Last server records
Pro Nub


  1. Our bans are quite short, but if you think that you were banned by accident, then write the log of your ban here (to get the log, try to log into the server, and then copy here what is displayed in the console).

    It’s not so important to me whether you played with cheats or not, I need the anti-cheat not to give false bans, so describe in detail your actions before the ban - what you did in the game, what you wrote in the console, maybe you changed something in the game settings or config, pressed something, etc.
    Edited by Kpoluk 22.03.24 19:11
  2. i was jumping duck bhop at the start of the map, i was not banned during the run, my run was paused, and i was playing 100aa not 10
  3. maybe cause my fps override was 1? but fps max was 99.5
  4. ?? anyone,,
  5. @jqq nothing from what you've described relates to that ban. Tomorrow the ban expires itself, but if you're actually not aware about possible reasons, I suggest to record a demo while playing so you can provide it next time.
  6. ok bro thank you i will record demo definitely