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Pro Nub

Map info

xr_to_riot ( Cosy-Climbing) 15.06.2023
Cosy-Climbing recordUnknown

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  inactive

Pro-record No record

Nub-record dropzone - 03:04.82 (105 cp / 44 gc)

Difficulty Hard-Extreme

Length Middle

Download map xr_to_riot (28,47 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 dropzone 10aa 03:04.82 17.08.23 105 44
2 KOlombus 10aa 04:22.48 30.12.24 119 86
3 inactive 10aa 04:56.64 30.12.24 114 118
4 187 10aa 04:57.76 17.08.23 168 101
5 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 05:05.57 25.04.24 130 120
6 pakapaka 10aa 05:16.82 31.08.24 58 108
7 all1aNcE 10aa 05:38.67 25.04.24 186 134
8 EchO_o 10aa 05:45.89 30.12.24 170 150
9 Purity 10aa 06:15.47 30.12.24 94 147
10 bORN2MAKEPORN 10aa 07:40.52 25.04.24 182 179
11 asdasdasdasdasdasd 10aa 07:46.95 25.04.24 80 227
12 hk 10aa 07:55.67 10.07.23 217 177
13 CamelCloud 10aa 08:46.43 29.10.24 161 212
14 _Player 10aa 09:17.52 26.09.23 138 223
15 grumie 10aa 12:15.45 12.08.23 223 357
16 Sly 10aa 13:26.70 19.02.24 190 440
17 snegg 10aa 13:45.72 29.10.24 113 380
18 Fksch 10aa 13:51.88 25.04.24 254 327
19 Hong10 10aa 15:08.08 25.04.24 137 377
20 zza 10aa 15:36.42 29.10.24 169 303
21 Smoke_In_The_Style_Of_Light 10aa 16:56.39 30.12.24 194 484
22 waplet 10aa 17:00.12 30.12.24 137 408
23 JohnD 10aa 20:13.41 30.01.25 393 529
24 zxcGHOULzxc 10aa 20:47.26 29.10.24 155 559
25 Neurich 10aa 21:18.83 06.09.23 234 586
26 uber 10aa 22:19.94 30.12.24 430 550
27 let_me_down_slowly 10aa 22:34.32 30.12.24 150 579
28 Clearlove 10aa 24:49.62 30.12.24 192 651
29 Sddz 10aa 24:50.61 01.02.24 137 694
30 HACPAHO 10aa 25:18.46 25.04.24 358 645
31 JustDoItT 10aa 25:31.49 19.02.24 166 718
32 NPC 10aa 25:31.94 19.02.24 515 772
33 selcYc 10aa 25:57.00 29.10.24 288 571
34 trololo 10aa 26:05.80 25.04.24 184 573
35 qbig 10aa 31:14.52 12.08.23 205 747
36 JohnD 100aa 32:43.83 25.04.24 353 823
37 Riot 10aa 39:38.00 04.08.23 272 961
38 orewko 10aa 43:47.63 18.02.25 326 1250
39 BARBADOS 10aa 45:16.96 10.09.24 452 1437
40 kmz 10aa 45:55.66 19.09.24 432 1284
41 wu-tang 10aa 47:29.50 30.01.25 143 939
42 Katzz 10aa 60:30.35 31.08.24 441 1851
43 Lavender 10aa 87:39.97 25.04.24 277 2426
44 ahl 10aa 87:47.81 04.08.23 418 2650
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 qbig 10aa 20:08.60 11.03.25 246 566
2 zyllEE 10aa 22:14.26 10.07.23 260 556
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zyllEE 10aa 17:59.48 12.07.23 363 507
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 19:24.33 25.04.24 262 603
2 zyllEE 10aa 24:48.00 06.09.23 334 712
3 MEEL 10aa 39:24.63 22.01.24 445 954

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