Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

bkz_virescentclimb ( Cosy-Climbing) 28.09.2010
Cosy-Climbing record Cupe - 02:40.73

KZ-Rush record silentq - 03:15.18

Mapper  h1m1

Pro-record Hina - 03:19.90

Nub-record sekai - 03:02.96 (85 cp / 11 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Middle

Download map bkz_virescentclimb (1,24 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 silentq 03:15.18   21.07.19
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Hina 10aa 03:19.90 18.03.23
2 Hong10 10aa 03:45.79 11.05.21
3 zver 10aa 03:53.79 05.09.22
4 SlasHeR 10aa 04:39.46 14.02.21
5 avivVv 10aa 05:26.14 06.05.21
6 elvis 10aa 06:19.49 26.04.21
7 Penguin 10aa 06:32.73 24.09.19
8 Slumpfy 10aa 08:23.20 27.05.24
9 jigsaw 10aa 10:36.46 07.05.23
10 Sjkeeeee 100aa 11:51.99 27.08.24
11 Shinzo 10aa 19:45.92 04.11.20
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sekai 10aa 03:02.96 23.09.21 85 11
2 dophamine 10aa 03:17.05 22.11.20 114 9
3 Bean 10aa 03:21.59 05.09.20 88 16
4 rach 10aa 03:25.93 16.07.23 90 13
5 Hina 10aa 03:29.71 18.03.23 76 8
6 Penguin 10aa 03:33.37 24.09.19 63 13
7 moderna 10aa 03:46.83 15.02.21 76 21
8 uraraka 10aa 03:49.07 16.07.23 101 18
9 ShoCk 10aa 03:49.76 22.11.20 85 24
10 DragKedja 10aa 03:55.15 13.07.19 111 18
11 misti 10aa 03:58.21 06.02.23 92 25
12 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 04:10.11 07.05.23 127 28
13 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 04:13.75 25.07.21 130 29
14 CyMPAK 10aa 04:14.68 18.03.23 123 36
15 w 10aa 04:15.22 26.04.21 89 29
16 oRR 10aa 04:15.30 17.07.19 125 28
17 Adoptado 10aa 04:17.38 26.04.24 92 14
18 jabroni 10aa 04:18.05 07.05.23 104 44
19 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 04:18.47 25.07.21 118 34
20 JohnD 100aa 04:18.74 26.04.24 182 25
21 Abbakka 10aa 04:18.89 22.11.20 130 34
22 Bomj_Kolyadun 100aa 04:20.71 19.06.23 104 45
23 rapier 10aa 04:22.99 01.03.20 105 30
24 SaiKa 10aa 04:23.88 15.12.24 123 37
25 Fat_Tony 10aa 04:23.89 22.11.20 113 40
26 MEDVDED_EBUN 10aa 04:25.92 04.11.20 108 44
27 Al9 10aa 04:27.88 11.05.21 117 30
28 exodus 10aa 04:28.92 22.05.20 101 24
29 AlexGood 10aa 04:32.17 26.09.24 157 37
30 888_51_rus 10aa 04:33.44 26.04.24 107 43
31 lian200v 10aa 04:33.46 05.09.20 116 24
32 shigaraki 10aa 04:33.57 24.12.23 165 46
33 Jmuriq 10aa 04:34.75 07.05.23 118 47
34 SL1kroL 10aa 04:45.36 11.05.21 62 27
35 Mrazotka 100aa 04:45.72 26.06.23 125 41
36 maronny 10aa 04:46.27 17.07.19 124 34
37 joshminer 10aa 04:54.55 27.05.24 110 40
38 麦克雷 10aa 04:55.89 06.02.23 49 32
39 damage 10aa 04:59.78 09.09.22 105 40
40 You 10aa 05:00.32 05.09.20 112 41
41 nollister 10aa 05:01.81 09.09.22 138 42
42 theon1y 10aa 05:02.78 18.03.23 173 67
43 kocm 10aa 05:04.29 22.05.20 117 52
44 ACID_THUNDER 10aa 05:04.48 22.11.20 95 56
45 _ 10aa 05:07.44 15.02.21 119 57
46 shitter 10aa 05:12.47 16.07.23 124 70
47 asd123 10aa 05:15.76 27.04.23 110 31
48 s0nought 10aa 05:17.04 07.05.23 141 69
49 Jas 10aa 05:21.50 22.11.20 133 60
50 Mirnaya 10aa 05:39.18 11.05.21 91 48
51 denzZA 10aa 05:44.41 26.04.21 111 71
52 schurik 10aa 05:53.17 22.11.20 96 47
53 saFt 10aa 05:57.22 11.05.21 81 79
54 Jopka 100aa 05:59.05 26.04.24 143 71
55 _ 10aa 06:01.61 07.05.23 104 89
56 lapchatiygusツ_(ne_letit) 10aa 06:04.08 15.12.24 132 81
57 Kript0n 10aa 06:05.77 15.12.24 104 82
58 sgstullsss 10aa 06:11.79 09.09.22 123 104
59 pink 100aa 06:16.25 27.08.24 137 93
60 DeathLight 10aa 06:20.96 11.03.23 133 73
61 unstoppable 10aa 06:23.32 05.09.20 131 100
62 duri 10aa 06:30.24 22.05.20 109 97
63 k 10aa 06:32.62 11.05.21 99 88
64 Tr1cky 10aa 06:37.59 11.05.21 164 68
65 NeZo 10aa 06:38.62 01.03.20 131 93
66 pitu 10aa 06:40.05 22.05.20 125 96
67 Resp 100aa 07:01.20 26.04.24 66 85
68 MAVRODI_BPM 100aa 07:22.53 27.08.24 131 82
69 cBuHb9 10aa 07:29.93 26.04.21 119 105
70 Akronix 10aa 07:36.66 26.04.21 124 135
71 whrrr 10aa 07:54.71 04.11.20 179 115
72 Streptococ 10aa 08:26.96 30.08.21 96 115
73 PoweR 10aa 08:30.04 24.09.19 112 141
74 Пакистан 10aa 08:59.02 16.07.23 136 160
75 Hyperactiv 10aa 09:21.41 21.04.23 143 162
76 Living_Saint 10aa 09:28.71 26.04.21 178 150
77 10aa 09:37.62 15.12.24 163 183
78 eddyoo 10aa 11:21.36 16.07.23 108 260
79 SS_Derrick 10aa 12:21.19 16.07.23 266 245
80 A.A 10aa 12:23.30 26.04.21 181 255
81 JOCKBUTT 10aa 13:32.80 26.04.24 168 275
82 asdfzola 10aa 14:05.50 11.03.23 132 302
83 Master4eG 10aa 14:14.90 11.03.23 140 283
84 CETUS_Traceur 10aa 14:20.52 27.05.24 157 289
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 1Hui 10aa 05:26.46 24.09.19 131 42
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 1Hui 10aa 12:08.28 24.09.19 157 219
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Sly 10aa 16:30.50 05.09.20 380 403

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