Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

hb_lrs 18.04.2014
Record in other communitiesUnknown

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  Spider1

Pro-record No record

Nub-record topoviygus - 11:48.90 (412 cp / 161 gc)

Difficulty Extreme-Death

Length Very long

Download map hb_lrs (6,1 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player Time Difference CP GC Date  
1 Aye 17:25.10   548 334 30.07.22
2 throttle 24:14.60 -06:49.50 375 468 13.05.18
3 Dekker 25:24.78 -07:59.68 312 476 18.12.17
4 Juby 30:46.16 -13:21.06 358 629 16.10.22
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 topoviygus 10aa 11:48.90 17.03.24 412 161
2 pepi 10aa 15:29.26 25.03.24 718 289
3 smieszneznaczki 10aa 15:34.81 15.03.24 657 318
4 dropzone 10aa 16:32.28 14.03.24 488 293
5 p 10aa 18:53.48 05.08.20 284 277
6 Johnny 10aa 19:42.85 12.04.19 417 371
7 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 23:31.29 07.01.25 610 663
8 Chichin 10aa 25:19.69 06.08.19 587 528
9 kappA_^ 10aa 25:23.68 08.01.21 385 559
10 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 25:49.31 16.03.24 696 706
11 throttle 10aa 26:04.07 21.01.18 391 520
12 Noomez 10aa 26:10.27 22.03.24 893 629
13 drizz 10aa 27:39.10 24.03.24 717 719
14 L1 10aa 27:57.16 22.03.24 446 536
15 GoDfreee 10aa 30:06.89 27.09.18 384 551
16 gladiator 10aa 31:04.89 16.11.22 511 764
17 Speedwagoon 10aa 31:44.58 08.05.23 689 747
18 LLazar 10aa 31:46.16 23.10.21 597 838
19 Dekker 10aa 32:43.86 06.03.17 347 700
20 Igor_S. 10aa 35:50.21 09.03.17 621 965
21 Juby 10aa 36:34.99 02.09.21 327 722
22 hfour 10aa 36:54.08 19.03.24 681 1016
23 Devaster 10aa 37:35.13 11.09.21 350 737
24 nike 10aa 37:39.59 09.03.17 309 872
25 (1)sekai 10aa 37:53.91 21.05.21 908 934
26 MEEL 10aa 39:46.80 27.01.20 504 853
27 Qicg 10aa 40:41.41 07.12.21 786 1086
28 all1aNcE 10aa 44:25.34 03.05.18 717 1321
29 Okazys 10aa 45:45.17 10.12.21 778 1059
30 FWX 10aa 46:55.40 26.03.24 1097 1279
31 Niukkis 10aa 49:04.93 23.05.22 542 1143
32 torrenz 10aa 49:58.07 13.06.20 547 1206
33 PuKiS 10aa 50:00.92 06.03.19 528 1125
34 RichTheUglySock 10aa 53:05.11 28.05.23 1012 1658
35 zeze 10aa 53:55.54 06.08.22 924 1666
36 deniS 10aa 55:49.45 03.05.18 907 1467
37 QGhappy 10aa 58:49.97 14.02.17 351 1370
38 Xednay 10aa 58:51.15 20.03.17 636 1579
39 xXx 10aa 59:51.54 13.04.22 460 1333
40 akkuratist 10aa 60:16.12 21.02.21 628 1514
41 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 62:53.67 04.05.22 1263 1855
42 stenLY 10aa 63:46.94 29.08.20 1227 1561
43 xxiren 10aa 64:02.50 20.01.25 1429 1637
44 Izgoy 10aa 64:27.13 23.03.24 929 1923
45 Fksch 10aa 65:18.37 25.04.24 1176 1698
46 Zimok 10aa 66:05.31 09.11.21 719 2021
47 Sddz 10aa 67:45.12 14.10.24 613 1664
48 187 10aa 71:20.52 22.02.25 1879 1970
49 inactive 10aa 71:29.54 16.02.24 1383 2191
50 Aleshka 10aa 73:29.06 26.03.24 1232 2255
51 dislike 10aa 73:31.49 25.04.18 869 1780
52 Timmycakes 10aa 74:15.69 04.12.24 498 1948
53 dawsonn 10aa 79:34.95 22.03.24 1433 2569
54 reatzh 10aa 79:39.64 21.05.21 1593 2253
55 limit 10aa 81:58.82 05.08.19 1127 2590
56 Stabilot 10aa 82:24.02 21.02.21 726 2044
57 Hina 10aa 84:18.31 08.07.21 537 1925
58 talshemen 10aa 85:57.51 01.06.24 1110 2266
59 Rachel 10aa 86:10.35 14.03.24 708 2026
60 rare 10aa 86:20.49 26.05.20 1650 2357
61 react1ve 10aa 97:07.90 24.04.23 1469 2850
62 MART 10aa 100:47.96 02.09.22 2087 2770
63 LoAir 10aa 100:50.51 22.02.21 862 3126
64 snegg 10aa 101:46.20 09.11.21 576 2963
65 guba_ne_dura 10aa 102:28.59 29.05.19 1262 2541
66 California 10aa 104:14.71 16.08.20 972 2831
67 grumie 10aa 106:48.70 01.02.23 1172 3651
68 hehe 10aa 107:27.92 16.11.22 1232 3234
69 DYALITE 10aa 110:01.13 02.09.22 1742 3106
70 sirfrege 10aa 123:32.82 05.07.24 2087 3177
71 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 127:28.06 11.03.21 984 3510
72 1111 10aa 146:12.25 04.05.18 1330 3883
73 FyDollarBill 10aa 149:01.20 13.01.21 822 3801
74 supermegah4rdskillboga 10aa 155:08.89 19.03.17 739 4159
75 sekai 10aa 157:11.13 05.09.20 1934 3949
76 lavash 10aa 173:11.35 13.05.22 1758 4876
77 Azzazello 10aa 187:45.18 09.03.22 1020 5084
78 redux 10aa 190:05.67 15.06.20 1001 5589
79 ` 10aa 208:40.28 29.05.19 1007 5299
80 Rand_alThor 10aa 238:04.81 11.06.19 800 6636
81 Gorbachev_x 10aa 267:55.86 25.09.18 1104 6206
82 GoodBeetle 10aa 460:00.65 01.12.18 360 11193
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sekai 10aa 32:21.10 15.07.21 1060 940
2 MART 10aa 161:11.25 12.09.22 2160 5483
3 redux 10aa 241:19.54 08.01.21 1801 8732
4 Devaster 10aa 254:06.84 30.08.20 643 6057
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 topoviygus 10aa 31:46.50 19.03.24 718 821

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