Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzra_rocky ( Xtreme-Jumps) 14.04.2019
Xtreme-Jumps record topoviygus - 04:48.92

KZ-Rush record nep4uk - 06:25.84

Mapper  Spider1

Pro-record MuggEn - 06:18.11

Nub-record SlasHeR - 05:46.84 (131 cp / 10 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Middle

Download map kzra_rocky (5,88 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 nep4uk 06:25.84   11.07.19
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 MuggEn 10aa 06:18.11 27.05.22
2 Hong10 10aa 06:42.63 07.12.21
3 CoMeBaCK 10aa 07:12.49 25.05.24
4 unz3s 10aa 07:14.15 18.06.19
5 trololo 10aa 07:48.75 21.02.23
6 zaci 10aa 08:03.26 24.03.25
7 erdik 10aa 08:25.18 18.06.19
8 sludge_factory 10aa 08:54.94 24.03.25
9 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 08:58.63 03.05.23
10 DragKedja 10aa 09:10.74 18.06.19
11 NeW 10aa 09:29.46 27.05.22
12 PakT 10aa 09:39.49 18.11.20
13 techno 10aa 09:40.10 30.11.24
14 SlasHeR 10aa 09:44.12 08.11.19
15 zver 10aa 09:59.39 25.03.24
16 Shinzo 10aa 10:20.66 10.03.21
17 avivVv 10aa 10:31.27 28.01.21
18 Chrizzy 10aa 10:40.70 23.11.24
19 Master_Me4a 10aa 11:05.52 08.11.19
20 HELLBOUND 10aa 11:08.81 01.10.22
21 rapier 10aa 11:39.49 01.10.22
22 13inchveinymonster 10aa 12:10.57 30.11.24
23 xenge 10aa 12:24.73 24.05.22
24 kmz 10aa 13:37.35 03.05.23
25 epic_panda 10aa 14:15.30 21.02.23
26 ness 10aa 14:40.54 11.03.25
27 Katzz 100aa 16:51.97 11.10.22
28 speexz 10aa 17:04.82 18.06.19
29 jigsaw 10aa 17:43.33 27.05.22
30 GoEasy 10aa 19:17.57 30.11.24
31 Pato_z_Vrboveho 10aa 19:25.66 30.11.24
32 customer 10aa 19:51.48 18.06.23
33 Exstazzy 10aa 21:13.37 27.05.22
34 Niclas0711 10aa 21:40.54 09.05.23
35 abcdefg 10aa 24:22.71 08.11.19
36 netocrew 10aa 24:38.55 28.05.22
37 zedbee 10aa 30:23.49 04.08.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 SlasHeR 10aa 05:46.84 08.11.19 131 10
2 unz3s 10aa 06:14.28 18.06.19 137 18
3 Fksch 10aa 06:33.77 04.08.24 174 55
4 Get_Ready 10aa 07:06.84 09.05.23 186 43
5 vladdex 10aa 07:22.91 15.06.24 185 26
6 erdik 10aa 07:35.96 18.06.19 177 30
7 [WS] 10aa 07:50.91 24.05.22 169 39
8 Scrumpjax 10aa 07:55.33 02.08.19 144 51
9 ahful- 10aa 08:03.69 03.05.24 194 43
10 maronny 10aa 08:29.48 18.06.19 171 29
11 sl1wzz 10aa 08:30.46 27.05.22 181 31
12 chk 10aa 08:31.59 27.05.22 289 53
13 zza 10aa 08:34.62 02.10.21 160 76
14 FunTopia 10aa 08:34.98 08.11.19 179 57
15 Fat_Tony 10aa 08:48.14 03.05.23 198 44
16 WHITE_LIVES_MATTER 100aa 08:49.57 05.01.25 182 37
17 trololo 10aa 08:50.21 21.02.23 196 35
18 EnoT 10aa 09:04.31 08.11.19 140 40
19 zaci 10aa 09:15.10 24.03.25 134 39
20 Chleba_Kappa 10aa 09:15.30 11.10.22 207 75
21 Freedom_-_dvD 10aa 09:17.01 26.06.23 140 54
22 KaHapeuKa.brn 10aa 09:17.49 18.06.19 212 85
23 pL 10aa 09:23.82 28.05.22 192 48
24 Izgoy 10aa 09:25.63 18.05.20 212 91
25 edZika 10aa 09:27.75 30.05.24 269 57
26 shnz 10aa 09:29.61 27.05.22 177 73
27 Severus 10aa 09:33.64 18.06.19 167 49
28 RoN` 10aa 09:44.77 02.10.21 193 107
29 Moroesxx 10aa 09:47.35 23.11.24 214 94
30 ago 100aa 09:49.12 09.05.23 152 95
31 cyxue_nonku^huggies 10aa 10:05.23 27.05.22 198 28
32 Supersonic 10aa 10:09.25 03.05.24 224 61
33 moxy 10aa 10:11.65 24.05.22 199 67
34 Roman 10aa 10:12.01 03.07.23 256 99
35 Presive 10aa 10:17.13 02.10.21 176 110
36 aga_murder 100aa 10:18.58 09.05.23 176 82
37 zivader 10aa 10:20.17 23.11.24 154 115
38 VelikoeMnojestvo 10aa 10:22.42 23.11.24 239 87
39 Shanta 10aa 10:30.62 18.11.20 224 52
40 Fr1byt 10aa 10:38.44 09.05.23 306 48
41 Toff1fee 10aa 10:44.14 28.05.22 153 28
42 Qalwin 10aa 10:50.48 02.08.19 178 64
43 Cc._Ganongoat_[^5] 10aa 11:00.27 11.09.23 183 49
44 Al9 10aa 11:00.30 02.10.21 261 75
45 Sm1T 10aa 11:08.50 15.07.19 168 80
46 hymm4sssS 10aa 11:15.33 01.10.22 229 56
47 nokia 10aa 11:15.33 18.05.20 281 171
48 Rachel 10aa 11:15.37 18.06.23 114 111
49 an4ous 10aa 11:24.21 24.03.25 109 76
50 WizzY_NoisE 100aa 11:31.52 28.03.23 272 114
51 p1aN1st 10aa 11:36.95 18.11.20 280 113
52 shadow 10aa 11:40.10 18.06.23 258 110
53 alSnow 10aa 11:43.39 28.05.22 177 52
54 Riots 10aa 11:48.37 11.10.22 177 82
55 sh3k 10aa 11:51.07 28.03.23 167 22
56 Fastshot 10aa 11:55.99 21.02.23 211 83
57 rune 10aa 12:13.29 03.07.23 194 70
58 flshy 10aa 12:19.93 23.11.24 277 109
59 HIMOM 10aa 12:39.81 04.08.24 136 82
60 dashrip 100aa 13:26.15 11.10.22 360 154
61 monowii 10aa 13:33.98 18.11.20 254 138
62 EnTaro 10aa 13:36.84 18.06.19 231 201
63 rand 10aa 14:08.95 15.07.19 299 156
64 ГИMHACTИKA_CO_CBOEЙ_PУKOЙ 10aa 14:09.85 27.05.22 202 63
65 SS_Derrick 100aa 14:24.15 23.11.24 302 128
66 TEEHEE 10aa 14:38.55 18.11.20 174 141
67 KzmJ__Carnage 10aa 14:49.44 09.05.23 288 78
68 Hyperactiv 10aa 14:50.35 28.03.23 183 228
69 sludge_factory 10aa 14:50.85 11.03.25 342 118
70 NeZo 10aa 15:19.38 08.11.19 269 244
71 Bresiq 10aa 15:20.34 15.07.19 181 180
72 Пакистан 10aa 15:26.02 31.07.24 183 118
73 stato 10aa 15:36.11 23.06.19 141 195
74 bot 10aa 15:51.40 23.06.19 145 103
75 Faite 10aa 15:57.01 23.06.19 303 143
76 ernestik92 10aa 16:15.81 24.05.22 229 208
77 OuO 10aa 16:41.06 27.05.22 80 71
78 pouj 10aa 16:53.35 31.07.24 218 188
79 atopsgaming 10aa 17:09.99 18.05.20 237 186
80 pano 10aa 17:21.41 18.06.23 212 221
81 koks 10aa 17:31.52 11.10.22 275 183
82 OLLEVM 10aa 17:44.26 09.05.23 137 269
83 pttttt 10aa 18:16.85 18.06.19 180 253
84 aga_murder 10aa 21:11.69 09.05.23 190 249
85 Dodik 10aa 25:59.02 18.06.19 343 352
86 RaveGirl 10aa 26:03.81 31.07.24 200 173
87 Mirnaya 10aa 34:37.57 27.05.22 243 505
88 SS_Derrick 10aa 46:53.63 23.11.24 377 909
89 Maciek 10aa 50:35.19 18.11.20 219 1108
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sludge_factory 10aa 10:04.70 11.03.25 238 97
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 trololo 10aa 08:56.69 11.03.25 188 31

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