Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

slide_kei_verticality ( Cosy-Climbing) 03.10.2020

Slide map

Cosy-Climbing record BloLy - 01:41.65

KZ-Rush record Silk_Road - 02:02.68

Mapper  Keita

Pro-record mudaj - 02:02.59

Nub-record Silk_Road - 02:22.31 (7 cp / 2 gc)

Difficulty Hard

Length Middle

Download map slide_kei_verticality (2,49 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Silk_Road 02:02.68   11.09.22
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 mudaj 100aa 02:02.59 03.08.23
2 Suuzuki 10aa 02:20.75 10.10.21
3 Fksch 10aa 02:50.60 13.05.24
4 Silk_Road 10aa 02:56.04 13.07.21
5 sl1wzz 10aa 03:09.69 02.01.21
6 alma 100aa 03:56.45 01.07.24
7 myas 100aa 04:14.95 02.10.24
8 chevrolet 100aa 04:38.07 17.01.24
9 SlasHeR 10aa 04:43.72 02.01.21
10 Hm- 100aa 04:51.11 13.09.23
11 tugushka 10aa 05:51.58 02.01.21
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Silk_Road 10aa 02:22.31 04.07.22 7 2
2 Suuzuki 10aa 02:58.96 10.10.21 13 1
3 krizo 100aa 03:31.46 17.01.24 11 4
4 Fksch 10aa 04:59.37 13.05.24 25 8
5 nymph 100aa 05:06.44 20.10.23 28 23
6 iEsse 100aa 05:11.51 10.10.24 16 5
7 alma 100aa 05:18.39 01.07.24 12 4
8 sl1wzz 10aa 05:55.75 02.01.21 14 2
9 Hm- 100aa 06:18.19 13.09.23 30 19
10 tugushka 10aa 06:25.45 02.01.21 31 6
11 narasslabone 10aa 06:28.21 13.05.24 24 62
12 1111 10aa 07:43.71 02.01.21 48 17
13 不要惹尼哥 100aa 10:42.07 03.08.23 27 24
14 theSUPERMAN 100aa 13:34.02 28.11.24 34 50
15 HjG-KazmaN 10aa 19:52.54 13.05.24 28 85
16 Pleskyc 10aa 36:21.52 02.01.21 35 112
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Silk_Road 10aa 03:03.49 13.07.22 13 11

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