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Adding maps

Posted by Kpoluk 23 Sep 2019 in 17:04
As result of our contest on hb_mekko2 players Armenia all1aNce and Czech Republic Chichin got 500 rubles each. Moreover, Czech Republic Chichin also gets his 1000 rubles for the first place in pro top on rush_NSEA. And, for that matter, today we have a new hard-extreme community map by Slovakia Qicg, dedicated to Czech Republic Chichin:

You can notice [hb_elITe] and hb_fykseN in the list of added maps, but there are rumors that these maps can be transferred to XJ, maybe even changing their names, so we will adjourn them for a while.

Hard maps

hb_gene - one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only
den_3rooms_h - incorrect teleport angle

Average maps

deathvalley2 - easy-average jump on easy map
dg_insen - a lot of recurring jumps
dkz_caveclimb - no hp booster
dp_intoNature - texture conflict in the sink near the start; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only
dr0_cavernhop - no hp booster
dr0_colorado_mesa - no hp booster on a long map; fence is solid in one place and func_illusionary in another, and it leads to a big sc
dr0_dungeon - wrong visibility range; one big dead end outside of the castle; a few imbalanced jumps; shifted texture on the finish button
dr0_lost_sector_ez - bhop blocks are lowering too fast; one can see NULL textures of the finish room
dr0_swamplands - no hp booster on a long map; undecorated teleports; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only; last stage is harder, but still can be done in one strafe
dumbleblock - teleport not separated structurally from the rest of the map
dw_ezcaveclimb - one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only
em_newbieee - certainly unused detour
esc_thepit_b02 - 180 jump from under shed is not a good idea for easy map; two stages are too dark; wrong visibility range
etl_4block - minor texture conflict in one of the rooms
hb_Anduuu - one place is imbalanced, but still can be done in one strafe
hb_Camy - missing texture on present box
hb_daza - incorrect angles of teleports; different names of bsp and archive
hb_elITe - one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only; the whole map is easy, but one bhop at the end is at least easy-average
hb_fykseN - wooden bridge disappears depending on the point of view
nk_cave - no hp booster; difficulty imbalance; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only
nk_darknight - clip brush, blocking sc; difficulty imbalance

Rejected maps

dkz_extend - both routes are mostly a bunch of lj, hj, bhop-lj blocks
dr0_deadmines_b02 - serious problems with fps (seems like there is ent_light somewere outside of the map, it gives an effect of bright even lighting)
dr0_deepbluesea - wrong visibility range, which can be seen from every corridor; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only; difficulty imbalance from easy to average
haf_ronny - wrong visibility range; poorly structured and designed
ham_ljs - bunch of ljs
dsoc_bhopinfun, dsoc_bhopinfun_ez - poor unsteady design: same texture for floor and walls, texture of blocks is changing almost every stage; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only; why the last room should be separated with teleport?
dr0_ezswamplands - no hp booster on a long map; undecorated teleports; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only; crotch at the end for some reason; imbalanced jump (by the way this jump is easy on dr0_swamplands, although it shouldn't judging by the map's name; generally maps are different only at first and last stage, the rest is alsmost the same)
etl_sandblock - severe difficulty imbalance
ex_shc_big -texture conflicts on bhops; bhop blocks are decorated the same way as general blocks; a lot of dark places (some have no lighting at all); missing texture on the ceiling; sudden undecorated boosts in the middle of climb sections; rooms have no main theme; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only
god_ancient_pyramid - a few dead ends right at the start; difficulty imbalance; undecorated teleport to another room; bad brush docking on the pyramid; one cannot back from finish to the start by map means only
haf_blocksch - wrong visibility range; useless crotch at the end, and a few inappropriate clip brushes futher, one of which should be even used as block
hb_cos - poorly structured and designed
hb_cd - the most disgusting background sound in the history of kz; at the end mapper confessed the he doesn't like the map himself
hb_d3stiny_by_b2d - the pit (dead end) without textures at the corner
hb_Legna - the whole map is easy except the last few hard-extreme bhops with faint lighting
dokee_extreme_test - almost the exact copy of dokee_extremeblock
ham_cavyspeed - serious problems with fps
dumble_w00dblock - two-textures design; teleport not separated structurally from the rest of the map; it is a pity hard route appeares to be unused on server, anyway it's mostly ljs and hjs with doubtful balance
god_escape_b1 - the idea to use grenades is good, but on the whole the map has no connection to kz, it's mostly searching triggers; NULL textures and texture conflicts on moving block
hb_noxer - file color_glass.wad added to the archive; difficulty imbalance on climb - 228 hj block with small start among easy jumps; no hp booster; texture conflicts on bhops; the seconds room is a dead end
nkz_rats - poorly designed: the whole sofa is covered with one texture (or two very similar), all walls with blocks with another texture; the seconds floor for some reason has castle with acid-green texture and stretched rat on the ceiling; the very first block has texture conflict
god_secret_fabric - one can see NULL textures of the first rooms from the last one; worldspawn has func_water's property WaveHeight of 150 units, as a result when you try to play another map after this one, WaveHeight is applied to all func_water entities without this property (150 units is terribly much for the wave)

And one more news. We have a guy willing to do for us Rush of The Week. You can check the test work of [user=Russian Federation exeth]: