Last server records
Pro Nub

Map info

kzarg_Imponente ( Cosy-Climbing) 20.03.2023

KZ-Rush record No record

Mapper  Okazys

Pro-record Chrizzy - 125:27.12

Nub-record Okazys - 69:00.44 (1469 cp / 369 gc)

Difficulty Easy-Average

Length Very long

Download map kzarg_Imponente (10,38 MB)
Installation instructions

Map Installation Guide

  1. Download map archive
  2. Unzip the archive in any convenient folder
  3. Open cstrike folder, which is located in the place of Counter-Strike installation. In case of Steam version the path looks like Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life
  4. Copy all files from the folder, where you unzipped the archive, to cstrike folder according to the following table (if your system asks about replacing files, choose Copy and Replace):
We don't know about shortcuts on this map

Community records

# Player Time Difference Date  
No records on this map
# Player AA Time Date Weapon
1 Chrizzy 10aa 125:27.12 06.01.25
2 Hong10 10aa 146:18.57 14.06.23
# Player AA Time Date Weapon CP GC
1 Okazys 10aa 69:00.44 07.06.23 1469 369
2 Fksch 10aa 76:44.86 02.07.24 2045 520
3 Madcat 10aa 77:01.92 15.08.23 2122 434
4 Lilies 10aa 77:45.05 06.01.25 2693 534
5 Chrizzy 10aa 79:34.97 06.01.25 1740 392
6 Sly 10aa 81:20.81 22.07.23 2162 659
7 arte_de_la_puerta 10aa 82:12.96 15.12.23 2463 712
8 d10s 10aa 82:54.30 01.01.25 1797 463
9 JohnD 10aa 83:28.69 01.01.25 3151 623
10 V4R10L4V3R4 10aa 84:45.03 12.05.24 2613 671
11 inactive 10aa 85:55.91 15.08.23 2736 657
12 turtlemain 10aa 86:35.40 01.01.25 1813 721
13 Speedwagoon 10aa 87:48.54 07.06.23 1981 584
14 uraraka 10aa 94:54.61 21.07.23 2370 654
15 AlexGood 10aa 95:46.12 01.01.25 2986 792
16 eeN 10aa 99:23.39 01.01.25 2654 624
17 JustDoItT 10aa 102:56.19 21.04.23 2627 973
18 Rachel 10aa 104:08.50 07.06.23 1518 657
19 Adoptado 10aa 105:18.72 22.07.23 2158 773
20 GoEasy 10aa 105:33.03 01.01.25 2186 928
21 Cc._Ganongoat_[^5] 10aa 107:59.76 14.09.23 1881 999
22 Jmuriq 10aa 117:45.81 21.07.23 2661 1274
23 gogi 10aa 123:16.51 29.07.23 2384 1165
24 3vilStar 10aa 124:56.65 16.04.24 2910 1406
25 Asted 10aa 128:11.06 16.04.24 2129 1471
26 888_51_rus 10aa 128:26.48 06.01.25 2313 1553
27 Zireael 10aa 134:25.22 16.04.24 2851 1377
28 HELLBOUND 10aa 137:42.48 08.04.24 2919 1419
29 kvickenbob 10aa 149:05.55 09.06.23 3044 1722
30 Radioactive 10aa 150:48.90 10.07.23 3980 1480
31 rapier 10aa 156:14.75 01.06.23 2929 1291
32 Shadow 10aa 159:23.85 16.04.24 3455 1943
33 CraP_._zUo 10aa 162:26.10 01.06.23 1421 1096
34 sex_machinne 100aa 169:29.97 22.07.23 3531 2388
35 Vodilo58 10aa 169:30.89 01.06.23 2672 2444
36 Tetsomina 10aa 209:54.98 21.07.23 2071 2815
37 5_Nico 10aa 276:04.19 17.01.25 3640 3845

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