because there are rules overthere...
  16. В клавах есть мультикей латенси, есть сингл кей. на новых клавах м-кей бывает почти нулевой (на уровне с-кей) тоесть при быстром спаме может казаться что кнопки нажимаются почти в одно время (возможно у груми выше в этом дело, а может наоборот его модель арех как кехрон ками)

    обычно на 999% клав м-кей всегда выше чем с-кей в 2-3 раза т.е. при спаме интуп плавал всегда

    вот так выглядит латенси на обычных и/или "старых" клавах

    а вот кехрон к3 (см график)

    как видим на ней наоборот задержка приличная (15+ мс), но при этом СКей и Мкей почти одинаковые, может дело в одном из этих параметров либо в обоих т.к. такое сочетание (!) редкость

    Edited by jos 22.03.25 05:54