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Pro Nub

Map info

sl_hb_Mrazota ( Cosy-Climbing) 09.12.2023
Cosy-Climbing record inactive - 02:59.42

KZ-Rush record KaMi - 02:45.01

Mapper  Sly

Pro-record Hong10 - 03:16.49

Nub-record ON1___Zuck_it! - 03:10.87 (83 cp / 12 gc)

Difficulty Average

Length Short

Download map sl_hb_Mrazota (1,91 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
1 KaMi 02:45.01   31.03.24
2 inactive 02:59.42 -00:14.41 31.12.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Hong10 10aa 03:16.49 12.01.24
2 Sly 10aa 03:43.33 19.12.23
3 JohnD 10aa 05:34.56 16.12.24
4 -5 10aa 05:46.19 06.05.24
5 edZika 10aa 06:11.45 23.01.24
6 OverjoyedBrass 10aa 07:55.04 06.05.24
7 Lightning_McQueen 10aa 09:07.68 11.10.24
8 Radioactive 10aa 10:01.26 23.01.24
9 Antxo 10aa 21:01.46 08.10.24
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 ON1___Zuck_it! 100aa 03:10.87 19.12.23 83 12
2 Zimok 10aa 03:13.74 06.11.24 93 7
3 Sly 10aa 03:13.74 19.12.23 68 13
4 EchO_o 10aa 03:33.17 12.05.24 112 22
5 Lightning_McQueen 10aa 03:34.08 11.10.24 75 12
6 rach 10aa 03:36.67 19.12.23 72 11
7 ddqwex 10aa 03:46.01 12.05.24 109 23
8 Shockwave 10aa 03:53.80 23.01.24 94 19
9 JustDoItT 10aa 03:57.23 23.01.24 92 23
10 Izgoy 10aa 03:57.58 08.10.24 86 27
11 monowii 10aa 04:02.14 19.12.23 113 27
12 Madcat 10aa 04:05.29 16.03.24 97 27
13 -5 10aa 04:07.48 16.03.24 79 25
14 4o8 10aa 04:10.56 08.10.24 104 28
15 polarbear 10aa 04:17.45 06.05.24 65 22
16 Longlossst 10aa 04:43.70 16.12.24 97 42
17 dyrpaiwee 100aa 04:44.94 12.01.25 111 33
18 AlexGood 10aa 04:47.53 08.10.24 124 47
19 luantw 10aa 04:54.03 19.12.23 94 57
20 thebig4l 100aa 05:05.64 30.11.24 116 45
21 i_play_banjo 10aa 05:11.80 11.10.24 107 31
22 fms 100aa 05:17.48 25.01.25 149 53
23 JohnD 10aa 05:27.36 07.05.24 171 44
24 interlinked. 100aa 05:33.41 08.08.24 110 56
25 KYP 100aa 05:34.39 06.11.24 82 59
26 shigaraki 10aa 05:35.65 12.05.24 165 57
27 Hm- 100aa 05:39.15 31.12.23 119 32
28 Plejer 10aa 05:41.57 26.12.23 119 39
29 ahl 10aa 05:47.92 19.12.23 100 66
30 NANOKITTY 10aa 05:49.50 08.10.24 107 59
31 asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasda 10aa 05:52.91 16.03.24 124 43
32 bsite 10aa 05:56.62 06.11.24 132 70
33 Neurich 10aa 05:56.76 20.12.23 107 49
34 SmileB4Death 10aa 05:58.53 12.05.24 152 64
35 Mblwka 100aa 05:58.90 20.02.25 143 70
36 schurik 10aa 06:06.11 16.12.24 100 52
37 kypon` 10aa 06:10.01 02.11.24 94 45
38 rune 10aa 06:10.79 23.01.24 92 47
39 Supersonic 10aa 06:14.06 16.03.24 95 60
40 Steffe 10aa 06:15.91 12.05.24 103 72
41 iEsse 100aa 06:16.41 23.12.23 120 64
42 HaosMeDi 10aa 06:21.83 19.12.23 135 70
43 ioso 10aa 06:22.43 16.12.24 130 56
44 ZOF 10aa 06:24.71 08.10.24 102 87
45 Invisible 10aa 06:30.79 12.05.24 100 61
46 edZika 10aa 06:48.02 23.01.24 158 69
47 KipOd 10aa 06:50.43 16.03.24 105 77
48 rck 10aa 06:59.87 06.11.24 88 67
49 leet. 100aa 07:05.10 12.01.25 125 86
50 Radioactive 10aa 07:08.33 23.01.24 180 76
51 swag 10aa 07:08.83 16.03.24 142 98
52 maiLyy 10aa 07:26.03 12.01.25 94 82
53 HELLBOUND 10aa 07:28.77 12.05.24 128 77
54 Roman 10aa 07:36.15 11.10.24 180 89
55 haju 10aa 07:39.21 26.12.23 128 96
56 asdfzola 10aa 07:41.10 08.10.24 158 99
57 govnopoedatel 100aa 07:42.24 12.01.25 146 75
58 eog 10aa 07:46.82 06.11.24 126 101
59 Klusia 10aa 07:50.32 08.10.24 70 35
60 Destroman 10aa 08:05.09 06.12.24 114 62
61 Spiritlink` 100aa 08:12.86 02.03.25 90 91
62 DeadRon1n 10aa 08:15.91 16.03.24 115 94
63 Shanta 10aa 08:19.64 23.12.23 145 68
64 KavabanGa 100aa 08:20.54 04.05.24 72 97
65 Ma3stro^z-iq 10aa 08:21.34 23.01.24 106 148
66 daily 10aa 08:26.89 19.12.23 119 106
67 Erzhan_Z 10aa 08:37.66 16.12.24 142 81
68 unnamed 100aa 08:39.45 08.08.24 134 74
69 Lolka 100aa 08:45.27 20.02.25 115 120
70 fito_paez 10aa 08:53.47 06.05.24 136 99
71 cHIBIs 10aa 08:56.00 08.10.24 170 117
72 SAY_BYE_BYE 10aa 09:06.17 11.10.24 131 115
73 NOone 10aa 09:07.55 08.10.24 123 79
74 rapier 10aa 09:12.02 24.12.23 147 103
75 gogi 10aa 09:12.25 19.12.23 121 91
76 __3_L_0_Y________0 10aa 09:25.49 16.03.24 122 86
77 2919 100aa 09:30.99 11.10.24 97 129
78 zawadiaka 10aa 09:35.26 06.05.24 108 180
79 hentai_skurwysynu 100aa 09:38.32 08.10.24 94 109
80 Ochiai 10aa 09:41.41 12.05.24 103 107
81 say_cheese 10aa 09:45.18 23.12.23 150 98
82 GoEasy 10aa 09:46.97 16.12.24 103 118
83 flshy 10aa 09:51.94 12.05.24 148 193
84 V_Klitschko 10aa 09:56.29 08.10.24 123 68
85 winamp 100aa 09:56.77 31.01.24 79 138
86 Haval 10aa 10:01.11 06.11.24 66 125
87 Rax 10aa 10:19.92 06.11.24 151 169
88 Meph 10aa 10:29.57 12.05.24 132 91
89 Slumpfy 10aa 10:36.16 06.05.24 119 135
90 fms 10aa 10:41.63 25.01.25 215 175
91 monta 10aa 10:44.08 24.12.23 95 81
92 3vilStar 10aa 11:00.76 16.03.24 202 155
93 ¨sAwJ-_ 10aa 11:16.22 06.05.24 142 162
94 onkzhj 10aa 11:17.70 08.10.24 180 111
95 ads 10aa 11:27.81 23.01.24 69 81
96 govnopoedatel 10aa 11:27.92 16.12.24 192 121
97 ph1lophob1a 10aa 12:11.04 07.01.24 165 148
98 jend0s 10aa 12:23.66 06.11.24 74 143
99 SaiKa 10aa 12:41.69 16.12.24 146 115
100 Steffe 100aa 12:48.44 04.05.24 124 215
101 Bomzhik[OPG] 10aa 12:59.64 06.11.24 115 198
102 Hao 10aa 13:00.26 06.05.24 180 227
103 ФАНАТ_ДЖОНИ 10aa 13:05.90 24.12.23 321 178
104 Player 10aa 13:24.10 16.03.24 141 135
105 jopr 10aa 13:27.80 19.12.23 146 169
106 Jopka 100aa 13:53.36 08.10.24 184 176
107 sliuM 10aa 13:56.16 06.12.24 184 181
108 Streptococ 10aa 13:58.66 06.05.24 114 121
109 Prebac 10aa 14:57.17 08.10.24 185 138
110 theSUPERMAN 100aa 15:04.52 30.11.24 109 191
111 HIMOM 10aa 15:59.76 23.12.23 102 200
112 nurik 10aa 16:11.67 16.03.24 157 196
113 Blazzer 10aa 16:27.22 08.10.24 159 236
114 MAVRODI_BPM 10aa 17:08.79 08.10.24 165 206
115 Shadow 10aa 17:31.79 08.10.24 149 307
116 KACTET 10aa 18:26.95 08.10.24 139 243
117 MontywOw~ 10aa 18:30.69 12.05.24 120 244
118 comi. 10aa 19:08.43 16.12.24 148 314
119 luw4uk 10aa 19:47.91 16.03.24 183 370
120 СТРОГИЙ_ДЕД 10aa 23:31.95 12.05.24 171 302
121 SS_Derrick 10aa 39:46.44 08.10.24 242 770
122 M 10aa 40:11.15 06.11.24 124 487
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Player 10aa 07:03.93 16.03.24 139 95
2 Rax 10aa 13:36.55 06.11.24 173 291
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Player 10aa 08:08.85 16.03.24 146 124
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 winamp 100aa 14:29.88 31.01.24 82 322
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Sly 10aa 08:14.48 19.12.23 117 154

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