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Map info

slide_rch_bricked ( Cosy-Climbing) 24.04.2016

Slide map

Cosy-Climbing record BloLy - 02:03.93

KZ-Rush record Silk_Road - 02:28.93

Mapper  Rachel

Pro-record azure - 00:30.22

Nub-record mathu - 01:54.11 (13 cp / 5 gc)

Difficulty Hard

Length Middle

Download map slide_rch_bricked (1,72 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 Silk_Road 02:28.93   25.09.22
2 flores 04:21.84 -01:52.91 11.10.18
3 all1aNcE 10:30.38 -08:01.45 22.03.18
4 ONe 10:52.90 -08:23.97 20.12.17
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 azure 100aa 00:30.22 06.02.25
2 mudaj 100aa 00:34.69 04.08.24
3 9d^ 100aa 00:37.49 04.08.24
4 mathu 100aa 01:35.53 26.04.24
5 Keita 10aa 02:50.15 23.09.18
6 tired 10aa 02:53.41 14.07.21
7 meLn0n 10aa 03:07.28 23.11.17
8 Silk_Road 10aa 03:07.97 08.07.22
9 flores 10aa 03:17.54 02.11.18
10 g-Lp 10aa 03:20.37 23.09.18
11 narasslabone 10aa 04:04.04 08.08.23
12 MDDLFNGRR 10aa 04:44.59 14.02.22
13 all1aNcE 10aa 05:55.26 25.07.18
14 BishOp 10aa 06:54.11 11.08.18
15 ufame 100aa 07:03.65 28.01.25
16 Fksch 10aa 09:04.97 25.07.24
17 Juice 10aa 09:49.66 21.11.20
18 Penguin 10aa 10:05.51 06.02.19
19 DINO 10aa 10:22.29 26.11.18
20 Igor_S. 10aa 11:09.82 15.03.17
21 myas 100aa 11:51.25 05.04.24
22 1111 10aa 15:21.18 07.12.18
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 mathu 100aa 01:54.11 26.04.24 13 5
2 9d^ 100aa 02:13.90 04.08.24 25 5
3 rare 10aa 02:47.71 28.04.20 18 4
4 flores 10aa 02:59.68 17.11.18 29 8
5 Silk_Road 10aa 03:02.81 07.03.23 24 4
6 narasslabone 10aa 03:42.77 19.11.24 41 20
7 all1aNcE 10aa 04:11.52 25.07.18 44 17
8 slahackovy_kolac 10aa 04:23.92 28.04.20 8 11
9 Fksch 10aa 04:41.09 25.07.24 56 17
10 1111 10aa 04:52.90 21.11.20 51 19
11 topoviygus 10aa 04:54.41 15.03.17 47 27
12 Igor_S. 10aa 05:06.47 21.08.17 36 29
13 Wut 10aa 05:10.86 12.04.18 46 24
14 DINO 10aa 05:11.56 26.11.18 38 25
15 LLazar 10aa 05:28.70 01.11.20 35 41
16 MDDLFNGRR 10aa 05:31.65 14.02.22 36 35
17 Niukkis 10aa 05:41.87 25.09.19 37 27
18 sadgds 10aa 05:42.40 14.02.22 41 39
19 ddqwex 10aa 06:03.95 28.06.22 67 58
20 HaMMa 10aa 06:08.57 25.07.18 52 56
21 csm_PreFect 10aa 06:17.53 14.01.21 62 39
22 gladiator 10aa 06:22.84 15.03.17 46 36
23 Lightning_McQueen 10aa 06:40.62 18.09.24 57 42
24 additional 10aa 06:58.41 23.09.18 42 45
25 Hm- 100aa 07:30.38 12.03.25 61 53
26 ago 100aa 07:56.44 08.08.23 37 127
27 nike 10aa 08:02.64 09.08.17 33 46
28 hehe 10aa 08:06.81 14.02.22 51 82
29 Clover 10aa 08:09.26 10.10.17 36 48
30 Miasw 10aa 08:14.12 23.09.18 37 53
31 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 08:22.41 14.02.22 102 81
32 Gorbachev_x 10aa 08:25.16 25.07.24 62 59
33 Hong10 10aa 08:50.94 14.07.21 40 76
34 Juice 10aa 09:09.58 21.11.20 60 85
35 browns 100aa 09:18.70 28.06.22 51 83
36 dislike 10aa 09:20.16 12.06.17 60 66
37 dropzone 10aa 09:35.18 13.06.17 54 61
38 turtlemain 10aa 09:54.76 01.03.22 44 83
39 nymph 100aa 10:05.82 12.08.23 80 81
40 DiLo 10aa 10:16.98 13.06.17 41 66
41 gmaz 10aa 10:17.05 19.11.24 67 101
42 carthegarden 10aa 11:47.90 14.07.21 84 135
43 tugushka 10aa 11:59.10 21.11.20 65 94
44 solo 10aa 13:09.14 10.04.23 61 71
45 Zimok 10aa 14:24.26 06.02.19 74 140
46 Okazys 10aa 14:41.74 23.10.20 103 143
47 Chernaya_Sotnya 10aa 15:17.96 25.12.18 151 146
48 Evis 10aa 15:50.70 28.04.20 150 180
49 RichTheUglySock 10aa 16:02.87 28.06.22 103 172
50 azure 10aa 16:11.35 06.02.25 71 148
51 blackelf 10aa 16:44.95 23.10.20 72 130
52 hgghdf 10aa 16:46.28 17.11.18 53 182
53 不要惹尼哥 100aa 17:09.56 17.11.23 66 98
54 Penguin 10aa 17:39.25 06.02.19 70 124
55 jade_luckk 10aa 18:25.15 28.06.22 61 95
56 Suuzuki 10aa 19:02.10 28.04.20 57 178
57 sadamazda 10aa 19:17.67 13.06.17 70 178
58 Xednay 10aa 20:55.74 15.03.17 81 149
59 Pleskyc 10aa 21:09.65 01.09.20 68 212
60 SlasHeR 10aa 21:36.28 14.02.22 40 130
61 dogeninja_dude42 10aa 22:16.11 25.12.18 108 205
62 spane 10aa 22:28.91 19.11.24 114 200
63 lavash 10aa 23:16.73 19.11.24 102 218
64 S_R 10aa 23:19.66 07.12.18 92 261
65 Izgoy 10aa 24:40.41 28.04.20 101 218
66 TuF 10aa 24:58.39 05.06.20 135 291
67 tIunennoB 10aa 25:20.84 10.10.17 51 188
68 xenge 10aa 26:52.13 23.09.18 189 303
69 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 27:31.78 14.07.21 109 401
70 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 28:28.55 28.04.20 65 274
71 Invisible 10aa 32:51.73 27.03.18 70 334
72 zver 10aa 34:53.08 14.07.21 126 254
73 iso 10aa 36:20.18 08.07.22 127 369
74 ShoCk 10aa 42:14.38 12.06.17 82 380
75 kyrlik-myrlik 10aa 42:29.68 08.08.23 243 411
76 ScrAw 10aa 43:04.70 25.07.18 43 317
77 snegg 10aa 46:12.99 23.11.17 63 448
78 Ripzu 10aa 49:14.00 21.11.20 62 531
79 LIKE_A_UZI_NIGGA 10aa 51:20.31 25.07.18 106 805
80 supermegah4rdskillboga 10aa 52:20.46 15.03.17 96 452
81 trololo 10aa 54:03.86 19.11.24 94 499

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