Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzsca_scandinavia ( Cosy-Climbing) 03.08.2010
Cosy-Climbing record klinch - 02:29.72

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  Chrizzy

Pro-record SlasHeR - 04:25.99

Nub-record Xsi - 02:39.44 (66 cp / 3 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Middle

Download map kzsca_scandinavia (5,85 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 SlasHeR 10aa 04:25.99 11.07.21
2 freakofnature 10aa 04:42.97 12.03.25
3 zver 10aa 05:28.68 21.03.24
4 avivVv 10aa 06:44.96 24.07.21
5 nba_youngboy 10aa 07:21.45 08.05.24
6 Hong10 10aa 08:53.74 04.03.22
7 Shinzo 10aa 10:10.46 14.03.21
8 trololo 10aa 10:36.97 19.07.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Xsi 10aa 02:39.44 11.07.21 66 3
2 SlasHeR 10aa 03:39.90 04.12.22 85 34
3 Chichin 10aa 04:35.89 01.09.19 134 14
4 zza 10aa 04:39.26 06.05.23 109 15
5 Get_Ready 10aa 05:12.08 06.05.23 152 34
6 Sly 10aa 05:39.07 05.06.20 158 49
7 Al9 10aa 05:39.92 06.08.21 193 25
8 JustDoItT 10aa 05:48.09 28.04.23 167 39
9 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 05:53.85 06.08.21 158 42
10 Madcat 10aa 05:56.47 15.06.23 155 42
11 DragKedja 10aa 05:58.68 07.08.19 149 34
12 EchO_o 10aa 06:04.06 07.08.19 176 47
13 CamelCloud 10aa 06:09.58 19.07.24 114 49
14 domidy 10aa 06:22.07 27.02.23 101 39
15 LooNNNeY# 10aa 06:26.94 10.02.21 203 69
16 lampa666 10aa 06:29.83 04.08.23 207 52
17 empty6 10aa 06:30.46 06.08.21 127 39
18 213 10aa 06:32.10 28.04.23 140 35
19 rang00 10aa 06:34.11 11.04.20 186 45
20 Nutella 10aa 06:35.91 07.08.19 218 30
21 customer 10aa 06:41.90 28.04.23 83 41
22 Leprikon_^ 10aa 06:58.63 04.03.21 138 34
23 Master_Me4a 10aa 06:59.63 01.09.19 227 44
24 HEBPEDUMKA!` 10aa 07:17.78 19.07.20 153 57
25 LoAir 10aa 07:21.60 04.08.20 116 75
26 cLas1kkk 10aa 07:24.02 15.08.22 162 60
27 SL1kroL 10aa 07:24.80 04.04.21 126 54
28 5oXen 10aa 07:38.10 27.02.23 156 62
29 ACID_THUNDER 10aa 07:48.04 04.01.22 112 56
30 rapier 10aa 07:49.26 04.01.22 161 58
31 Seth 10aa 07:51.37 05.06.20 190 74
32 atwomaru 10aa 07:54.62 19.07.20 115 57
33 squirt 10aa 07:56.65 05.06.20 164 55
34 apo 10aa 08:00.52 11.07.21 254 60
35 Hopez 10aa 08:11.27 11.07.21 214 100
36 a 10aa 08:18.08 09.09.21 188 77
37 Irvin 10aa 08:18.70 04.02.20 183 89
38 je.bowu_grm. 10aa 08:24.53 01.09.19 184 71
39 display 10aa 08:26.31 08.01.23 134 61
40 HIMOM 10aa 08:30.70 04.03.21 80 56
41 SoldMySoul 10aa 08:50.87 04.03.21 194 100
42 dxq 100aa 09:02.05 29.07.23 176 104
43 Player 10aa 09:06.06 06.05.23 189 80
44 asd 10aa 09:07.41 04.01.22 210 108
45 ArvInD 10aa 09:11.48 04.01.22 204 77
46 Maus 10aa 09:13.65 10.04.23 216 86
47 Darling 10aa 09:14.74 05.06.20 212 89
48 ernestik92 10aa 09:22.39 27.02.23 127 100
49 AlexGood 10aa 09:27.71 27.02.23 241 95
50 去你的 10aa 09:28.95 05.12.22 163 74
51 BlooD 10aa 09:43.68 05.12.22 217 97
52 sgstullsss 10aa 09:54.72 04.12.22 199 145
53 mTw___WizarDx_OяЋ 10aa 10:07.96 11.07.21 183 147
54 come 10aa 10:12.05 10.04.23 242 134
55 edward 10aa 10:17.93 27.02.23 186 153
56 Presive 10aa 10:33.21 01.09.19 174 117
57 Madara 10aa 10:42.06 19.07.20 193 103
58 F1asKO 10aa 11:19.44 04.01.22 169 107
59 MersidKing 10aa 11:23.02 10.04.23 92 128
60 010000101010001 10aa 12:02.61 04.08.23 145 140
61 bruh 10aa 12:21.84 19.07.20 215 143
62 black_Jack 10aa 12:32.67 04.01.22 186 176
63 BATYA_V_ZDANII 10aa 12:52.91 27.02.23 221 166
64 devon 10aa 12:54.19 27.02.23 159 129
65 3vilStar 10aa 13:00.95 27.02.23 245 143
66 Ьшсвс 10aa 13:08.15 05.12.22 194 172
67 OLLEVM 10aa 13:23.96 10.04.23 202 192
68 BoGGy 10aa 13:35.64 05.12.22 212 137
69 In5omn1a 10aa 14:05.26 04.01.22 158 196
70 亗_Zion 10aa 14:40.89 10.09.23 92 151
71 asdfzola 10aa 14:47.49 27.02.23 153 168
72 urpay 10aa 14:57.77 27.02.23 153 157
73 americanezzz 10aa 15:13.24 24.07.21 181 174
74 p0x 10aa 15:16.27 05.12.22 172 147
75 meiyo 10aa 15:28.93 06.05.23 89 170
76 Radioactive 10aa 16:48.79 24.07.21 219 245
77 MOTIVATED_200% 10aa 16:51.79 27.02.23 111 132
78 eog 10aa 17:09.78 19.06.24 296 256
79 player 10aa 17:33.75 10.04.23 206 193
80 jassite 10aa 18:21.06 27.02.23 187 244
81 Fantasy 10aa 20:04.00 04.04.21 159 274
82 Banana_boat 10aa 38:48.01 05.12.22 117 367

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