Kreedz Jumping

Game mode when you racing with other players to finish a maps as fast as possible. Its comes from Counter-Strike 1.6 and was named in honor of creator
Our community will help you with passing the maps with your friends, set new records, participate and win in tournaments.

Last server records
Pro Nub

RJ Tournament day 2 (RU stream)

Posted by bORN2MAKEPORN 30 Sep 2023 in 13:39
The stream of KZ Tournament by /w  hfour  MEDVDED_EBUN  bORN2MAKEPORN

[CS16] Release #280 - 19 new records + Survey

Posted by Kpoluk 24 Sep 2023 in 13:08
We offer for discussion the topic of transition of servers to Steam. At the same time, I will leave access for non-steams only on VIP servers, so that players who have accumulated a lot of points on non-steams can contact me and, by joining the VIP server I created, confirm their identity for the subsequent transfer of their records to steam.

Here are the reasons for this issue. Initially, our project is positioned as kreedz, accessible to the largest possible number of players, and therefore we have expanded top records on the site, as well as opened servers for players with non-steam clients. However, this approach also opens the door for cheaters who easily bypass bans, and this happens regularly. Actually, steam versions of CS, due to their low price, are purchased in packs, especially during sales periods, so even without taking into account non-steam, there are enough problems here, for example, last week, in parallel with updating the anti-cheat, I cleaned out a dozen multi-accounts of one person, because of which the top of dyd_bhop looked like a collection of doubtful personalities. Moreover, even if all his accounts are over, nothing prevents him from logging in with a non-steam client. Yes, giving up non-steam will hit the online even harder, which is declining both in CS in general and in kz in particular, but at the same time, the percentage of active non-steams turns out to be small, while in terms of the number of bans they are in no way inferior to steam players (over the last 2 weeks, 31 steam bans and 33 non-steam bans, and we have been seeing such numbers for more than 4 years).

Leave your opinion on this issue in the comments, maybe someone has their own suggestions.

Thanks to skarp for checking the demos.


kzzNk_gelions done in 02:38.24 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


bkz_challenge done in 01:35.30 WR! (01:43.27 dropzone) 1 place 60 Exp
km_oldmine done in 01:39.03 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzcl_greenclimb done in 02:01.39 WR! (02:10.45 Hinako) 1 place 60 Exp
nonkz_tkz_swift done in 01:40.41 WR! (02:32.09 B2U) 1 place 60 Exp


ckz_corsair done in 03:08.81 WR! (03:08.93 colcolx) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_antiquity done in 02:27.34 WR! (02:27.54 promax) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_cargo done in 02:19.29 WR! (02:24.05 seniug) 1 place 60 Exp


b2j_g0ldwalk done in 01:01.56 WR! (01:01.74 Juby) 1 place 21 Exp
bh_wazabi done in 01:13.98 WR! (01:24.50 society) 1 place 35 Exp
bhkz_bronzebhop done in 01:08.44 WR! (01:09.61 Dolphin) 1 place 20 Exp
bhop_darkstars done in 01:35.53 WR! (01:47.95 society) 1 place 23 Exp
bkz_goldbhop_h done in 01:52.86 (01:50.35 MEfro) 2 place 19 Exp
cypress_fastbhop_h done in 01:14.09 WR! (01:53.22 LeOOO) 1 place 21 Exp
k0untr0N_2012 done in 01:05.23 (01:15.90 Xednay) 1 place 20 Exp
kz_megabhop done in 01:28.87 (01:29.18 Dolphin) 1 place 0 Exp


cd_2077 done in 01:15.52 WR! (01:44.76 Kris) 1 place 60 Exp
cd_vvn1ght_v17 done in 02:41.49 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
cd_vvn1ght_v30 done in 02:12.39 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
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4 New Community Maps

Posted by Kpoluk 17 Sep 2023 in 17:03
We continue to add community maps. inactive created hard-extreme xr_vvn1ght_ez and extreme-death xr_vvn1ght, quite long maps using many techniques. For the complex version the mapper added a lot of safe teleports, but there are still a lot of risky places. In addition, the design of bhop blocks was redone on the basis of bORN2MAKEPORN comments and signs were added. The extreme version underwent a thorough check for balance and design from all1aNcE.

BluERaY^_X continues to delight with his maps, and this time in addition to easy and short kzzNk_gelions he has diversified his repertoire with hard-extreme kzzNk_heartz. TyIIIkA helped with checking, and the mapper himself while working on kzzNk_heartz added a couple of safe teleports, made it passable without mpbhop and got rid of the extra clip brush.

If you find any shortcuts, please report instead of using them. Enjoy the game!

[CS16] Release #279 - 14 new records + 8 community maps

Posted by Kpoluk 10 Sep 2023 in 10:49
This week we have a special map release from CD2333:

Hard maps

Average maps

The names are somewhat similar, but the filling is completely different, both in jumps and in design. Among other things, I would like to note the unusual use of func_conveyor on cd_vvn1ght_v28, which made it possible to influence lj prestrafe in one place and create something like an AXN simulation in another. hfour and TyIIIkA participated in checking the maps and giving comments. The mapper has successfully eliminated all the shortcomings we mentioned, and all eight maps become available for recording demos and playing on servers. Have a good game!

P.S. By the way mojito_hb_tudou was updated last week, mapper fixed two minor skips.


kzzNk_puchy done in 03:19.26 WR! 1 place 50 Exp


kz-endo_misguided done in 01:43.12 WR! (02:47.10 Timo) 1 place 60 Exp
kzcj_city done in 01:08.05 WR! (01:10.75 MEEL) 1 place 60 Exp


bhop_platinum done in 01:24.43 WR! (01:25.59 Creep) 1 place 22 Exp
bkz_goldbhop done in 01:29.93 (01:27.68 promax) 4 place -10 Exp
cg_cbblebhop_h done in 01:18.57 WR! (01:27.96 Dolphin) 1 place 20 Exp
kzcn_hop done in 01:34.12 WR! (01:34.41 Dolphin) 1 place 20 Exp
kznl_mrcn_snowblocks done in 01:47.56 WR! (01:47.98 Dolphin) 1 place 20 Exp
mh_winterhops done in 02:11.23 WR! (02:18.69 rze) 1 place 50 Exp


ffy_hb_Clearlove_v2 done in 11:44.15 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
hb_RoN done in 07:00.84 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


slide_clue done in 01:17.21 (01:17.79 Silk_Road) 1 place -10 Exp
slide_colors done in 02:49.36 (02:53.93 Silk_Road) 1 place -10 Exp
slide_svn_complex_hard done in 05:10.69 (05:15.29 Silk_Road) 1 place -10 Exp
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[CS16] Release #277 - 18 new records + Maps

Posted by Kpoluk 28 Aug 2023 in 06:31
Adding three new community maps: mojito_hb_tudou by Mojito, ffy_hb_Clearlove_v2 by F1uffY and kzzNk_puchy by BluERaY^_X. Although I rated mojito_hb_tudou as hard-extreme, it's pretty close to extreme in some places and has slide elements included in the bhop and climb sections. Mojito added over a dozen safe teleports and blocks while working on the map, but the lower levels of the climb rooms are still difficult for nocp to get through. ffy_hb_Clearlove_v2 with the same declared difficulty is more comfortable and consists mostly of bhop stages diluted with boosts and ladders. And finally, kzzNk_puchy is a small easy speed climb map. hfour, TyIIIkA and myself took part in the checking process. Have a good game!


kz_xj_communitybhop done in 06:45.79 (06:05.27 Riverside) 4 place 1 Exp
nobkz_mst_honduras done in 15:23.83 (12:06.96 HaMMa) 5 place 2 Exp


tig_greenjumps done in 02:27.53 1 place 30 Exp


bkz_snowblock done in 01:31.37 WR! (01:34.32 cstrike) 1 place 60 Exp
hb_inj3ct0r done in 02:14.66 WR! (02:35.32 voX) 1 place 60 Exp
kzra_tebhop done in 01:09.33 WR! (01:13.33 MEEL) 1 place 60 Exp
nk_facilitybhop done in 01:24.57 WR! (01:34.03 LeOOO) 1 place 60 Exp
notkz_bhopcolour done in 03:15.70 WR! (03:20.24 HaMMa) 1 place 60 Exp


bhop_platinum done in 01:25.59 WR! (01:25.65 Penguin) 1 place 31 Exp


bhop_platinum done in 01:31.84 (01:25.65 Penguin) 3 place 18 Exp
kzcn_hop done in 01:34.41 WR! (01:35.25 Dolphin) 1 place 20 Exp
kznl_mrcn_snowblocks done in 01:47.98 WR! (01:48.63 Juby) 1 place 21 Exp


fl_secret_temple done in 02:22.87 WR! (02:25.25 rawe) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_kzdk_tropicisland done in 01:53.83 WR! (01:58.60 witcher) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_man_streetclimb done in 02:55.43 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzcn_shanghai_museum done in 02:23.92 WR! (02:59.63 zuurdo) 1 place 60 Exp


kz_gigablockier_pub done in 43:04.31 (43:45.99 nep4uk) 1 place 30 Exp


bhop_400gez done in 03:06.91 WR! (03:10.45 seniug) 1 place 60 Exp
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