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Pro Nub

Offline Tournament #9

Posted by Kpoluk 28 Apr 2019 in 11:15
Time flies, and we continue our work. Soon Russian Federation lxr will present us a few site updates, and servers will have a new feature as]
Last weeks brougth reinforcement to extreme maps - all1_unusually_x_fix by Armenia all1aNce and qcg_macka by Slovakia Qicg, ccn_speshimen and its light version ez_ccn_speshimen by Czech Republic Chichin. On XJ kz_aztec and kzra_rocky were released, while fufu_feizhai was updated (seems like some big shortcut was found). New map for single game kz_1man_game2 won't be added to our site - one of the rooms is more like a mockery of a player, with tilted camera, moving colorful textures and specific music. Jumpers are used to the lack of main theme and puzzles, but indecent gestures and rude text on maps are not the best way to treat players.

At the center of our news we have rush_stones by Kazakhstan mlSaNce. This map was uploaded through our special form for mappers, passed our checks and after some minor changes was accepted with rush_ tag. At that it's easy and not very long, so the map is perfect for the ninth Offline Tournament!

All rules for nocp demos apply.

As always, there is a special upload for tournament demos:

First place will get 500 rubles, the second 300 rubles and the third 200 rubles (1$ is about 66 rubles at the moment). All participants will get VIP 1 for two weeks (or prolongation in case someone already has it). By the way, currently VIPs are not removed automatically, but lxr's site update should fix it.

You have one week, the last day when upload is still opened is May 5. Good luck!