Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

ksz_400g_cave ( Cosy-Climbing) 06.12.2011
Cosy-Climbing record flores - 02:08.41

KZ-Rush record colcolx - 02:06.04

Mapper  Keo

Pro-record colcolx - 02:12.91

Nub-record CumaliReizLegend^ - 02:17.24 (2 cp / 1 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Middle

Download map ksz_400g_cave (5,16 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 colcolx 02:06.04   12.12.23
2 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 02:23.47 -00:17.43 04.02.22
3 avivVv 03:38.53 -01:32.49 07.01.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 02:12.91 10.05.23
2 CumaliReizLegend^ 100aa 02:21.79 20.03.25
3 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 100aa 02:22.31 12.11.23
4 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 02:23.63 12.11.23
5 ShoCk 10aa 02:24.39 26.02.24
6 bowads90abnss 10aa 02:24.45 18.08.24
7 sonyamarmeladova 10aa 02:26.61 12.11.23
8 Burn 10aa 02:33.76 08.04.22
9 SlasHeR 10aa 02:35.78 23.11.20
10 FaL 10aa 02:38.82 13.11.21
11 1111 10aa 02:40.49 15.09.20
12 doz 10aa 02:46.46 19.05.22
13 myas 100aa 02:50.17 19.10.24
14 sp[) 10aa 02:53.82 31.01.21
15 Antxo 10aa 02:55.53 18.08.24
16 Hong10 10aa 02:56.12 15.09.20
17 stopban 10aa 02:56.37 11.06.21
18 inactive 10aa 03:00.67 26.02.24
19 eeN 10aa 03:02.89 24.08.23
20 thebig4l 100aa 03:06.18 03.01.25
21 SpekalsG3 10aa 03:09.06 28.08.20
22 xenge 10aa 03:18.51 24.02.23
23 zver 10aa 03:21.15 21.04.23
24 Moroesxx 10aa 03:26.62 10.03.25
25 mQnsta 100aa 03:27.73 19.10.24
26 Fksch 10aa 03:30.37 05.05.24
27 gladiator 10aa 03:34.65 04.08.21
28 prinimay_svoi_fishki 10aa 03:38.24 08.04.22
29 Rachel 10aa 03:39.17 12.11.23
30 empty6 10aa 03:43.36 02.08.21
31 Kurwa 10aa 03:43.51 14.12.24
32 a_ti_si_taj_taj_taj 10aa 03:50.79 13.12.23
33 qbig 10aa 03:50.80 21.04.24
34 additional 10aa 03:51.97 17.12.19
35 Zak 10aa 03:54.25 28.08.20
36 avivVv 10aa 03:59.56 28.08.20
37 delete_the_elite 10aa 04:08.91 12.11.23
38 Hm- 100aa 04:10.99 08.09.22
39 13inchveinymonster 10aa 04:17.54 18.08.24
40 akutagawa 10aa 04:23.53 12.11.23
41 PoOo 10aa 04:25.43 06.11.20
42 Hm- 10aa 04:35.47 02.08.21
43 colcole 10aa 04:40.29 13.12.23
44 treza 10aa 04:43.32 26.02.24
45 BLORIK 10aa 05:05.27 18.08.24
46 JustDoItT 10aa 05:10.33 02.08.21
47 Mozart 10aa 05:32.50 07.12.23
48 bayacca 10aa 05:42.41 23.07.22
49 fLume 10aa 05:44.84 16.11.21
50 Shinzo 10aa 05:48.59 20.01.21
51 termik 10aa 05:49.59 11.06.21
52 KaZaX 10aa 06:14.24 31.08.20
53 nurik 10aa 06:21.63 26.02.24
54 SL1kroL 10aa 06:32.90 23.07.22
55 NONAME 10aa 07:17.85 15.09.20
56 JohnD 10aa 07:25.97 26.02.24
57 Flajer 10aa 07:59.91 31.01.21
58 Gohan 10aa 08:25.58 28.04.22
59 rapier 10aa 08:25.80 19.05.22
60 Bu3T 10aa 08:26.72 06.11.20
61 hrom1k337 10aa 08:47.37 08.09.22
62 Roseanne_Park. 10aa 09:16.20 25.02.20
63 era 10aa 09:24.53 23.02.25
64 T443EP 10aa 10:08.51 10.03.25
65 Hadi 10aa 10:19.72 31.01.21
66 Mie 10aa 11:01.74 11.06.21
67 123 10aa 12:03.66 20.03.25
68 CTouK 10aa 12:33.29 06.11.20
69 Player 10aa 13:41.87 06.11.20
70 cmaster 10aa 14:21.26 31.08.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Mie 10aa 05:57.40 11.06.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 ahl 10aa 04:44.96 12.11.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 CumaliReizLegend^ 100aa 02:17.24 20.03.25 2 1
2 sonyamarmeladova 10aa 02:18.43 12.11.23 3 1
3 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 02:23.49 08.04.22 14 1
4 Burn 10aa 02:25.74 08.04.22 11 1
5 Izgoy 10aa 03:02.11 25.02.20 23 4
6 stopban 10aa 03:02.40 11.06.21 32 4
7 net 100aa 03:09.51 28.04.22 22 3
8 additional 10aa 03:16.08 17.12.19 20 7
9 doz 10aa 03:17.30 19.05.22 22 7
10 KOlombus 10aa 03:37.92 28.08.20 41 13
11 WHITE_LIVES_MATTER 10aa 03:53.46 18.08.24 38 9
12 Zak 10aa 04:00.44 28.08.20 55 9
13 bobert 10aa 04:07.08 21.04.24 30 10
14 bowads90abnss 10aa 04:20.25 18.08.24 10 13
15 o 10aa 04:25.29 09.10.23 63 16
16 monowii 10aa 04:25.93 24.08.23 30 14
17 pesok 10aa 04:26.07 19.05.22 42 21
18 Frostinskiy 10aa 04:36.14 31.01.21 31 9
19 mQnsta 100aa 04:46.02 19.10.24 39 10
20 JP4 100aa 04:48.40 03.01.25 23 22
21 Roseanne_Park. 10aa 04:52.52 25.02.20 44 9
22 Я_только_учусь!!! 10aa 04:59.35 11.06.21 44 23
23 3vilStar 10aa 05:11.22 26.02.24 38 32
24 a_ti_si_taj_taj_taj 10aa 05:24.36 13.12.23 6 1
25 thisObedience 10aa 05:38.49 11.06.21 31 24
26 t3ss 10aa 05:45.45 10.03.25 34 13
27 OLLEVM 10aa 05:48.25 12.11.23 20 7
28 Lavender 10aa 06:22.41 12.11.23 26 34
29 nurik 10aa 06:25.71 26.02.24 31 23
30 Radioactive 10aa 06:30.33 26.09.23 61 32
31 itswedenz 10aa 06:45.59 24.02.23 40 30
32 maxifam 10aa 07:14.46 13.12.23 66 39
33 [SPb178]_N1ke 100aa 07:23.64 19.10.24 38 29
34 Пакистан 10aa 09:06.82 26.02.24 40 16
35 kingvon 10aa 09:23.33 28.04.22 35 57
36 r33d 10aa 09:31.49 04.09.21 35 54
37 1337 10aa 10:56.69 19.05.22 27 48
38 [LSD]-_Skryabin 10aa 12:47.09 31.01.21 32 74
39 SGr0B 10aa 16:17.51 31.01.21 61 77
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 csm_PreFect 10aa 07:36.73 28.08.20 51 53
2 Mie 10aa 14:26.93 11.06.21 31 133

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