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Pro Nub

Map info

ffy_hb_Clearlove ( Cosy-Climbing) 20.06.2020
Cosy-Climbing record LANE - 13:25.58

KZ-Rush record akkuratist - 14:13.63

Mapper  F1uffY

Pro-record topoviygus - 07:50.91

Nub-record topoviygus - 05:46.99 (90 cp / 44 gc)

Difficulty Extreme

Length Long

Download map ffy_hb_Clearlove (4,82 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 akkuratist 14:13.63   26.03.22
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 topoviygus 10aa 07:50.91 25.04.24
2 dous 100aa 09:06.73 01.06.24
3 Keita 10aa 09:10.90 29.10.23
4 mika 100aa 15:45.27 05.06.24
5 PuKiS 10aa 19:12.20 02.10.22
6 akkuratist 10aa 19:27.77 20.12.20
7 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 27:04.67 03.12.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 akkuratist 10aa 28:30.81 29.12.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 topoviygus 10aa 05:46.99 25.04.24 90 44
2 LLazar 10aa 05:53.24 29.06.24 76 56
3 9d^ 100aa 06:17.10 19.01.24 62 56
4 brokoly 10aa 07:05.95 29.12.20 67 74
5 Keita 10aa 07:16.35 29.10.23 81 61
6 akkuratist 10aa 08:02.64 05.01.21 76 75
7 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 08:15.76 03.12.24 104 121
8 dropzone 10aa 08:31.56 02.10.22 119 95
9 nett 100aa 08:50.39 09.08.24 73 142
10 PuKiS 10aa 09:23.85 11.07.22 93 93
11 FWX 10aa 09:37.25 03.08.24 95 127
12 AlDiabalos 10aa 10:29.97 08.12.20 136 140
13 dous 100aa 10:52.41 01.06.24 119 137
14 mursu 10aa 11:14.35 19.12.20 90 147
15 desuuu 100aa 11:20.39 03.12.24 125 181
16 MEEL 10aa 11:26.87 15.08.21 96 127
17 all1aNcE 10aa 12:46.16 08.12.20 117 180
18 envy 10aa 12:48.97 11.07.22 88 199
19 r0ckst4r 100aa 12:54.67 25.02.24 96 165
20 Kalashnikov 10aa 13:21.23 01.12.20 78 198
21 F1uffY 10aa 13:56.02 03.12.24 96 171
22 iEsse 100aa 14:24.41 01.10.24 89 222
23 drizz 10aa 14:31.02 08.03.24 118 196
24 pinkheart 10aa 14:36.38 06.01.25 84 150
25 rach 10aa 14:50.30 08.12.20 55 119
26 Ripzu 10aa 15:10.61 03.12.24 179 233
27 HaMMa 10aa 15:25.52 08.12.20 100 189
28 reatzh 10aa 15:31.04 24.05.21 167 242
29 Aguslashx 10aa 15:40.62 05.02.24 86 227
30 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 15:59.71 11.07.22 172 233
31 qbig 10aa 16:01.60 09.08.24 130 203
32 QuaD 10aa 16:11.14 08.12.20 85 169
33 Juby 10aa 17:18.76 08.12.20 51 118
34 szczypczynska 10aa 17:57.34 28.04.24 73 260
35 5_Nico 10aa 18:00.84 02.11.23 152 309
36 react1ve 10aa 18:33.86 24.05.23 114 320
37 IgoRRRRR 100aa 18:40.06 25.02.24 125 301
38 DMITRY 100aa 18:48.42 09.04.24 157 262
39 grumie 10aa 19:12.49 18.07.23 138 287
40 hehe 10aa 19:35.63 19.12.20 118 308
41 MELTY 10aa 19:36.58 21.08.21 113 262
42 philly_jone 10aa 19:41.93 08.03.24 96 356
43 lavash 10aa 19:58.16 09.08.24 173 355
44 KaMi 10aa 20:02.74 24.10.24 246 313
45 PluDiko 10aa 20:15.52 06.06.23 182 338
46 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 21:18.91 30.05.23 159 393
47 kanu 10aa 21:39.36 10.08.24 121 292
48 Devaster 10aa 21:51.02 19.02.23 92 342
49 Sly 10aa 22:04.90 10.08.24 131 466
50 Qicg 10aa 22:08.57 19.08.22 149 385
51 hfour 10aa 22:12.89 31.01.23 144 431
52 mika 100aa 22:39.50 02.06.24 180 383
53 redux 10aa 23:01.08 13.03.21 162 386
54 sekai 10aa 23:37.79 12.12.20 197 346
55 butterdog 10aa 23:39.36 16.12.21 170 405
56 Flibo 10aa 24:35.37 08.12.20 125 395
57 SmileB4Death 10aa 25:11.39 09.08.24 177 425
58 Note 10aa 25:41.45 06.07.23 155 415
59 Neurich 10aa 25:46.69 12.09.24 161 382
60 Toff1fee 10aa 26:33.96 04.09.21 125 408
61 gladiator 10aa 27:50.76 05.11.22 157 467
62 sadcuzdead 10aa 28:57.45 04.09.21 145 473
63 Lazy. 100aa 31:06.61 09.04.24 184 619
64 Okazys 10aa 31:28.96 13.03.21 139 549
65 Speedwagoon 10aa 31:48.84 01.10.24 162 481
66 Aleshka 10aa 31:57.45 08.03.24 165 526
67 Nikish 10aa 32:35.07 04.11.22 145 586
68 Scrumpjax 10aa 32:59.62 02.10.22 128 630
69 shibari 10aa 33:20.44 08.10.21 222 657
70 snegg 10aa 33:33.81 13.03.21 143 573
71 Zimok 10aa 35:49.42 01.12.20 169 628
72 Rec 10aa 36:38.27 01.10.24 159 576
73 PakT 10aa 37:37.81 04.09.21 181 621
74 TuF 10aa 38:13.14 09.12.20 215 635
75 Jinwoo 10aa 38:27.29 15.08.21 142 652
76 inactive 10aa 38:33.75 19.02.24 293 783
77 neXt._insilio 10aa 38:59.43 12.10.22 110 703
78 uraraka 10aa 39:12.43 08.03.24 223 808
79 blackplastic 10aa 39:40.94 29.12.20 212 757
80 uhh 10aa 40:18.08 19.08.22 248 805
81 11 10aa 41:16.88 09.08.24 245 790
82 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 42:32.70 18.07.23 246 807
83 ArvInD 10aa 49:01.56 02.09.22 139 611
84 Gramm 100aa 50:49.47 24.04.24 306 1071
85 Clearlove 10aa 51:41.83 05.02.22 159 855
86 owsla 10aa 51:45.82 09.08.24 277 913
87 EQUILIBRIUM 10aa 52:42.38 12.10.22 192 871
88 pizdkek 10aa 53:48.49 12.10.22 412 981
89 RenX 100aa 61:39.63 09.08.24 246 1173
90 Solitude 10aa 74:08.20 20.09.21 197 1374
91 Luxanity 10aa 82:57.23 03.12.24 320 1514
92 Game_-_^ 10aa 85:50.42 03.12.24 293 1504
93 Katzz 10aa 102:24.42 25.06.24 234 2019
94 pepi 10aa 162:11.73 28.06.21 783 2789
95 1111 10aa 169:43.92 17.12.20 332 2998
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 LLazar 10aa 08:37.05 08.03.24 94 107
2 akkuratist 10aa 13:11.57 29.12.20 94 184

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