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[CS16] Release #305 - 20 new records + LAN update

Posted by Kpoluk 25 May in 17:32
Changelog for lan pack v. 4.19:

  • some time ago I talked about how the number of world records on our mappool is distributed approximately equally between XJ, Cosy and KZ-Rush, and therefore the /wr command on lan now shows the records of all communities having the current map and which have the wr command in the corresponding line in the records.ini file (now this command is registered for all three communities).
  • added cvar kz_whatused upon request (default 0). If you set it to 1, then when you save the demo, the title will indicate the number of cp and gc made, the fact of using a hook, pause and noclip. This will help those who keep their unsuccessful attempts.
  • cvar kz_newnightvision now has a new state 2, in which the nightvision is not so bright (by the way, on the servers I also reduced the brightness, but did not add new states).
  • cvars ljs_good/pro/holy/leet/god_sound_source have been added to the lan version of jump stats; with their help you can change the sounds used by the stats.
  • I deleted the configs from the lan archive, all new settings will be added to your configs themselves, without overwriting already saved settings.


bq_colorblock done in 03:29.71 WR! (03:38.17 cstrike) 1 place 20 Exp


av_degyptianez done in 02:38.01 WR! (02:38.05 colcolx) 1 place 32 Exp


kzlt_rainhop done in 01:08.81 WR! (01:10.33 David38) 1 place 21 Exp


cd_2077 done in 01:15.31 (01:10.81 Juby) 3 place 18 Exp


er92_speedtest done in 01:40.00 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_f1ut done in 01:25.01 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_govs done in 02:31.90 WR! (03:16.09 tasi) 1 place 60 Exp
ym_hxsb_fundament_ez done in 01:28.08 2 place 29 Exp


kz_kzfr_alexandrie done in 05:49.30 1 place 30 Exp
kzex_earthruins done in 02:08.11 (02:24.93 HELLBOUND) 1 place 30 Exp
kzgr_propelled done in 07:15.93 (07:48.08 rawe) 1 place 30 Exp


ym_hxsb_fundament_ez done in 01:03.40 WR! 1 place 50 Exp


b2j_g0ldwalk done in 01:24.31 (01:01.56 Dolphin) 14 place 7 Exp


er92_speedtest done in 01:56.57 2 place 29 Exp
kzra_squares done in 06:11.79 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
kzzNk_f1ut done in 01:46.44 2 place 29 Exp
kzzNk_mits done in 02:30.82 (01:52.96 KaMi) 2 place 29 Exp
kzzNk_textils done in 01:36.37 (00:46.59 KaMi) 2 place 29 Exp
sl_oldmap done in 03:13.02 WR! 1 place 60 Exp
tig_soulway done in 02:37.20 (01:58.90 Juby) 2 place 29 Exp
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