Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kz_stranded ( Xtreme-Jumps)
Xtreme-Jumps record afu - 02:43.70

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper Unknown

Pro-record No record

Nub-record hzrem - 03:15.34 (102 cp / 5 gc)

Difficulty Unknown

Length Unknown

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We haven't screenshots of this map
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 hzrem 10aa 03:15.34 30.01.20 102 5
2 rawe 10aa 03:23.39 27.02.18 67 13
3 lxr 10aa 03:28.57 24.07.17 96 11
4 Nikitoszaw 10aa 03:36.96 16.07.17 82 12
5 kykrus 10aa 03:38.37 14.01.20 124 17
6 huorazzi 10aa 04:00.11 25.07.18 89 15
7 McKilliandor 10aa 04:08.11 12.08.17 100 15
8 Longlossst 10aa 04:15.68 06.09.19 113 23
9 Pemoma 10aa 04:18.76 02.09.17 128 31
10 Evil_Activities 10aa 04:27.83 11.01.19 119 21
11 Lifestealer+ 10aa 04:51.93 14.06.18 98 35
12 LuffyEsp 10aa 04:52.17 24.07.17 125 31
13 old man 10aa 04:53.75 14.07.19 72 38
14 Kickbar 10aa 04:56.86 10.10.20 108 21
15 § | Major 10aa 04:56.99 30.09.17 101 37
16 KUZBASS 10aa 05:11.23 15.04.18 148 49
17  10aa 05:40.95 19.09.20 50 24
18 incorrect_nick 10aa 05:47.14 10.04.18 123 58
19 메메차팟 10aa 06:00.05 19.09.20 104 48
20 FroupaPD 10aa 06:00.47 16.07.18 120 40
21 gamegeekx 10aa 06:07.24 06.12.20 80 42
22 Yanki 10aa 06:20.76 10.04.18 116 69
23 ksll 10aa 06:34.33 08.03.19 92 47
24 мистер красный 10aa 06:40.14 09.03.18 126 58
25 Cpt. Ptichka 10aa 06:42.70 19.03.18 135 55
26 Fctrll 10aa 06:44.29 09.11.18 124 86
27 phuplayboy1234 10aa 06:55.00 20.08.20 68 56
28 InDaGello 10aa 06:56.77 13.03.19 83 85
29 jkr 10aa 06:58.07 21.07.17 40 50
30 insane 10aa 07:05.78 17.06.18 118 59
31 Mr.Shelby 10aa 07:21.84 09.11.18 74 37
32 weleyn 10aa 07:34.03 13.05.20 136 88
33 incorrect_nick 10aa 07:42.47 22.08.20 75 77
34 Bucma 10aa 08:39.53 29.04.18 76 87
35 NePeNtHeS 10aa 09:44.46 28.09.20 116 42
36 /antim/ 10aa 09:53.32 02.10.18 119 106
37 Kim Jong Un 10aa 10:06.39 31.10.18 126 107
38 kusti420 10aa 10:14.90 30.11.20 179 145
39 kuboo 10aa 10:58.34 31.10.18 107 110
40 10aa 11:38.74 01.08.18 86 107
41 balisong99 10aa 11:45.57 11.05.18 153 195
42 2528229352 10aa 12:46.84 21.07.17 38 74
43 brzi 10aa 13:04.77 30.11.20 70 120
44 Gostinal 10aa 13:20.52 03.10.20 55 170
45 Miss H. 10aa 14:28.38 17.12.18 69 67
46 Novum 10aa 14:50.28 30.11.19 17 97
47 b 10aa 16:19.75 20.09.20 87 220
48 Mytee Dee 10aa 16:55.75 11.01.19 88 267

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