@arte_de_la_puerta which one?
sekai on kz_toilet, faster than Rush top 1:
внешняя ссылка
new mapa when
unban joca from comment section kpoluk!
a few moments later
@Gorbachev_x I usually open them a few days later
Why are almost all videos (from demo releases) unlisted on the rush youtube channel?
@vario did i accuse of cheat? i just ask why alot people start using high sens which in the past they were most regular like 800 / 2, and i also use high sens 1600 / 2.2
they should, but it doesnt exist. kpoluk is a smart man, im sure he understands that outside is much more likely than not to be a cheater, but there is no concrete evidence to convict.
Stop this stupid witch hunt.