Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

c21_malle_100 ( Cosy-Climbing) 29.01.2021
Cosy-Climbing record NeW - 55:12.59

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  Malle

Pro-record dous - 63:16.92

Nub-record Xsi - 42:28.50 (1024 cp / 108 gc)

Difficulty Average

Length Very long

Download map c21_malle_100 (1,82 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 dous 100aa 63:16.92 17.05.24
2 Fksch 10aa 67:04.76 06.06.24
3 Juby 10aa 68:17.74 12.05.21
4 Zimok 10aa 73:22.97 23.02.22
5 zver 10aa 80:18.24 06.09.22
6 snegg 10aa 80:56.90 12.05.21
7 RichTheUglySock 10aa 81:01.58 12.05.21
8 Hong10 10aa 81:19.50 14.05.21
9 JohnD 10aa 90:14.38 02.09.24
10 Imbik 10aa 92:51.53 12.05.23
11 BlizZz 10aa 93:08.35 12.05.21
12 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 111:40.39 12.05.23
13 Shinzo 10aa 118:40.95 19.09.21
14 trololo 10aa 119:12.67 12.05.21
15 kmz 10aa 123:58.16 13.05.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Xsi 10aa 42:28.50 14.05.21 1024 108
2 dous 100aa 42:45.26 19.05.24 1278 159
3 rach 10aa 49:16.97 21.05.24 1203 167
4 HaMMa 10aa 50:45.23 12.05.21 1167 198
5 EchO_o 10aa 50:58.71 29.08.24 1753 267
6 MEEL 10aa 51:20.55 12.05.21 1239 232
7 Madcat 10aa 52:02.09 16.01.23 1312 290
8 MiXiEEE 100aa 52:23.05 19.05.24 1237 252
9 Zimok 10aa 54:20.30 02.09.24 1343 288
10 DMITRY 100aa 55:21.83 19.02.24 1370 284
11 pepi 10aa 56:18.55 12.05.21 1817 362
12 doz 10aa 56:29.24 12.05.21 960 320
13 dislike 10aa 56:47.57 12.05.21 1232 375
14 paxmas 100aa 57:36.79 09.06.24 751 314
15 Nubby 10aa 58:19.36 14.05.21 1003 362
16 Juby 10aa 59:27.45 12.05.21 807 315
17 Koce 10aa 60:33.98 12.05.21 1811 355
18 Okazys 10aa 61:38.36 06.11.22 1262 396
19 doNoby 10aa 62:12.77 23.02.22 1355 457
20 LSD 10aa 62:35.92 23.02.22 1268 365
21 snegg 10aa 62:57.82 12.05.21 1318 400
22 HACPAHO 10aa 65:14.32 06.06.24 1599 529
23 axwell 10aa 66:53.27 12.05.21 1679 438
24 Amalienau 10aa 66:57.51 12.05.23 1311 420
25 shigaraki 10aa 67:09.30 21.05.24 1956 562
26 Fr1byt 10aa 70:04.05 12.05.23 2214 502
27 Roman 10aa 70:25.13 09.06.24 1744 677
28 FWX 10aa 71:53.21 16.01.23 955 301
29 Slabko 10aa 72:44.09 12.05.23 1231 501
30 Hm- 10aa 73:21.47 14.05.21 1640 503
31 Freedom_-_dvD 10aa 73:59.03 12.05.23 1053 499
32 Terminator 100aa 74:26.80 12.05.23 1406 737
33 avivVv 10aa 75:19.36 23.02.22 1337 723
34 phersz 10aa 76:05.82 12.05.21 1460 690
35 orewko 10aa 77:18.83 06.06.24 1802 651
36 Aplatanado 10aa 77:19.53 12.05.21 1215 582
37 Deadpool 10aa 77:27.12 12.05.23 1494 759
38 Tr1cky 10aa 77:35.26 12.05.21 1869 747
39 Aca 10aa 77:39.29 12.05.21 884 499
40 gogi 10aa 78:43.17 16.01.23 1327 679
41 equinzy 10aa 79:02.82 12.05.21 1585 727
42 oRR 10aa 79:23.76 12.05.21 1514 696
43 myas 100aa 79:27.97 19.02.24 1171 636
44 Get_Ready 10aa 81:10.12 13.05.23 1717 986
45 kypon` 10aa 82:00.57 06.06.24 1117 852
46 JustDoItT 10aa 84:22.85 12.05.21 1877 838
47 Sjkeeeee 100aa 84:50.00 27.08.24 1599 710
48 SL1kroL 10aa 85:25.68 12.05.21 954 772
49 lvokdalegend 10aa 85:30.97 21.05.24 925 955
50 rapier 10aa 92:04.69 12.05.21 1670 1024
51 qwxxded 100aa 95:05.86 12.05.23 1868 1337
52 W1nS 10aa 97:37.51 12.05.21 1936 1206
53 3vilStar 10aa 98:09.24 12.05.23 2043 1268
54 Magix 10aa 101:28.21 12.05.23 1869 1756
55 Player 10aa 109:55.38 12.05.23 1706 1410
56 s3ba4ka 10aa 112:45.98 09.06.24 1573 1546
57 asdfzola 10aa 114:22.96 14.05.23 1866 1771
58 OnI 10aa 115:43.52 12.05.23 1421 1137
59 Vaska 10aa 129:28.54 12.05.21 3121 1338
60 denzZA 10aa 129:49.00 12.05.21 1596 2237
61 eog 10aa 143:09.55 10.06.24 2254 1751
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 zyllEE 10aa 83:44.33 12.05.23 1451 914

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