Survey about RInput
For dealing with jerks in mouse acceleration we have long recommended using
RInput, but now the issue about using third-party programs is under discussion, hence we need to understand how many people currently use this utility. If you run it,
please write about it in the comments to this newspost. However, first make sure that you still need it. Run the game without RInput, make sure you set
m_rawinput 1, try strafing.
LAN pack update
The pack has been updated to version 4.20, the following functions have been added at user requests:
- When fast round restart is used, all enities of
class are reset to their original state. This way, you don't have to wait until all the moving blocks return to their places. I tested this as much as I could, and also asked for help with tests in the admin chat, but no one has responded in a month and a half, so if you find any bugs in the new feature, write to me immediately (on the site or on Steam).
- You can now create your own start and finish buttons using the /buttons menu. Chat messages change accordingly when using these buttons.
- The strafe statistics now include information about the number of frames in the duck. Also, the /deviation (or /dev) command adds a line to the main stats with the deviation from the base jump direction (base means along the X or Y axis of the map, the deviation is displayed only if it is at least 20% of the total distance). The deviation is enabled permanently by the ljs_main_deviation 1 cvar.
- Added new cvars ljs_good_color, ljs_pro_color, ljs_holy_color, ljs_leet_color, ljs_god_color with chat color values from 0 to 5 ((0 - standard, 1 - green, 2 - team color, 3 - gray, 4 - red, 5 - blue),
- Func_water objects can now also be highlighted using the /ent menu.
New community map
JIG_happy_nature_ez presents his third map
JohnD. The map is short, but it has gone through quite a long journey, collecting comments from
all1aNcE and me. Thanks to everyone who participated for their work. I warn other mappers against using old low-quality textures from the default set, now there are many wad files with textures for any style. Enjoy the game!
kz_hb_Hopez from the latest release of was added to the Hard server. And once again I will remind you about the
mapper contest, the first version of the map should be uploaded to our upload before April 1.
New screenshots of shortcuts
Drawh1st0ry continues his work on adding screenshots of shortcuts. This time the following maps were added and supplemented:
maps with shortcuts
Articles about physics of techniques
The series of articles about physics of techniques in CS 1.6 is finished. After the article about
Ladder physics I've posted articles about
Glide and
Wallbug, and made a few corrections to some others (for example, Step 2 was edited in the article about