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Pro Nub

Map info

kzcn_minimalism ( Cosy-Climbing) 20.07.2021

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  weixinii

Pro-record MEEL - 47:22.42

Nub-record MEEL - 08:27.86 (185 cp / 91 gc)

Difficulty Hard-Extreme

Length Long

Download map kzcn_minimalism (6,3 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 MEEL 10aa 47:22.42 26.09.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEEL 10aa 08:27.86 14.04.22 185 91
2 LLazar 10aa 08:37.98 14.10.21 216 123
3 sekai 10aa 08:50.17 20.09.21 271 110
4 Juby 10aa 09:48.19 20.09.21 114 89
5 PuKiS 10aa 10:28.65 14.04.22 178 141
6 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 11:35.15 23.06.22 333 211
7 all1aNcE 10aa 11:39.29 20.09.21 282 184
8 sadcuzdead 10aa 12:40.63 20.09.21 223 203
9 zza 10aa 15:09.35 20.09.21 132 255
10 MiXiEEE 100aa 16:12.63 20.02.25 366 248
11 klinch 10aa 16:16.23 20.04.22 288 230
12 California 10aa 17:24.27 22.03.23 255 339
13 FWX 10aa 17:30.17 08.07.24 342 339
14 HaMMa 10aa 17:43.73 20.09.21 199 282
15 elvis 10aa 17:49.34 20.09.21 220 361
16 hehe 10aa 18:08.96 20.09.21 258 357
17 Keita 10aa 18:27.58 29.10.21 271 348
18 Speedwagoon 10aa 18:47.97 09.05.23 311 361
19 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 19:17.57 11.11.22 481 380
20 Okazys 10aa 19:21.71 14.12.21 316 373
21 react1ve 10aa 20:08.10 14.12.21 399 453
22 Rushing_B 10aa 20:37.37 29.08.23 306 414
23 Imbik 10aa 20:37.98 14.05.23 351 396
24 DORA 10aa 21:50.00 20.09.21 291 477
25 qbig 10aa 23:37.55 24.10.24 308 440
26 Fksch 10aa 23:55.07 17.06.24 421 473
27 Hm- 100aa 24:00.73 03.09.22 492 477
28 KikoBaby 10aa 24:32.36 17.06.24 284 510
29 ` 10aa 26:06.94 21.04.23 257 495
30 Nikish 10aa 26:13.42 23.06.22 317 556
31 Hm- 10aa 27:37.02 10.02.24 515 577
32 dropzone 10aa 27:57.20 20.09.21 607 547
33 hk 10aa 28:21.79 14.04.22 393 460
34 snegg 10aa 28:40.63 23.09.21 240 596
35 Ripzu 10aa 28:43.22 29.10.21 442 473
36 uhh 10aa 29:10.85 17.06.24 412 644
37 grumie 10aa 29:25.37 29.08.23 356 612
38 Dom 10aa 30:10.22 14.12.21 336 563
39 hexiQ 10aa 30:31.23 14.12.21 336 648
40 rare 10aa 30:34.22 20.09.21 427 617
41 ruffs 10aa 31:11.06 03.09.22 377 722
42 RichTheUglySock 10aa 31:39.89 07.11.22 494 712
43 Teei5 10aa 32:24.26 24.11.21 288 558
44 `RaZzoX 10aa 32:55.73 07.11.22 302 586
45 Aleshka 10aa 32:59.16 24.09.23 481 661
46 synchro 10aa 33:20.43 11.08.24 336 763
47 zyllEE 10aa 33:43.29 20.09.21 308 639
48 gladiator 10aa 33:45.64 20.09.21 292 685
49 neXt._insilio 10aa 34:00.10 23.09.21 243 755
50 Irvin 10aa 34:44.85 20.09.21 425 699
51 PakT 10aa 34:47.79 20.09.21 429 722
52 HaosMeDi 10aa 34:49.41 17.06.24 660 835
53 FrX 10aa 34:59.36 07.11.22 390 706
54 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 35:05.51 17.06.24 462 734
55 k 10aa 36:19.75 14.04.22 306 702
56 Zimok 10aa 36:39.51 18.09.21 327 787
57 TB-player 100aa 37:14.42 25.06.24 290 775
58 nevada 100aa 37:23.32 09.01.25 275 679
59 Neurich 10aa 37:37.68 22.06.23 338 792
60 Vojkan 10aa 38:14.78 14.12.21 527 925
61 PluDiko 10aa 38:49.28 19.01.22 480 1020
62 Kalashnikov7331 10aa 38:49.37 20.09.21 315 797
63 pepi 10aa 38:50.19 19.04.22 569 856
64 brnn_`_insilio 10aa 39:15.09 20.09.21 333 608
65 odealo 10aa 40:17.86 22.03.23 405 952
66 ArvInD 10aa 41:12.10 14.04.22 378 726
67 stenLY 10aa 41:28.03 14.04.22 652 890
68 Qicg 10aa 42:56.94 26.09.21 406 1042
69 lavash 10aa 42:57.12 23.06.22 530 1088
70 CrackPoT 10aa 43:30.66 17.06.23 311 889
71 Azzazello 10aa 44:39.71 19.04.22 333 1044
72 Nightmare! 10aa 45:25.07 13.04.22 433 824
73 SlasHeR 10aa 47:19.51 05.12.22 321 1031
74 BlizZz 10aa 48:53.09 07.11.22 588 1017
75 dislike 10aa 49:42.04 13.04.22 508 1145
76 demodex 10aa 50:04.74 03.09.22 371 1456
77 trololo 10aa 53:16.91 29.08.23 374 1058
78 ruffs 10aa 54:31.48 03.09.22 470 1364
79 ioso 10aa 55:04.54 10.11.24 540 1172
80 Riverside 10aa 56:55.16 23.06.22 1020 1218
81 Bobanka 10aa 58:21.65 26.09.21 530 1470
82 gamegeekx 10aa 58:54.74 23.07.22 277 1108
83 sltrix 10aa 60:17.94 08.07.24 672 1310
84 NPC 10aa 69:09.84 22.06.24 1007 1638
85 kikx 10aa 72:42.71 03.09.22 382 1432
86 indigo 10aa 77:41.14 13.04.22 498 1532
87 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 81:27.00 13.04.22 542 2330
88 SHXCXCHCXSH 10aa 81:53.87 30.10.21 568 1418
89 Fat_Tony 10aa 81:56.65 07.11.22 860 1914
90 fLume 10aa 85:29.03 20.09.21 376 1927
91 Sjkeeeee 100aa 91:37.08 09.01.25 584 2209
92 1111 10aa 92:35.54 26.09.21 579 1975
93 here_I_belong 10aa 103:47.42 13.04.22 327 2086
94 Duck 10aa 105:25.32 20.09.21 695 2909
95 Hong10 10aa 115:37.52 14.05.24 538 3105
96 Niki4 10aa 116:52.86 07.11.22 609 2591
97 Aplatanado 10aa 120:43.00 10.11.24 493 2775
98 Mblwka 100aa 168:20.89 21.02.25 886 4676
99 lonesome_transcendence 10aa 181:17.14 19.04.22 582 4409
100 jigsaw 10aa 188:37.20 26.10.23 492 4743
101 JustDoItT 10aa 364:37.17 16.01.23 938 11226
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sekai 10aa 14:01.31 20.09.21 292 256
2 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 20:33.80 20.09.21 385 443
3 zyllEE 10aa 27:52.65 26.09.21 284 603
4 gladiator 10aa 118:58.21 11.01.22 350 3011
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEEL 10aa 46:38.08 13.04.22 311 949

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