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@HaMMa guess no, site is down. Still I've left a link for some demos that are better than our records in the post of December 2
we cant download xj demos?
can somone give link of pmsa chanle
Can you understand me now? B2U?
PMSA L377 both mambrane keyboards if i'm not wrong
patchouli speedmaps compilation
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i have membrane rn after cheap mechanical with reds that started to break...considering upgrading to mechanical, idk tho
@StraightRight membrane keyboards are the best imo. (also from personal experience and experience from friends - they tend to last longer too)
@StraightRight Коричневые, красные. Сам на красных гатеронах - полностью устраивают
Салам. Какие свитчи клавиатуры лучшие для KZ? В чате кто-то писал разок что Brown, так ли это?
@kpoluk Great. I think it’s a good idea and awesome work. I guess the main issue is that it prioritises skill by how good the players are at harder maps, which is up for debate but this would dampen a player like shnz for example who is considered one of the goats, or colcol who is arguably one of the best players at the moment in speed maps but rarely plays hard-extreme maps.
MEEL for example is miles ahead of chichin in both easy and hard-extreme maps, yet the latter is rated higher. Fyksen should be higher rated then millyrock by far. I could name more and this is only considering the top 30.
Of course it’s a tough thing to analyze players performances especially if you take into consideration how many runs a player has done on a map, how long ago they’ve done it etc (could have improved their skill immensely, like me as a player from two years ago to today is a night and day difference)
bring back old menu, this now looks so empty
hfr_bliss снова доступна. Часть сокращений исправлена как критические, часть оставлена.
hfr_bliss is available again. Some shortcuts are fixed as critical, other are still there.
@pepi be patient, we will discuss it under next release in a few days. We won't reveal exact formula, but if you think it can be corrected give us more specific example with two players from top30 who should be in a different order from your point of view.
Upon writing this I noticed a description of how it’s calculated was added to the page :D are all maps rated evenly, assuming they are rated as the same difficulty? For example would getting top 1 on bkz goldhop be weighed the same as getting top 1 on a random easy difficulty cosy map
When will there be an explanation of the skill ratings? Obviously in the grand scheme of things everyone can agree that it is mostly flawed, yet correctly getting topo at #1. It seems to favour hard map players mostly by looking at top 30, players such as throttle Chichin kappa etc. yet colcol has more number 1’s on top maps then anyone by a mile but his only rank 9 or whatever it is, and obviously lower skilled players put a lot higher than established players. Interesting to see how it’s calculated and perhaps how we can refine it!
As far as what I am seeing on amxmodx repository, there isn't any update to accommodate HL25. Updating it doesn't seem too bad because I know another similar project migrating just fine. However, the problem is just that only a few people are working on it.
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