Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzzNk_kiloray ( Cosy-Climbing) 20.03.2023
Cosy-Climbing record dejair - 02:27.20

KZ-Rush record era - 02:04.16

Mapper  BluERaY-X

Pro-record colcolx - 01:39.13

Nub-record lampa666 - 01:55.25 (49 cp / 1 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Short

Download map kzzNk_kiloray (1,17 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 era 02:04.16   15.03.25
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 colcolx 10aa 01:39.13 13.05.24
2 lampa666 10aa 01:58.95 05.11.23
3 misti 10aa 02:03.30 05.06.24
4 Malachite 10aa 02:05.16 06.03.25
5 era 10aa 02:05.31 09.03.25
6 Hong10 10aa 02:05.61 06.06.23
7 Dislike12574 10aa 02:13.47 30.08.24
8 Mervin 100aa 02:16.87 30.08.24
9 Mervin 10aa 02:23.12 30.08.24
10 sludge_factory 10aa 02:24.77 09.03.25
11 Aleshka 10aa 02:27.00 30.11.23
12 4o8 10aa 02:27.14 09.03.25
13 [akatsuki]suigetsu 10aa 02:29.61 20.07.24
14 HACPAHO 10aa 02:33.97 13.04.24
15 lavash 10aa 02:37.56 16.05.24
16 Riot 10aa 02:41.25 05.11.23
17 techno 10aa 02:41.31 20.07.24
18 speexz 10aa 02:48.27 20.07.24
19 rumyana 10aa 02:49.25 20.11.23
20 IIaTpIarX_-_- 10aa 02:51.55 09.03.25
21 ahl 10aa 02:58.60 20.11.23
22 Shockwave 10aa 03:06.60 20.07.24
23 ask4ne 10aa 03:12.15 19.10.24
24 qcg_KZRE 10aa 03:24.76 12.09.23
25 DMITRY 100aa 03:28.80 05.04.24
26 JohnD 10aa 03:42.93 16.05.24
27 Vasudeva 10aa 03:52.04 31.01.24
28 13inchveinymonster 10aa 03:53.92 09.11.24
29 rapier 10aa 03:58.48 07.11.23
30 Niclas0711 10aa 04:02.71 30.08.24
31 DeathLight 10aa 04:23.96 30.08.24
32 zver 10aa 04:39.84 19.03.24
33 Selena_Gomez 10aa 05:17.36 12.09.23
34 eog 10aa 05:26.14 13.04.24
35 Naive 10aa 06:32.02 25.03.25
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 lampa666 10aa 01:55.25 21.11.23 49 1
2 sonyamarmeladova 10aa 02:01.68 21.11.23 37 2
3 CamelCloud 10aa 02:03.48 16.05.24 47 17
4 Madcat 10aa 02:14.54 17.10.24 48 3
5 OiO 10aa 02:18.70 25.03.25 36 5
6 rstarafrdolbytnormalno 10aa 02:20.23 21.11.23 69 4
7 DeathLight 10aa 02:22.85 30.08.24 58 5
8 kokccc 10aa 02:27.07 21.11.23 71 5
9 misti 10aa 02:29.40 05.06.24 47 7
10 rumyana 10aa 02:30.57 20.11.23 68 9
11 Shockwave 10aa 02:31.83 20.07.24 66 4
12 Note 10aa 02:32.90 09.03.25 79 11
13 [akatsuki]suigetsu 10aa 02:33.75 20.07.24 57 15
14 JustDoItT 10aa 02:34.74 13.04.24 76 11
15 Shanta 10aa 02:35.24 20.11.23 59 6
16 Moroesxx 10aa 02:36.35 30.08.24 62 10
17 shigaraki 10aa 02:39.52 23.01.24 94 12
18 ioso 10aa 02:40.79 09.11.24 64 14
19 Riot 10aa 02:44.17 05.11.23 68 11
20 Coffee4J 100aa 02:47.51 20.07.24 56 14
21 Longlossst 10aa 02:48.26 17.10.24 66 15
22 Dislike12574 10aa 02:49.05 30.08.24 61 5
23 Guts 10aa 02:49.26 12.09.23 63 17
24 Drawh1st0ry 10aa 02:50.97 07.11.23 68 18
25 vakim4444 10aa 02:51.98 20.07.24 60 16
26 zzzz 10aa 02:56.78 20.11.23 55 17
27 mQnsta 10aa 02:57.27 09.11.24 73 12
28 ZIRO 10aa 02:59.08 07.11.23 76 20
29 Hao 10aa 02:59.27 23.01.24 64 15
30 monowii 10aa 03:00.25 04.12.24 90 15
31 urosh_h 10aa 03:02.55 20.07.24 59 10
32 НА_ИГРЕ 10aa 03:17.55 11.11.23 68 18
33 votaky 10aa 03:17.98 11.11.23 66 19
34 Adoptado 10aa 03:19.56 20.07.24 62 12
35 fms 10aa 03:22.18 09.03.25 105 23
36 DuffyDack 10aa 03:22.21 30.08.24 83 21
37 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 03:30.39 28.10.23 88 29
38 speexz 10aa 03:32.93 20.07.24 37 10
39 HACPAHO 10aa 03:36.40 13.04.24 88 31
40 sludge_factory 10aa 03:43.23 09.03.25 94 49
41 kab 10aa 03:50.80 05.06.24 71 23
42 lavash 10aa 03:57.94 16.05.24 87 32
43 322 10aa 04:02.95 20.07.24 35 31
44 brekeke 10aa 04:14.30 23.01.24 85 29
45 Coffee4J 10aa 04:18.56 20.07.24 62 48
46 Flummi 100aa 04:20.96 05.04.24 56 32
47 mTw___WizarDx_OяЋ 10aa 04:37.47 09.11.24 76 52
48 kweq. 10aa 04:38.79 20.08.23 103 41
49 Mervin 10aa 04:45.48 30.08.24 66 40
50 vcd 10aa 04:46.19 30.08.24 71 57
51 Supersonic 10aa 04:50.59 31.01.24 83 41
52 ААА_БЛЯ 10aa 04:50.95 20.08.23 117 59
53 OLLEVM 10aa 04:54.12 30.08.24 74 51
54 rapier 10aa 05:07.35 29.05.23 88 53
55 Meiling 10aa 05:09.25 25.03.25 92 38
56 SS_Derrick 100aa 05:23.37 23.01.24 103 56
57 jadore_teboe 10aa 05:47.72 25.03.25 77 71
58 techno 10aa 05:58.92 20.07.24 94 78
59 acid303 10aa 06:01.01 05.06.24 96 95
60 ScathD 10aa 06:05.63 20.07.24 110 69
61 T1P 10aa 06:18.85 02.09.23 106 71
62 Zyiiiii 10aa 06:26.96 30.08.24 78 81
63 IMMORTALDVDLvlXMilLioN 10aa 06:33.97 16.05.24 120 71
64 3vilStar 10aa 06:35.12 23.01.24 137 97
65 nindzhia 100aa 06:51.69 05.07.23 83 97
66 onkzhj 10aa 07:19.45 20.07.24 140 115
67 SS_Derrick 10aa 07:56.92 23.01.24 99 89
68 eog 10aa 08:11.92 13.04.24 106 95
69 bayacca 10aa 08:21.14 23.01.24 114 81
70 GoEasy 10aa 08:52.89 17.10.24 103 137
71 亗_Zion 10aa 10:11.82 20.08.23 40 75
72 两天不玩就废 10aa 11:26.41 11.11.23 93 127
73 ap4hi 10aa 12:28.12 21.11.23 78 171
74 1111 10aa 17:44.08 20.08.23 131 229
75 `kz_youth 10aa 20:36.91 20.07.24 126 138
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 DeathLight 10aa 02:32.40 30.08.24 68 12
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 sludge_factory 10aa 03:30.75 09.03.25 102 36
2 13inchveinymonster 10aa 04:24.33 09.11.24 46 32

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