Kreedz Jumping

Game mode when you racing with other players to finish a maps as fast as possible. Its comes from Counter-Strike 1.6 and was named in honor of creator
Our community will help you with passing the maps with your friends, set new records, participate and win in tournaments.

Last server records
Pro Nub

[CS16] Release #285 - 30 new records + KZ-Rush Cup Stage 3: Restarts - Registration

Posted by Kpoluk 26 Nov 2023 in 15:15

After the recent CS update it stopped working with lan server. To solve this just switch to legacy
mode (Steam Library - right click on CS - Properties - Beta - Select steam_legacy from the list). After this, Steam will update some files, restting liblist.gam, which is responsible for connecting the lan pack. To make it work again, replace your liblist.gam with the one from the lan archive.

Registration for the third final cup is open! The difference this time is that players will be able to restart timer by pressing the start button. The time limits on the maps are set in such a way that it will be possible to finish each map two times with a minimum of failures (maybe we'll adjust them a little more).

Cup initiators: koala, kyrlik-myrlik, topoviygus.

Prizes of the third cup (paid by koala, for commission-free transfers you will need to create a crypto wallet):
first place - 275$
second place - 150$
third place - 75$

Date and time (we start not in a week, but in two!):
qualifiers - December 9, 18:00 Moscow time (UTC+3)
double elimination - December 10, 18:00 Moscow time (UTC+3)

Qualifiers take place on 6 maps according to our rating scheme. We divide all participants into groups of approximately 10 people. The first group plays all 6 map, then the second, etc.

Read details

  • Each map is played once.
  • After map change you will see menu where you should confirm that you are ready. As soon as everyone is ready, cup admin initiates start. For the first time you don't need to press start button, then you can use it to restart the timer.
  • There are hidden checkpoints placed all over the map (your progress won't reset even if you fall back). If maximum map time is over and you haven't reached the finish, server will suppose that you passed the map with maximum time plus some addition, based on the number of remaining checkpoints. If more than one player have the same last checkpoint, server will take in consideration the order of reaching it.
  • If you die then you will be teleported somewhere at the middle of your path (number of last checkpoint is divided by two).
  • Passing time will be automatically turned into points just like on main servers (article about points system). Points on maps (and on cups) are summed. At the end of the season players will take prizes.

Maps for qualifiers (with maximum times on each)

Based on the results of the qualifiers, the 8 best players advance to the double elimination, which takes place on 6 sets if 5 maps each.

Read details

Before the start of the match, two opponents cross out one map each from a special menu, then they play on the remaining three (the player who has more points in rating crosses out first, if the number of points is equal, the player will be chosen randomly by the plugin). The first one to score two wins is considered the winner of the match. The grid looks like this:

Bracket maps

Round 1
cg_arizonabhop (4:00)
kz_nix (7:00)
cg_brick (7:00)
cg_coldbhop_v2 (2:30)
kz_cliffez (4:00)

Round 2 + Round 1 in lower bracket
chip_bhopnoob (3:40)
fof_chillbhop (3:00)
kz-endo_toonbhopz (7:00)
kz_megabhop_hard (4:30)
hb_promax (2:40)

Round 3 + Round 2 in lower bracket
cg_cbblebhop (3:00)
dyd_paintskill (3:00)
kz_cg_venice (4:00)
kz_nolve (7:00)
kzls_bhop_china (4:30)

Round 4 + Round 3 in lower bracket
kz_anubis (7:00)
slD_bside_nightblock (5:00)
kz_facility (4:20)
kz_goldwood (7:00)
bkm_problock (6:40)

Round 4 in lower bracket
cg_lighthops (5:40)
fu_devhops (7:00)
holy_strafemaster (3:30)
dyd_hb_juhx (3:00)
prochallenge_bhop (5:00)

Spare Round
ad_luhop_h (3:00)
nz_leetbhop (1:30)
prochallenge_longjump (4:40)
dyd_strafejumps_h (5:00)
coma_X (5:00)

If you want to participate, write “+” or “I'm in” in the comments to this newspost.

Another news is the new community map ty_hb_kyrlik_myrlik from TyIIIkA, presenting a series of bhop sections of hard difficulty. The mapper received many useful comments from mapcheckers edZika, hfour and abubas, and he, in turn, did an excellent job of optimizing and detailing the environment.
The map has been added to our servers, enjoy the game!


muj_time done in 03:48.87 (04:02.27 akkuratist) 1 place 30 Exp


alei_hb_vvnlght done in 03:30.37 WR! (03:39.81 tasi) 1 place 50 Exp
cd_vvn1ght_v15 done in 09:40.05 WR! 1 place 50 Exp
hb_JumpL done in 04:09.08 1 place 20 Exp
jro_toons done in 04:30.13 WR! (06:18.65 tasi) 1 place 50 Exp
sp1_ahegao done in 03:03.76 WR! (03:48.72 tasi) 1 place 50 Exp
zink_climbday done in 03:03.40 (02:12.02 colcolx) 7 place 14 Exp


bkz_aztectemple done in 02:43.00 WR! (03:09.87 Lifestealer+) 1 place 60 Exp
bkz_challenge_block done in 01:21.62 WR! (01:42.12 famch) 1 place 60 Exp
daza_2010 done in 02:56.63 WR! (03:02.58 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
dyd_paintskill done in 00:59.21 WR! (01:00.04 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
hnslt_cliffmania done in 02:01.23 WR! (02:06.95 all1aNcE) 1 place 31 Exp
hnslt_rockmania done in 02:25.17 WR! (02:37.07 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
ins_white done in 02:42.66 WR! (03:09.16 lampoviyASd) 1 place 60 Exp
ksz_jumpnduck done in 00:53.70 WR! (00:54.56 Creep) 1 place 31 Exp
kz-endo_topspeed done in 02:29.01 WR! (02:31.51 rze) 1 place 60 Exp
kzpt_pgc_outskirts done in 01:59.90 WR! (02:06.36 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
kztw_brick done in 02:17.73 WR! (04:42.66 tasi) 1 place 60 Exp
trC_mycraft_bhopalley_trC done in 01:36.47 WR! (01:43.35 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp


kzzNk_fastwood done in 03:32.67 WR! (03:44.10 Marusya) 1 place 60 Exp
sp1_fragments5 done in 02:39.36 (02:14.80 rawe) 2 place 29 Exp


all1_hb_flores done in 01:15.29 (01:17.00 Silk_Road) 1 place 30 Exp


5oXen_hb_MuZzLee done in 01:27.85 WR! (01:33.43 Juby) 1 place 50 Exp
cd_2077 done in 01:11.90 WR! (01:12.63 millyrock) 1 place 20 Exp
hb_kasalasa_e done in 01:23.27 WR! (01:27.26 Cordyline) 1 place 50 Exp


j2s_4floors done in 02:15.15 (02:16.80 korban) 1 place 30 Exp


5oXen_remarkable done in 01:46.38 WR! (01:48.33 Cordyline) 1 place 31 Exp


r3_edils done in 00:59.32 1 place 30 Exp


malle_hb_malle done in 01:57.09 WR! (02:06.27 kokccc) 1 place 60 Exp
tig_greenjumps done in 02:22.71 (02:27.53 Antarktida) 1 place 30 Exp
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[CS16] Release #284 - 26 new records + KZ-Rush Cup Stage 2: Checkpoints Results

Posted by Kpoluk 20 Nov 2023 in 18:51
The second day of the cup turned out to be long, but, starting from the second round, it gave us many interesting confrontations. Recordings of the streams can be found on our YouTube channel (day1 and day 2). The top five prize places are as follows:

1 place: topoviygus +400$
2 place: PMSA +220$
3 place: dropzone +150$
4 place: outside +120$
5 place: brokoly +110$

Congratulations to the winners, we express our gratitude to the streamers and our donor koala!

Also now you can vote for maps for the third cup (you can choose from 1 to 10 maps):

Vote for maps for the third cup

At the third cup we will allow to restart the timer, so the maps chosen are quite short. The list turned out to be small, besides it includes several hard maps. If they make it to the mappool based on the voting results, then we will leave them for the spare round and possibly the final; the maps for the qualifiers will be guaranteed to be easy. We will publish the mappool in a week, when registration opens.


ez_hb_z0r done in 00:37.90 WR! (00:39.81 Cordyline) 1 place 31 Exp
fof_dale done in 00:33.57 WR! (00:35.21 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp
kzcn_kunfu done in 01:54.09 WR! (02:04.13 MEEL) 1 place 60 Exp
kzsca_we_cliff done in 01:18.81 WR! (01:20.72 Kris) 1 place 31 Exp
pcm_mls_parched done in 01:23.97 WR! (01:25.03 paslalala) 1 place 60 Exp
zink_creteblock done in 01:13.22 WR! (01:13.80 colcolx) 1 place 30 Exp


5oXen_remarkable done in 01:48.33 WR! (01:50.40 rawe) 1 place 60 Exp


kz_lain done in 02:13.64 (01:50.31 Dolphin) 6 place 25 Exp


kz_mls_warehouse done in 05:05.34 WR! (05:58.23 actepukc333) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_sfinx done in 07:05.54 WR! (11:36.54 zver) 1 place 60 Exp


kzzNk_puchy done in 02:52.70 (02:39.09 rawe) 2 place 29 Exp


malle_hb_malle done in 02:06.27 WR! (02:27.28 tasi) 1 place 60 Exp


slide_svn_giantramp_ez done in 01:32.71 (01:34.98 Silk_Road) 1 place 1 Exp


cd_2077 done in 01:12.63 WR! (01:15.52 Juby) 1 place 60 Exp
cd_vvn1ght_v16 done in 03:28.82 WR! (03:50.48 Juby) 1 place 60 Exp
hb_kasalasa_h done in 01:44.45 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
tig_bluehops done in 04:09.67 WR! 1 place 60 Exp


hb_RoN done in 02:08.89 WR! (07:00.84 Juby) 1 place 60 Exp
kz_j2s_icevalley done in 02:10.56 (02:11.59 lambdaaa) 1 place 30 Exp


mls_icefall_bhop done in 01:35.97 (01:32.53 additional) 3 place 1 Exp


hb_kasalasa_e done in 01:44.47 (01:27.26 Cordyline) 4 place 27 Exp
hb_promax done in 01:03.59 (01:13.25 luantw) 1 place 30 Exp
mls_hb_srg done in 01:19.27 (01:16.33 seniug) 3 place 28 Exp
mls_tabyn done in 02:44.09 (02:01.38 rawe) 3 place 28 Exp


5oXen_minipit done in 02:49.45 WR! (03:24.85 Zilelele) 1 place 30 Exp
hb_Bandi done in 02:12.98 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
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KZ-Rush Cup Stage 2: Checkpoints

Posted by Kpoluk 18 Nov 2023 in 07:26

After yesterday's CS update it crashes at start for many players. To solve the problem just switch to beta (Steam library - right click on CS - Properties - Betas - Choose beta from the list).

All participants who bound their Steam ID to site profile, received private messages on the site with invite link to the cup chat. There we will announce servers IP and other information, so entry is mandatory.

Date and time:
qualifiers - November 18, 17:00 Moscow time (UTC+3)
double elimination - November 19, 17:00 Moscow time (UTC+3)

Stream #1 ( MEDVDED_EBUN in Russian):
Stream #2 ( Phantometry in English):
Stream #3 ( PMSA in Chinese):
Stream #4 ( 5_Nico no comments):

Download cup maps

Participants list of qualifiers
topoviygus - in chat
rawe - in chat
pepi - in chat
V4R10L4V3R4 - in chat
millyrock - in chat
Nesquick - in chat
PMSA - in chat
Dawn - in chat
GGININDER - in chat
dropzone - in chat
xarebava - in chat
Rachel - in chat
outside - in chat
brokoly - in chat

Qualifiers results:
summary rating of 6 maps

Eight leaders (we'll also consider rating for choosing the order for crossing off):

1. topoviygus
3. dropzone
4. outside
5. pepi
6. brokoly
7. V4R10L4V3R4
8. Rachel

Then it goes like this: 1 plays with 5, 2 with 6, 3 with 7, 4 with 8.
The bracket of the second day of the cup is here: BRACKET

KZ-Rush Cup Stage 2: Checkpoints - Registration

Posted by Kpoluk 12 Nov 2023 in 19:20

We are opening registration for the second cup! The games will take place on hard-extreme and extreme maps, selected based on voting results.

Cup initiators: koala, kyrlik-myrlik, topoviygus.

Prizes of the first cup (paid by koala, for commission-free transfers you will need to create a crypto wallet):
first place - 400$
second place - 220$
third place - 150$
forth place - 120$
fifth place - 110$

Date and time:
qualifiers - November 18, 17:00 Moscow time (UTC+3)
double elimination - November 19, 17:00 Moscow time (UTC+3)

Qualifiers take place on 6 maps according to our rating scheme. We divide all participants into groups of approximately 10 people. The first group plays all 6 map, then the second, etc.

Read details

  • Each map is played once.
  • After map change you will see menu where you should confirm that you are ready. As soon as everyone is ready, cup admin initiates start. You don't need to press start button, but you have to press the finish (unless maximum time has expired).
  • There are hidden checkpoints placed all over the map (your progress won't reset even if you fall back). If maximum map time is over and you haven't reached the finish, server will suppose that you passed the map with maximum time plus some addition, based on the number of remaining checkpoints. If more than one player have the same last checkpoint, server will take in consideration the order of reaching it.
  • If you die then you will be teleported somewhere at the middle of your path (number of last checkpoint is divided by two).
  • Passing time will be automatically turned into points just like on main servers (article about points system). Points on maps (and on cups) are summed. At the end of the season players will take prizes.

Maps for qualifiers (with maximum times on each)

cd_2333 (10 minutes)
fu_extreme (10 minutes)
chip_bhopnoob_x (13 minutes)
hb_ShoCk (20 minutes)
v4r_intensity (30 minutes)
fu_insane (20 minutes)

Based on the results of the qualifiers, the 8 best players advance to the double elimination, which takes place on 6 sets if 5 maps each. Before the start of the match, two opponents cross out one map each from a special menu, then they play on the remaining three. The first one to score two wins is considered the winner of the match.

Note. Based on the results of feedback from the participants of the first cup, the cross out scheme will change. This time, the player who has more points in rating will cross out first (if the number of points is equal, the player will be chosen randomly by the plugin). In the first round, the advantage will be given to the one who performed better in the qualifiers; then the chance to gain an advantage will be greater for those who complete more maps or score more points with an equal number of maps.

Bracket maps

Round 1
all1_unusually (12 minutes)
dyd_onlime (10 minutes)
fu_xtremeblock (10 minutes)
kz_synergy_x (9 minutes)
kzblt_dx_blueshadow2 (13 minutes)

Round 2 + Round 1 in lower bracket
cd_climb (18 minutes)
kzro_blueblock (8 minutes)
hama_hb_all1aNce (25 minutes)
cd_2333_v2 (15 minutes)
ffy_kenzo (9 minutes)

Round 3 + Round 2 in lower bracket
hb_galya (9 minutes)
hfr_302 (13 minutes)
abu_hb_MishaVision (11 minutes)
hfr_refuge (15 minutes)
kzua_mk_illumina_h (30minutes)

Round 4 + Round 3 in lower bracket
abu_hb_all1aNce (12 minutes)
abu_hb_dropzone (12 minutes)
kzz_bhop (12 minutes)
mojito_hb_paslalala_ez (15 minutes)
hb_cauture (15 minutes)

Round 4 in lower bracket
imkz_tsfh (15 minutes)
kzru_technology_x (10 minutes)
sec-room_x (15 minutes)
dyd_hb_throttle (7 minutes)
ffy_hb_tipsy (7 minutes)

Spare Round
hb_t1mef (15 minutes)
hfr_hb_all1ance (17 minutes)
kzblt_dx_mercy (10 minutes)
kzua_zp_hamunaptra_x (13 minutes)
qcg_arid (20 minutes)

If you want to participate, write “+” or “I'm in” in the comments to this newspost.
Also make sure you've bound your Steam ID to the site account.

KZ-Rush Cup Stage 1: Classic Results + Winter Map Contest

Posted by Kpoluk 6 Nov 2023 in 15:52

KZ-Rush Cup

Based on the results of the last cap, the recording of which can be viewed on our channel (day1 and day 2), the tournament donator koala decided to add $50 to all participants from the top eight and $100 to the main streamers MEDVDED_EBUN and Phantometry. Thus, we got 8 prizes:

1st place: rawe +325$
2nd place: dropzone +$200
3rd place: promax +125$
4th - 8th places:
HaMMa +50$
Toff1fee +50$
ShoCk +50$
brokoly +50$
PMSA +50$

We congratulate the winners, thank the streamers and, of course, the donator himself, and immediately begin to prepare for the next cup, registration for which opens in a week. For now, we’ll take a cup scheme similar to the first one, but the difference will be that difficulty will be hard-extreme and extreme, and we’ll allow the use of checkpoints. The mappool is formed by you, our readers, just select from 1 to 10 maps in a new vote:

Vote for maps for the second cup

Winter Map Contest

Since Phantometry refused money for the stream, we are redirecting this $100 to the prize fund of the Winter Map Contest, which starts today and will last until the end of the year. This means that on New Year's Day we will publish the maps of all participants. Please note that the process of mapchecking in our upload lasts one to two months, that is, you need to start creating your masterpiece right now. So, briefly:

How to participate: put your new map with a winter theme design into our map upload and fix every issue found by our mapcheckers
Competition end: December 31 (you must upload the first version in advance)
Current prize pool: $100
- first place 50$, second 30$, third 20$
- winners are determined by voting in January
- winners need to have a crypto wallet

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