Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

rush_qubish ( KZ-Rush) 25.11.2019
KZ-Rush record Juby - 06:24.60

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  edZika

Pro-record topoviygus - 03:50.73

Nub-record kappA_^ - 03:20.13 (26 cp / 19 gc)

Difficulty Hard-Extreme

Length Long

Download map rush_qubish (4,86 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 topoviygus 10aa 03:50.73 06.12.19
2 kappA_^ 10aa 04:13.02 15.09.22
3 Johnny 10aa 04:34.84 06.12.19
4 nike 10aa 04:43.08 28.11.19
5 dropzone 10aa 05:02.62 01.03.22
6 Keita 10aa 05:48.84 25.11.21
7 tired 10aa 07:01.35 12.06.21
8 d10s 10aa 07:17.69 03.01.25
9 Juby 10aa 07:35.94 24.08.20
10 Chichin 10aa 07:37.26 06.12.19
11 round 10aa 13:09.24 02.06.21
12 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 13:40.37 05.02.24
13 Kalashnikov 10aa 15:42.87 28.11.19
14 Qicg 10aa 19:06.15 06.12.19
15 Penguin 10aa 20:41.64 06.03.20
16 Zimok 10aa 39:17.75 26.08.20
17 Hong10 10aa 41:38.56 02.06.21
18 snegg 10aa 51:29.95 30.08.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 kappA_^ 10aa 03:20.13 15.09.22 26 19
2 Toff1fee 10aa 04:18.18 06.03.20 23 43
3 Keita 10aa 04:21.83 25.11.21 24 22
4 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 04:42.23 22.12.24 34 45
5 dropzone 10aa 04:44.62 01.03.22 52 51
6 Johnny 10aa 04:48.87 06.12.19 25 44
7 sadcuzdead 10aa 05:42.78 12.09.21 34 59
8 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 06:03.58 12.09.21 56 87
9 brokoly 10aa 06:18.58 05.11.23 53 83
10 Xixi 10aa 06:45.62 11.04.21 42 81
11 dous 100aa 07:02.70 18.09.24 55 71
12 California 10aa 07:16.62 25.10.22 42 88
13 I_Want_My_Tears_Back 10aa 07:28.92 10.09.22 41 76
14 TuF 10aa 07:32.11 06.03.20 47 76
15 MEEL 10aa 07:35.87 16.02.20 38 83
16 meowmeowmeow 100aa 07:56.77 18.09.24 48 100
17 Evis 10aa 08:30.03 17.10.22 99 102
18 Ripzu 10aa 08:59.76 25.11.21 54 114
19 Qicg 10aa 09:00.84 12.09.21 58 110
20 Niukkis 10aa 09:15.39 28.11.19 31 101
21 vsechnynickyobsazenejakublbych 10aa 09:16.25 06.03.20 44 42
22 zeze 10aa 09:26.30 24.09.23 54 117
23 elvis 10aa 09:30.52 24.12.22 40 151
24 react1ve 10aa 09:43.59 06.12.19 32 110
25 r0ckst4r 100aa 09:45.44 06.08.24 35 54
26 FN007 10aa 10:17.96 11.09.22 39 95
27 Hadi 10aa 10:44.78 06.04.23 35 146
28 FWX 10aa 11:59.93 28.10.22 48 146
29 PluDiko 10aa 12:05.78 15.01.23 42 160
30 topoviygus 10aa 12:28.98 28.11.19 83 175
31 CrackPoT 10aa 12:52.36 24.09.23 49 124
32 rare 10aa 12:55.40 06.03.20 44 203
33 additional 10aa 13:06.23 28.11.19 42 189
34 Fksch 10aa 13:29.15 20.06.24 81 231
35 iEsse 100aa 13:36.18 03.01.25 54 183
36 nett 100aa 13:53.63 24.09.23 55 151
37 PuKiS 10aa 13:58.69 01.03.22 65 160
38 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 14:08.88 02.01.23 52 225
39 asdfg. 10aa 14:28.76 20.11.23 34 217
40 jungle 10aa 14:38.90 18.05.20 78 183
41 Stafyly 10aa 15:04.99 12.04.21 43 243
42 SlasHeR 10aa 15:23.52 24.09.23 36 237
43 MiXiEEE 100aa 15:34.66 06.08.24 76 228
44 Chichin 10aa 16:03.44 06.12.19 61 182
45 d10s 10aa 16:06.05 03.01.25 41 203
46 legion 10aa 16:28.11 07.05.23 120 255
47 reatzh 10aa 16:39.96 21.01.21 66 227
48 Juby 10aa 17:24.41 24.08.20 30 144
49 brnn_`_insilio 10aa 18:36.10 11.04.21 115 194
50 snegg 10aa 18:36.67 02.06.21 57 295
51 promax 10aa 19:17.57 10.03.22 50 217
52 CamelCloud 10aa 21:04.67 20.04.20 32 302
53 LoAir 10aa 21:29.97 21.01.21 53 368
54 grumie 10aa 22:36.60 22.01.23 60 403
55 Nikish 10aa 23:26.81 30.08.21 49 386
56 Luxanity 10aa 24:14.14 22.12.24 109 473
57 RichTheUglySock 10aa 24:55.44 11.04.21 48 468
58 all1aNcE 10aa 25:01.64 28.11.19 104 343
59 round 10aa 25:10.94 02.06.21 41 317
60 xirax 10aa 25:59.76 25.11.21 116 367
61 BlizZz 10aa 28:46.22 02.06.21 69 365
62 Penguin 10aa 29:31.68 06.03.20 158 172
63 VertikO 10aa 31:21.30 10.09.22 84 551
64 GoDfreee 10aa 31:43.67 24.09.23 79 359
65 ArvInD 10aa 32:07.18 02.06.21 63 470
66 uhh 10aa 32:40.43 10.09.22 110 693
67 Hong10 10aa 34:39.40 02.06.21 54 453
68 something_safe 10aa 34:54.29 02.01.23 78 545
69 Neurich 10aa 34:56.29 23.02.20 78 535
70 hehe 10aa 36:06.00 05.02.24 105 755
71 sltrix 10aa 37:06.74 24.09.23 106 698
72 FrX 10aa 37:08.59 02.06.21 94 618
73 kayte 10aa 37:20.99 10.09.22 67 558
74 carthegarden 10aa 39:27.03 12.06.21 86 595
75 qbig 10aa 44:26.76 24.12.22 68 750
76 Bu3T 10aa 44:40.82 16.12.24 68 642
77 HaosMeDi 10aa 45:35.12 05.02.24 131 955
78 F1uffY 10aa 46:48.04 06.03.20 66 795
79 Igor_S. 10aa 48:13.56 16.02.20 102 734
80 Degmi 10aa 48:52.85 15.01.23 101 921
81 _Player 10aa 50:46.44 24.09.23 112 887
82 6a6ka_B_Hau`KoBCKuX_KeDaXD 10aa 51:32.73 25.10.22 441 763
83 rdankspinda 100aa 54:46.44 20.11.23 51 552
84 1111 10aa 55:45.47 06.03.20 177 970
85 trololo 10aa 55:58.71 02.01.23 142 1019
86 JohnD 10aa 59:58.99 07.02.25 181 1006
87 Silk_Road 10aa 62:30.99 06.12.19 188 936
88 JustDoItT 10aa 71:51.31 02.05.23 110 1456
89 Noob 10aa 79:34.29 19.04.20 303 1538
90 typeofblack 10aa 99:14.33 03.01.25 86 1755
91 LAKIKS 10aa 101:41.20 06.12.19 225 1780
92 jigsaw 10aa 154:26.26 24.09.23 113 2965
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Chichin 10aa 09:13.77 06.12.19 42 123
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Chichin 10aa 07:59.76 06.12.19 43 101
2 topoviygus 10aa 12:09.72 06.12.19 55 67
3 zyllEE 10aa 54:50.56 25.11.21 110 941
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zyllEE 10aa 92:33.23 08.09.22 86 1458
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 24:59.87 05.02.24 116 607
2 zyllEE 10aa 46:37.94 16.04.23 61 805
3 Irvin 10aa 61:55.61 15.09.22 210 1186

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