Why is wxii_7rooms rated as hard-extreme map? It has few of the jumps that seem close to extreme-death level and the rest of the map feels like pure extreme
@Gorbachev_x I also said that week ago about the loss.
@Kpoluk it has been happening for several days now.
@ghp восстановил теневой сейв за 6 минут до падения, проверь
@Gorbachev_x try it again later and provide the feedback
Is something happening to VIP servers? I constantly get lags going up to 400ms and constant 60-85 loss for a while and then goes back to normal.
@ghp добрый день, я думал что стер сейв, оказывается неспроста
оо я залогинился. спустя столько лет))
hi , сервер упал и пропал сейв на kz_hb_Hopez ( , можно ли восстановить?