Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

qsk_etude-2 ( Cosy-Climbing) 06.07.2011
Cosy-Climbing record script - 02:21.53

KZ-Rush record Hina - 02:10.25

Mapper  qui

Pro-record rare - 11:26.49

Nub-record Keita - 02:19.66 (47 cp / 12 gc)

Difficulty Hard

Length Middle

Download map qsk_etude-2 (888,7 KB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Hina 02:10.25   19.03.23
2 rare 08:55.76 -06:45.51 23.05.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 rare 10aa 11:26.49 20.05.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Keita 10aa 02:19.66 20.10.22 47 12
2 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 02:31.04 14.05.23 73 26
3 kappA_^ 10aa 03:22.86 13.08.18 78 31
4 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 03:34.65 01.04.24 122 53
5 rare 10aa 03:40.16 20.05.20 100 42
6 LLazar 10aa 04:12.68 17.08.18 77 74
7 chmod 10aa 04:52.76 27.05.22 73 74
8 Sly 10aa 05:00.70 17.01.20 125 76
9 Neurich 10aa 05:05.23 02.11.17 66 73
10 turtlemain 10aa 05:14.03 31.05.22 122 76
11 lavash 10aa 05:34.56 19.03.22 132 116
12 lai 10aa 07:04.64 20.05.20 76 71
13 Imbik 10aa 07:22.48 01.11.19 113 119
14 ddqwex 10aa 07:55.68 19.03.22 184 144
15 sekai 10aa 09:18.43 01.11.19 168 209
16 California 10aa 10:34.43 19.09.20 100 153
17 Fksch 10aa 10:38.34 03.05.24 132 161
18 Izgoy 10aa 11:22.80 20.05.20 94 139
19 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 12:21.88 20.05.20 77 187
20 pepi 10aa 14:29.29 07.05.21 239 170
21 zyllEE 10aa 15:12.93 07.05.21 88 196
22 Invisible 10aa 15:58.87 19.03.22 95 255
23 sadgds 10aa 15:59.80 19.03.22 100 188
24 ramen 10aa 16:42.44 27.05.22 220 314
25 ago 100aa 17:30.19 14.05.23 98 294
26 uraraka 10aa 18:27.69 06.05.22 200 443
27 erdik 10aa 19:11.92 14.05.16 94 203
28 elvis 10aa 21:30.35 06.05.22 125 377
29 snegg 10aa 27:09.89 14.03.19 127 292
30 fRozJkeee 10aa 27:13.05 27.05.22 228 674
31 Eneu 10aa 29:56.57 24.05.22 279 367
32 CETUS_Traceur 10aa 33:39.38 16.03.25 215 660
33 GoEasy 10aa 40:16.31 16.03.25 126 527
34 dxq 100aa 42:37.15 21.06.23 112 434
35 idontgivitya 100aa 48:41.03 21.06.23 183 595
36 jigsaw 10aa 53:12.35 09.07.17 174 1141
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zyllEE 10aa 06:54.77 07.05.21 65 90
2 uraraka 10aa 17:08.71 27.05.22 186 464

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