28.08.19 18:25 - Pinned post
This is a bot that plays top1 record of the server . We don't use it on our server since it gives quite a load plus we have a wr bot.
Here are forwards that you need to register and call from the main plugin (id - player identifier):
fwPubStarted(id) - call when player starts the timer
fwPubRejected(id) - call when gocheck done or user disconnects without savepos
fwPubPaused(id) - call when user paused timer and didn't use gochecks
fwPubUnpaused(id) - call when user unpaused timer and didn't use gochecks
fwPubFinished(id, Float:flTime) - call when user finished the map without gochecks; flTime should be zero if this is not top1 and equal to pass time in case of top1
This implies that savepos puts user into pause, and after connecting server loads saved savepos and puts user into pause (this is how we do it on our servers).
Download plugin
How to use forwards