It's time for the last maps addition this year! We've checked maps from the last XJ release and maps from the our Cosy list (there are still about 700 maps left). A bit later mappacks will be updated (recall that they have not only server maps but all site maps now). And I remember about sc screenshots you've sent us, they will be added as well. For now let's see what comments we gave to accepted and rejected maps:
kz_lain_h - higher difficulty on account of the big distances between bhop blocks
kz_toilet - a few jumps require good cj/wj pre and even with checkpoints their difficulty is higher then the rest of the jumps
kz_morning - climb is easy-average difficulty, bhop is average
kz_xj_experience - planning flaw: one cannot back to start from finish by map means
cobkz_noob_bluerain - no hints about what to do after pressing the trigger button
cobkz_run_brick - half of the map is just running
cobkz_rush_race - firstly you can jump on torches then they are func_illusionary
cobkz_village - clip brush blocking sc
notkz_kx_dust - the visibility scope is clipped incorrectly ; clip brushes blocking sc (at that map is fully consists of shortcuts)
notkz_kx_cubejump_v2 - same as for notkz_kx_cubejump, a lot of texture conflicts, but structure is reworked so fps is OK
notkz_sandclimb - a few unbalanced jumps
notkz_straighthops - texture conflicts on bhops
notkz_rockclimb - unbalanced jump; planning flaw: one cannot back to start from finish by map means
notkz_reddeath - planning flaw: one cannot back to start from finish by map means
notkz_kx_beach - inconsistency of rock brushes
notkz_rid_leonardo - no hp booster
notkz_rid_leonardo_h - no hp booster, bhop blocks look the same as normal one
notkz_rese - no hp booster
notkz_rese_ez - no hp booster; inconsistency of brushes; incorrect filling the area with water
notkz_rebelionblOcks - no hp booster
notkz_pthree - clip brushes block sc; some part of the map is just running
notkz_oHS_mountain - textures of horizontal and vertical surfaces look too similar, map passes just because of a lot of potential combos
daza_escape - planning flaw: one cannot back to start from finish by map means
daza_junglebhop - planning flaw: one cannot back to start from finish by map means
daza_wintervalley - planning flaw: one cannot back to start from finish by map means; for some reason
daza used the same model twice with different paths and of course included in archive only one of them
notkz_kx_cubejump_v2, notkz_kx_beach, daza_blockamok, cobkz_run_brick
Как молоды мы были
Можно играть и ностальгировать, осталось только добраться до игры :D
Приметил для себя пару тройку карт
Спасибо Кролик, большую работу проделал
А вот это вот я не знаю зачем было делать cobkz_noob_bluerain :D Не зная карты и без ориентиров, вроде игроков которые знают карту, ещё хер пройдёшь её)