Kreedz Jumping

Game mode when you racing with other players to finish a maps as fast as possible. Its comes from Counter-Strike 1.6 and was named in honor of creator
Our community will help you with passing the maps with your friends, set new records, participate and win in tournaments.

Last server records
Pro Nub

Adding maps + Prolong Spring Extreme Mapping Contest

Posted by lxr 9 Mar 2022 in 19:45
Hi all from lxr. Some time ago we announced new Spring mapping contest. Unfortunately we have not received any map for this contest, so we are prolonging it for 2 months. Besides, we want to change some conditions:
  • Currently we have no abilities to pay to the foreign countries, so we will be able to pay only for Russia or maybe to countries where payment system MIR can be used.
  • Map can be in neutral design or in spring/summer desing.
As for our game servers, it's located in Russia, so players from foreign countries may have problems with connection and ping. If you have any problems, please give us a feedback we will think about fixing it and maybe we will open additional servers in other countries.

Hi, it's Kpoluk. During the last week some maps from XJ and Cosy releases were added to the site and servers.
Thanks to bORN2MAKEPORN and MEDVDED_EBUN who helped with checking.

Also new community map cray_projector by CrayFish was released. Difficulty is eays-average, outdoor bhop sections end with inner climb stage. Pay attention to the way that mapper used to place a few blocks into the air, they have rotating propellers under them, and they fit technological environment quite well. Checking process was performed by mls and edZika.

By the way, mls also has new community map mls_volcanobhop, which is actually a remake of famous bkz_volcanobhop. Now rocks look more like real ones, and magma began to feel much more realistic. Note that the landscape has changed compared to the original, so the route might be slightly different.

The list of examined maps:

Extreme map

Hard maps
mojito_brick - clip brush blocking sc

Average maps
malle_skyscraper - hard jump on easy map
mojito_valley - difficulty imbalance

Won't be added
malle_bank - short
malle_falldown - short
malle_hb_mursux - short
malle_hb_sitka - short
malle_apartments - short; "sounds" folder in archive
mls_11ways - short
bkz_microgoldbhop - short
pcy_blood - short
kztw_SuHua_highway - some big white square under the map
5oXen_hb_L377_ez - short
sl_f1rstmap - short
wxii_hazed - short
c21_malle_pink-yellow - short
hb_wh1ki - short
kzzNk_gerzy - short
kzzNk_hydra - short
kzzNk_kyrazz - short
sl_f1rstmap - short

[CS16] Release #252 - 29 new records

Posted by lxr 2 Mar 2022 in 11:50


nonkz_tkz_swift done in 02:32.09 1 place 30 Exp


bq_colorblock done in 04:34.58 1 place 30 Exp
notkz_kx_hangar done in 02:22.99 WR! 1 place 50 Exp


cray_tunku_fast done in 01:35.00 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


cd_risingsun done in 02:12.16 (04:11.41 ArvInD) 1 place 30 Exp


chk_section done in 08:39.53 1 place 30 Exp
cray_tunku_fast done in 01:43.94 2 place 29 Exp
dumbleblock done in 02:11.75 (01:44.98 HaMMa) 2 place 29 Exp
imkz_oldtown done in 00:45.18 (00:33.68 colcolx) 2 place 29 Exp
kz_6fd_volcano done in 01:53.65 (01:43.29 mujik) 2 place 1 Exp
kz_northpole_b01[-boost] done in 06:03.36 (12:11.63 avivVv) 1 place 30 Exp
kzcn_mlbl0ck done in 10:57.42 1 place 30 Exp
kzcn_strafe done in 04:38.90 1 place 30 Exp
kzex_earthruins done in 02:24.93 1 place 30 Exp
kzsca_sonic_e done in 04:15.61 1 place 30 Exp
suk_desertblock done in 04:56.55 (07:32.53 LeOOO) 1 place 30 Exp


jro_fortboyard done in 04:38.01 (05:31.99 1111) 1 place 1 Exp


ad_luhop_h done in 04:29.79 (01:08.39 topoviygus) 13 place 18 Exp
slide_mls_brick done in 02:10.30 (01:58.93 seniug) 3 place 28 Exp


kz_ludo done in 40:44.51 (39:00.28 all1aNcE) 2 place 29 Exp


b2j_g0ldwalk done in 01:12.12 (01:01.74 Juby) 8 place 23 Exp


bhop_styleer done in 07:56.60 (02:31.59 Creep) 4 place 27 Exp
bhop_ytt_factory done in 02:20.60 (02:17.63 c0c0n) 2 place 29 Exp
fu_frosty done in 01:55.90 (01:19.99 fykseN) 10 place 21 Exp
hb_Creep done in 02:05.53 (01:52.96 Juby) 4 place 0 Exp
klbk_darktime done in 02:22.91 (01:51.70 HaMMa) 2 place 29 Exp
kz_indusrun done in 02:27.79 (02:38.04 jabroni) 1 place 30 Exp
kz_ins_bhoptown done in 03:20.22 (02:57.70 WhereIsMyPanda) 2 place 29 Exp
map_by_psyxopat done in 06:58.35 (07:38.29 hymm4sssS) 1 place 2 Exp
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Winter Mapping Contest Results

Posted by lxr 10 Feb 2022 in 12:11
Our voting for maps from Winter Mapping Contest was finished some time ago and it's time to publish results. The battle between first three places was really hot and leaders was changed everyday. After 55 votes the leaders have difference only in 1 vote. First few days the first place was for rush_tausamal2. After that, next few days there was hot battle between this map and dyd_xmas2022. And finally kz_mls_embi got first place almost at the end of voting. Thanks to all participants, testers and our community who voted for maps. You can see results of the voting HERE

The best map
1. kz_mls_embi (2000 RUB + VIP3)
2. dyd_xmas2022 (1000 RUB + VIP2)
3. rush_tausamal2 (500 RUB + VIP2)
4. qn_winterhole (250 RUB + VIP1) + cray_tunku_fast (250 RUB + VIP1)

Interesting Jumps (Интересные прыжки)

Good Design (Хороший дизайн)

Good Ambience (Хорошая атмосфера)

Server bans

Hi, it's Kpoluk. Long time no see, some of you mentioned I've helped with plugins on recent tournament, and now it's time to clear servers from cheaters who overused server's gentle ban system during last 4 months. These players are permanently banned and their records were removed:

Ghack aka inspare
neurohack aka inspare
maxbet aka dzerika
zxcv aka dzerika

Also here's the list of players who are one step away from the same fate:

hell0^ - also has ban on his main account

Later ban politics will get harsher, stay tuned. I'll step by again later, see ya!

[CS16] Release #251 - 20 new records + ROTW #37

Posted by lxr 4 Feb 2022 in 16:04
It's time for the new ROTW #37. Thanks to Kris for the run and thanks to Lifestealer+ for the edit. You can download it in a better quality here. Enjoy the movie!

abubas released his new aim map which you can download at Gamebanana or you can play it on our Classic server. GL & HF :)


kz_synergy_x2 done in 07:18.93 (07:59.87 akkuratist) 1 place 0 Exp
qsk_azure done in 04:19.58 (05:41.32 GoDfreee) 1 place 1 Exp


b2j_g0ldwalk done in 01:25.39 (01:01.74 Juby) 12 place 19 Exp


dumbleblock done in 02:19.43 (01:44.98 HaMMa) 2 place 29 Exp
hb_Staravia done in 01:47.93 (01:50.68 HELLBOUND) 1 place 30 Exp
nk_tierrablock2 done in 01:37.85 (01:30.06 famch) 4 place 27 Exp


bkz_volcanobhop done in 01:51.91 (01:36.29 Dolphin) 21 place 16 Exp
dyd_xmas2015 done in 13:58.88 1 place 30 Exp


bkz_whatisthis done in 01:27.29 (01:28.75 PeZ0) 1 place 1 Exp


fu_devhops done in 50:20.86 (02:51.03 naark) 19 place 16 Exp


bhop_400gez done in 03:26.94 (03:10.45 seniug) 2 place 29 Exp
bhop_platinum done in 01:45.33 (01:25.65 Penguin) 9 place 22 Exp
cobkz_rush_race done in 01:56.91 (01:32.27 colcolx) 4 place 27 Exp
ksz_400g_cave done in 02:23.47 (02:37.24 talantt) 1 place 0 Exp
kz_desolatum done in 07:18.39 1 place 30 Exp
rfx_minecraftbhop2 done in 01:31.21 (01:14.70 peter5001) 7 place 24 Exp


bhop_styleer done in 03:35.77 (02:31.59 Creep) 2 place 19 Exp
hb_paopaochahu done in 02:52.77 1 place 20 Exp
kzcn_momoko done in 01:52.19 1 place 20 Exp
rfx_minecraftbhop2 done in 01:18.52 (01:14.70 peter5001) 3 place 18 Exp
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Checkpoints Cup + Spring Extreme Mapping Contest

Posted by lxr 30 Jan 2022 in 13:39
Our first checkpoints cup on extreme maps was finished. I think it was very good except several organization moments. For us this type of cup was new and it can't be done without help of Kpoluk who added some functionality to cup server plugins. We thank MEDVDED_EBUN for the cup orgranization process and bORN2MAKEPORN for help and donation to tournament prize pool. Thanks to skarp for consulting. We also thank Hopez and sekai for the translation of news related to this cup. Huge thanks to all donators, broadcasters and their followers who was with us in the cup progress. We hope to see you on our next cups, and we will try to make it better, more interesting and huge!

Winners of the cup:
1. dropzone (1 593 RUB + VIP3)
2. brokoly (860 RUB + VIP3)
3. outside (510 RUB + VIP3)
4. Dawn (223 RUB + VIP3)
5. Okazys (VIP3)
6. sekai (VIP3)
7. TuF (VIP3)
8. Zimok (VIP3)

All other participants will get VIP1 for the one month.

Links to broadcasts:
Overall report of the cup

Tournament bracket

New Mapping Contest

In the spring we would like to start new tournament on hard/extreme maps and we will be verry happy if there will be some fresh maps from our community, so we want to start new Spring Extreme Mapping Contest. For this time we need extreme maps with spring theme, good atmosphere and design. For each map which will be released during this contest i will pay 1500 RUB. Our next cup will be in April, so Mappers have about 2 month to finish their maps and upload it to our site. So our mapchecking team will be able to check all maps and give a response about bugs and sc's. I think that deadline for the contest is 20 March. We hope to see your maps in our next cup!

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