Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

imkz_ivory 26.02.2016
Record in other communitiesUnknown

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  Prestige

Pro-record No record

Nub-record smieszneznaczki - 02:39.21 (121 cp / 38 gc)

Difficulty Extreme-Death

Length Middle

Download map imkz_ivory (1,08 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player Time Difference CP GC Date  
1 smieszneznaczki 02:02.73   113 12 04.05.24
2 topoviygus 02:06.81 -00:04.08 70 21 04.05.24
3 vLy 05:00.65 -02:57.92 126 118 25.02.21
4 inspare 05:02.33 -02:59.60 124 99 26.02.19
5 nike 05:52.40 -03:49.67 78 120 04.11.17
6 Igor_S. 15:26.96 -13:24.23 135 444 18.12.17
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 smieszneznaczki 10aa 02:39.21 22.05.24 121 38
2 topoviygus 10aa 03:23.23 24.03.24 114 49
3 kappA_^ 10aa 03:30.76 29.07.22 72 50
4 dropzone 10aa 03:47.43 25.07.23 142 70
5 Johnny 10aa 04:38.94 10.12.19 78 92
6 LLazar 10aa 04:55.97 29.07.22 134 116
7 uselessmark 100aa 05:00.13 29.07.22 144 108
8 p 10aa 05:17.46 29.07.20 87 92
9 I_Want_My_Tears_Back 10aa 05:18.73 12.05.22 124 94
10 all1aNcE 10aa 05:46.81 25.12.19 145 153
11 drizz 10aa 05:50.04 28.04.24 143 137
12 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 06:29.32 19.03.24 207 187
13 d10s 10aa 06:30.63 03.10.24 98 112
14 ambi 10aa 06:33.00 19.02.24 126 163
15 FrX 10aa 07:07.93 19.12.22 229 199
16 California 10aa 08:04.07 07.05.24 151 217
17 Qicg 10aa 08:27.23 14.01.22 198 241
18 vLy 10aa 08:43.61 13.09.20 76 174
19 talshemen 10aa 08:43.95 01.07.24 162 219
20 Okazys 10aa 11:07.02 14.01.22 217 323
21 PuKiS 10aa 11:07.89 22.08.21 161 269
22 inactive 10aa 11:32.12 21.10.24 277 366
23 limit 10aa 11:47.90 09.10.19 308 370
24 hk 10aa 12:01.82 24.10.24 243 312
25 CamelCloud 10aa 12:25.98 29.07.20 107 367
26 luantw 10aa 12:40.74 26.05.24 215 436
27 pepi 10aa 13:09.01 12.03.24 331 394
28 187 10aa 13:55.95 02.10.23 379 433
29 nike 10aa 16:21.47 31.12.16 91 323
30 nobus 10aa 17:13.86 06.07.24 232 573
31 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 18:45.95 18.04.22 289 599
32 RichTheUglySock 10aa 18:48.27 18.11.21 264 682
33 1111 10aa 21:03.03 28.03.21 312 585
34 Zimok 10aa 21:38.04 14.08.19 156 709
35 Speedwagoon 10aa 21:42.54 29.08.24 316 604
36 Chichin 10aa 23:36.67 03.12.18 362 621
37 gladiator 10aa 24:10.07 10.02.22 170 801
38 bedrotting_mioka 100aa 24:22.30 25.10.24 204 723
39 noclipz 10aa 27:27.76 25.07.23 467 877
40 spane 10aa 27:40.71 17.03.25 424 786
41 zyllEE 10aa 28:03.04 03.09.22 281 879
42 Izgoy 10aa 29:59.34 21.04.24 344 1050
43 JohnD 10aa 30:24.05 09.11.24 444 811
44 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 32:41.50 14.01.22 373 1020
45 snegg 10aa 37:20.82 28.10.21 191 1102
46 Devaster 10aa 37:36.39 14.08.20 186 1000
47 MART 10aa 38:58.01 03.09.22 724 1295
48 Igor_S. 10aa 41:28.07 14.08.20 233 1230
49 Niukkis 10aa 59:40.15 14.01.19 240 1539
50 Neurich 10aa 74:04.71 12.01.18 382 2266
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 17:52.84 20.11.22 178 579

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