Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

risk_LANparty ( Cosy-Climbing) 11.05.2008
Cosy-Climbing record fykseN - 07:11.00

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  dropsys

Pro-record FaL - 10:48.06

Nub-record Xsi - 07:42.41 (151 cp / 25 gc)

Difficulty Easy

Length Long

Download map risk_LANparty (3,74 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 FaL 10aa 10:48.06 19.09.22
2 zver 10aa 14:13.06 27.02.24
3 avivVv 10aa 14:16.43 06.01.21
4 gf97 10aa 14:24.40 20.10.20
5 Antxo 10aa 14:37.51 22.09.24
6 Hong10 10aa 16:00.48 18.02.23
7 rapier 10aa 18:53.65 25.04.23
8 Shinzo 10aa 23:52.48 20.10.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Xsi 10aa 07:42.41 09.06.23 151 25
2 SlasHeR 10aa 08:23.60 06.01.21 211 28
3 snegg 10aa 09:11.49 19.09.22 253 19
4 pepi 10aa 09:24.31 26.04.21 230 52
5 untu 10aa 10:33.20 20.10.20 294 40
6 niken 10aa 10:39.60 26.04.21 242 58
7 В_К_О_Н_Т_Р_Е 10aa 11:06.64 01.05.23 319 41
8 rach 10aa 11:24.00 07.01.21 234 34
9 dophamine 10aa 11:33.17 22.09.20 336 41
10 stopban 10aa 12:01.03 06.01.21 395 38
11 r33d 10aa 12:28.08 20.01.22 331 46
12 Deadpool 10aa 13:03.60 01.05.23 333 55
13 macroman 10aa 13:16.32 20.10.20 202 89
14 Madcat 10aa 13:25.46 15.08.23 311 67
15 eeN 10aa 13:38.42 19.09.22 349 59
16 BoogY 10aa 13:47.00 06.01.21 365 70
17 pan_con_queso 10aa 13:57.67 22.09.24 310 57
18 Adoptado 10aa 14:15.22 22.09.24 253 52
19 Satan 10aa 14:16.29 23.07.24 166 79
20 sludge_factory 10aa 14:16.73 02.10.24 342 85
21 vanko_ubieca 10aa 14:26.25 15.08.23 275 85
22 hymm4sssS 10aa 14:32.11 15.08.23 400 62
23 crumb 10aa 14:34.17 20.01.22 412 62
24 JustDoItT 10aa 14:40.45 09.05.21 393 81
25 gogi 10aa 15:10.31 15.08.23 331 94
26 denzZA 10aa 15:13.02 25.04.21 233 73
27 ag 10aa 15:22.96 15.08.23 405 54
28 GoEasy 10aa 15:24.86 02.10.24 367 67
29 ACID_THUNDER 10aa 15:27.78 09.05.21 278 109
30 gz! 10aa 15:29.38 06.01.21 236 83
31 dropzone 10aa 15:31.17 19.09.22 250 147
32 FazLa 10aa 15:52.44 27.11.21 313 117
33 DeathLight 10aa 15:59.63 09.05.21 303 128
34 ufqvar 100aa 16:06.63 01.05.23 247 92
35 Aca 10aa 16:09.52 20.10.20 237 72
36 ernestik92 10aa 16:14.51 12.07.24 320 106
37 ГИMHACTИKA_CO_CBOEЙ_PУKOЙ 10aa 16:19.16 01.05.23 365 61
38 ziN 10aa 16:41.08 19.09.22 329 97
39 sex_machinne 100aa 16:56.99 15.08.23 457 148
40 Sly 10aa 16:57.06 22.11.19 392 174
41 fcnRat 100aa 17:16.09 13.04.24 182 50
42 Cranky 10aa 17:49.73 09.05.21 212 113
43 ㄷㅇㄴㅇ____써 10aa 18:26.33 01.05.23 368 123
44 16.Nobody 10aa 18:45.59 20.01.22 394 82
45 SeregaNova 10aa 19:03.89 25.04.23 185 121
46 bayacca 10aa 19:23.89 09.06.23 329 75
47 龙YlonKot风` 10aa 19:48.18 01.05.23 429 156
48 sgstullsss 10aa 19:49.68 01.05.23 369 219
49 urpay 10aa 19:52.84 20.10.20 318 111
50 Master4eG 10aa 21:30.90 07.03.23 375 159
51 DISTRACTION 10aa 23:15.10 09.05.21 377 210
52 Hyperactiv 10aa 23:28.16 19.09.22 361 236
53 AI_Player 10aa 25:44.14 01.05.23 286 131
54 ohoo 10aa 26:48.48 07.03.23 199 155
55 `AvAl0N 10aa 29:28.30 06.01.21 450 349
56 спокойней_брат 10aa 30:46.52 14.09.21 235 198
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 all1aNcE 10aa 14:01.30 19.09.22 384 70

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